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RP: 188604 SuperMarket Sweep

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Nepleslia, the nice parts >

N.E.P. , One of the largest grocery stores on Nepleslia, and certainly one of the nicer ones.

Fresh fruits and vegtables stretched out in all direction from where Uso was standing, in actual open bins no less... a small robotic cart following her around as she made her way through the shopping center. The clean floors and well lit rooms were quite a few steps the vending-machine-only stores that populated most of the planet.

"OK Tacitus. You're up. What looks good?"

Nepleslia was certainly a planet he hadn't been to; at least not to his knowledge on that matter. He made sure to stay close to Uso and not get seperated from her. Even though he had a living body, did he have any form of ID now? Eh best not to dwel on uncertainties.

"Well...that's a hard choice right off the bat." Tacticus commented as he let his gaze wander down the long line of fresh produce. "There's a lot of good things here to my knowledge.."

"Well... yeah, but how many of those things have you actually eaten before?" Uso asked, picking up a fruit... some kind of reddish-orange apple, and holding it out for Tacticus.

"None honestly..." Tacticus replied, kind of glancing away.

True he had been eating since he got this body, but he honestly wasn't sure of what the Pine family prepared for the few times they had him over. So he wasn't sure what he had eaten already and what he hadn't. Accepting the piece of fruit, he rubbed his thumbs against the smooth outer skin of the apple. The sensation of touch was honestly still a surprising thing to the former robot. He had watched many things grow on that farm, he helped to harvest so many kinds of food. And never once did he get to feel the item.

He remembered the farmer's daughters saying how fuzzy the peaches were yet how prickly the outer shell of a black walnut was. He could look at these things and take note of their descriptions to him. But he never got to feel em.

"You uh.. I mean, someone showed you how to eat right?" Uso asked, tilting her head to the side as she considered all of the things Tacitus might have needed to be taught. "... Imean, you have breathing down it looks like..."

"Huh? Oh no no, the Pines helped with that...as well..." Tacticus replied, giving a sigh. "Breathing seems more...instinctive I think is the way to put it. A few times I did stop breathing due to thinking that it was a process I had to keep on my mind to do. But then I was just making that whole matter over complicated. So I guess I have breathing done rather well..."

"Cool. Cool." Uso nodded, "How about eating? Go ahead and try the fruit... let me know what your tasters think about it. Is this something a billion people who live on a sand-planet would consider worth their time?"

"I've had a couple of meals with the Pines, so I have a grasp on that. Cooking though..eh no. Can't do that." Tacticus replied with a weak laugh. "Don't we have to buy this first?"

"We'll pay on the way out!" Uso said, "This is a nice place, they don't worry about people stealing because people have money already..."

Tacticus pulled a little back, startled by her slightly raised voice when she explained that they would pay on the way out. He really needed to stop being so easily nervous, he knew that was a problem. How though? How could he fix that part of himself? Even with a new body, it seems old habits of his own somehow made their way into it.

"Okay, okay." Tacticus replied, making sure not to say sorry or anything like that.

Looking at the apple, he polished it off a little bit before doing as Uso wanted him to. There was a audiable crunch sound, a good sound for a apple to have. Course his eyes lit up and he made a sound after chewing what he had bitten off.

"Oh! That's actually rather sweet but nice! There's a good bit of juice with it too." Tacticus said, clearly the item didn't taste bad in his mind.

"Great, so we need.... lots of those... What else catches your eye? There are... uh... these things..." Uso grabbed a small green fruit... possibly some kind of grape, and tossed it towards Tacticus. "Course if you get bored with fruit they've got all kinds of frozen stuff."

Tacticus reached out with both hands, just barely managing to catch the green item. A relieved sigh left him. Adjusting his grip on the grapes and the partially eaten apple in the other hand. He took one of the grapes off the stem and poped it in his mouth. The flavor wasn't as nice as the apple, it wasn't horrible. A little bit sour in his opinion but that didn't mean others wouldn't like it. This also wasn't something he'd seen before.

"I think sour is the best way to put this, at least in my opinion." Tacticus answered, setting the rest of them into the cart but still holding onto the appel.

"Is that bad?" Uso asked, "... Some people like sour. Though as a first time eater your opinion would bee........." She seemed quite intent to hear the answer.

Tacticus rubbed at a part of his cheek where the upper and lower jaw connected. Appearing to be in some discomfort.

"I'm not...sure if that is bad, it kinda hurts though." Tacticus replied. "I'm not a fan of the flavor but, others probably are."

"Later then. We're looking for stuff that's easy to like. No need to buy a million of em if only a small group is going to like them.... Hey how do you feel about vegtables?" Uso would pull a long, orange, thing off one of the shelves and hand it over to Tacitus.

Tacticus gave a nod, though he wondered on just what the item was when she gave it to him. It looked familiar as he held it in his hand.

"Isn't this...a carrot?" Tacticus asked, trying to search his memories.

On the farm, the family he worked under grew carrots once. They didn't do well though and they didn't even have enough to try and sell. Though he did recall the daughters playing with a few baby carrots.

"I heard that carrots are really good for your eyes." Tacticus added, taking a bite.

The crunch was rather audiable though he found himself liking the flavor it had.

"I think people would like this." Tacticus said before taking another bite of it.

"Cool... lots of carrots then." Uso would make her way through the vegtable area, having Tacticus try one thing after another.

The next isle would be Sodas, and Uso would grab the first thing she could find. "Ok, so ginger ale. How do you feel about this?" She asked, handing over a can and then poping the top for Tacticus.

Tacticus would follow along, tasting thing after thing; and finally finishing the things he had been given earlier on that he liked. In all honesty, he was parched by the time they got to the soda isle. Seeing her just crack the lid open, he was a bit surprised but. She had been doing this all day, so he accepted the drink and tried it.

"A little bitter.." Tacticus said. "Though tolerable in all honesty. Ginger is a really healthy thing for one to have. It can help with a lot of simple issues."

"Cool... so like... a billion gingers will be needed...." Uso said, deep in thought, standing in place rather than moving on to the next soda to force upon Tacticus. "How do you get all this stuff out there anyways? Unless its all in bottles it starts rotting like... right away... we'd need to turn it all into food on the spot... which makes Akemi's hydropnics idea seem more reasonable since you could have the processing stuff in there....

Do we need some kinda farm... factory.... tractor thing?"

"What do you mean out there?" Tacticus asked

"There, you know, like turning it from plants into stuff you can actually eat." Uso said,

"... I mean, not you.... well, you now sure... and I can eat just about anything... but I mean, the humans don't just eat stuff from the ground. They can it or whatever. They take the plants and turn them into food."
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