Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.



Inactive Member
[All are welcome. Pleae keep posts somewhat short. I find it easier for people to keep track and stay involved if posts are not super long. Just use your better judgement.]

[Premise: Current time. Urban city. Genetically altered heroes/villains - gentical engineering is an outlawed practice due to the ability to evolve humans to a superhuman level, yet it continues in society behind closed doors by government scientists with private interests.]

The streets were empty as Mark Carbon slowed his matte black Ducati Desmosedici to a stop at red light. The city curfew had been instilled in recent weeks due to increased violence and police were usually the only ones found to be roaming at night. - well, besides those who enjoyed the thrill of the night life.

He flipped up his solid black visor and pulled his sleeves back to just below his elbows as he leaned back up from his riding position. He had decided to head to a new club that had just recently opened. After adjusting the P99 tucked in back of his belt under his leather jacket, he pulled down on his gloves and leaned forward, gripping the handles of the bike.

He flips his visor down just as the light turns green and barrels down the empty street...
As the bike pulled up to the light, Osiris Nikols turned his head. Quirking a blonde brow he watched the male lean up, adjust something behind him but not on the bike, and then speed off. Stroking his goatee with a slim hand, Osiris turn back to watching the walk signal, and when it allowed him to walk, he stepped off the curb, white basketball shoes showing in the faint white light of the streetlamp above him, beneath the cuffs of slightly oversized carpenter style jeans. After stuffing his hands back into the pouch on the front of his grey USA hoodie he mumbled softly, so only he could hear.

"What an odd fellow, riding so recklessly at night, and carrying a gun like that is just dangerous." His mouth turned up in a slight smirk as he pushed his wire rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Different strokes for different folks, I guess." He added, feeling the two claw style blades tapping against his waist, hidden beneath his sweatshirt
After bending through a turn, Mark straightened out and popped the front wheel of his bike up as he picked up speed. The club was only a few blocks away and he needed to entertain himself as the streets were so barren. The police must be attending to their crooked shakedowns of pimps and hustler's again, he thought.

Just as the front wheel of his bike touched pavement, an incredible explosion erupted from his right side and shook what seemed to be the entire world; at least from his perspective. Due to the momentum and the extreme force of the explosion, Mark was thrown to the curb, along with his bike.

"What the f...", Mark began to mutter to himself as he lie sprawled on the sidewalk. He pulled his helmet up and let it fall carelessly back on to the ground. After regaining some composure, he pulled himself up slightly to see what had happened.

A huge hole was blown out from the side of the building accross from him out of which a few shady figures were emerging. Unfortunately all of the street lights had gone out from the blast and Mark could not get a good look at who was to blame.

His gun caught his eye as it lie a few yards away from him. He casually reached his hand out and the gun flew right to it. Snatching the gun from the air, he leaned up and placed it at the back of his belt.
Saphia was sweating she was in a bed..Doctors poked and prodded her they shot red fluid in her...[She screamed] Her Blond hair over her face she could barely see...She cant remember anything..nothing at all..Another doctor came and gave her a shot she then passed out
Meanwhile, Harlowe Davis dove from a nearby rooftop, pressing a button on his wrist panel. The micro-repulsors in his skintight black bodysuit hummed to life, giving him that semblance of flight he seemed to revel in having. Soaring off after his pursuers, the papers loose in the street fluttered in the wind as he rocketed past. Producing a blade (literally) from thin air, Harlowe made a low slice at the first man, taking three fingers off his right hand and causing him to drop a bag to the ground. Dropping to the ground, he stood in front of the men.

He was dressed nonassumingly: white button-down Oxford, tan slacks, black overcoat. What may have been ID tags from a laboratory could be identified hung from his lapel. He had slicked back black hair and strange blue-purple eyes that glowed ever so slightly. The first bandit stopped, two others turning to tend to their wounded buddy.

"I suggest you drop the loot and run." Harlowe said, deadpan.
She awoke she was strapped to a Black metal machine..she couldn't move she looked around no one was near she was in a big white room..she cant remember anything at all tho she got the feeling that she did something wrong
She looked down her body was loosely wrapped with a sheet.she grumbled and sat their waiting for someone to come. She heard screaming not to far away...
Glancing down from the rooftops Peter saw the man pull the gun from the ground with out any assistance. Hmm a Telekinetic eh? This will be fun. With that thought he dissappeared from his location on the roof and reappeared behind the man with the gun and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hello, how are you?"
*She screamed effortlessly* Who can help me....She stood as the metal wrapped around her.*The door opened once again and a docter came in* he pulled out the red liquid and pushed it in her skin.
She turned red as it burned in her,.. she passed out when the docter knocked her out.
Arsenik was leaning against the outer wall of a dingy club, waiting for someone - anyone - interesting to show up. She carefully studdied her long, finely manicured nails, inspecting the metalic blue paint for chips. The muffled sound of an explosion shocked her out of her practiced boredom and her strait, waist-length hair changed from blonde to black before she could catch herself. Taking a few steps out into the street, Arsenik looked around for the source of the noise, but she couldn't see anything against the pitch-black night sky.

