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RP: GM Cinematics Sunrise


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.7
RP Location
Motoyoshi-jo, Yamatai
Kyoto Yamatai

The sun crept slowly above the horizon as morning came to Yamatai on a day that had been decided to deal with fate's hand. A vivid taste of fire; oranges and reds licked across the courtyards and shimmered upon the polished surface of the Motoyoshi Castle upon the homeworld. The plans for the morning had changed during the night, and that hour of the car going to the spaceport to pick up Katsuko had gone and passed without any movement at all, save maybe an Otar or two prowling the outer courtyard or up the main driveway.

There was no Motoyoshi Keibi, the business suit protectors of the clan. They had been replaced though with something else, a potent and yet subtle message of what was to come. Some might see the messages which were soon to be delivered as weakness, but it would be those who underestimated once again the resolve of the Motoyoshi, their drive, and the more than unconventional tactics they deployed when tested. A war of words had been started by those with very little clout to place behind those words. The rising sun hit the fully geared Motoyoshi Samurai which now stood guard at the gates, blades sheathed and motionless as the wind jostled the branches of the fading leaves sending them spiraling to the ground at the feet of the armored men and women.

The flag of Yamatai flew high on the flag pole most central, with that of the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector and the Motoyoshi Mon framed on either side and just below. A fourth flag however appeared upon the staff that morning, an old missing relic of times past slightly faded by the hummingbird still visible. Taiie's marker flapped within the breeze, still there like the ever-beating heart which had put courage in the hearts of those who stood ceremonially on guard. They knew it was no secret that soon the message of Katsuko's resignation as Premier and more importantly the words that the world goes with it would be delivered. She didn't return from Jiyuu; not to say that she would not soon come to speak to Himiko herself, after all, Yamatai was still their home too.

Perhaps it was all for the best, not that any of those soldiers spoke about the things they had been told. Opinions passed through the glassy contact of eyes. A sword was about to be struck through the ominous black cloud of opposition once again.

In Victory for Yamatai, surely the responses that would soon follow their leader's words would not spire unfortunate events and consequences. Their oath dripped with the nectar of the orchids.