Sighing mightily, Arsenik returned to her nonchalant position aginst the brick wall, her tightly buttoned black trench swirling around her ankles as she walked. With what appeared to be the utmost concentration, she changed each of her fingernails to lime green.

After almost twenty minutes of study, Arsenik decided that she was satisfied with the color, and with one last glance at the skyline, she ducked into the nearby alley. The faint clicking of her combat boots was the only indicator that she had been there at all.
Osirus again looked up, pursing his lips to the side a little and again pushing up his glasses.

"Why in the world do things like this happen when you go out on walks to get away from things like this happening?" He mumbled to himself, slipping his hands out of the hoodie and cracking the knuckles...His hands had been bothering him lately, always feeling like they were encased in metal that was slowly crushing the bones. The only relief came when he would pop all of the joints with a practiced rhythm.

"Well? What do you guys think? Should we go check it out?"

His answer came as two large, scruffy looking mutts strode out of the alley to his left, canting their heads to the side.

"I know that it was loud, and scary sounding, but society goes to hell in a handbasket when good people do nothing. Yes, I know you're not people, and I know you don't know what hell is...Are you going to come or not?" Osirus looked to the side, the dogs just staring up at him.

"Alright, I can't say that I blame you. But I am going anyway..."

And then he broke into a light jog, hands slipping back into the pocket on the front of his shirt.

"I swear, when you hear the words of dogs, you begin to realize just how cowardly and self centered they really are..."
"Alright, a no go then?" Harlowe said in a menacing tone, twirling the left-hand blade ever-so-slightly in his grip. "Good, I was looking for a fight anyways." The first bandit fired a three-round burst from a MAC-10 he had been carrying in the robbery. Effortlessly, Harlowe dodged all three bullets by rolling to the side before throwing a fist out towards him. Three purple tendrils burst from the extended fist, wrapping themselves around the man and lifting him from the air in a motion Harlowe mimicked.

He swept his fist to the right, using the man in his strange tendrils' grip as a mace to club his team-mates unconscious. He then set the fourth man down on the side of the street, and walked over to check on the man who was wounded in his initial attack. He bound the man's fist in a crude tourniquet and retrieved the bag he had dropped, activating the photoreceptors on his undersuit to turn himself invisible just ast Osiris rounded the corner. The dogs started barking, right at the worst possible moment, and Harlowe found himself floating three-feet above the ground carrying a bag of stolen goods, with a menacing man and two menacing dogs staring down at him.

"Err... Oops." Harlowe quickly dropped the bag of stuff and made for the rooftops with his flight-pack.
Peter rubbed his head after waking up from his unconsciousness.
Another Super? This is going to be really fun
Pulling out his katana, peter went over to the fallen telekinetic.
"You are marked." he whispered into the mans ear. Then he barely tapped the mans face the the monomolecular edge of his blade, but the mark was surely left. A red line of blood now went across the mans entire face. It would take a long time to heal but when it did the mark would be very evident.

After marking the man peter teleported with a large burst of light to the nearby rooftops to try to find the man who had knocked him unconscious.
She finally woke up. She looked around the room to see if anything was out of place.The door was old and rusty andoff of its henges.She Pulled her arms up and the rooten straps gave way.

She looked down and stumbled a little bit.It was like waking from a long dream.*She looked at the door and decided to leave.

A few minutes later she emereges in the streets of the city the building she came out of was a old drug store.The building where full of lights and everything was dark.She groaned asshe moved slowly about.
"We have reports of a code 211S on South Greenwood." Came the voice of the dispatch officer.

"Rodger that Dispatch, this is Car #38, and I am moving to location now." Police Sergeant Andrew Mully said.

He slammed a foot on the gas as several other officers chimed in that they were on their way to the scene. Within moments the streets were filled with the sounds of wailing police sirens.
Harlowe mumbled something unintelligible to himself, still at standoff range with dog-boy. Eventually, he decided staying in the same place as before for too long was a bad idea, so he kicked the suit's micro-repulsors into overdrive and headed in the opposite direction, back towards the crime scene and police officers and away from Osiris.