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Approved Character Susuyu Enime


Inactive Member
Since Fred prodded me to get her posted this weekend, so he doesn't leave me behind, here's Susuyu. I've already spoken to a couple of different people about the experience, and the medals, but I'd like to hear what Fred has to say as well, if possible, since he hasn't seen her before now.
I'm surprised you didn't use Atsukoha, your YSS Freedom character that the Eucharis rescued.

My only beef with Enime's bio is the history section, which makes it seem like she was punished for pointing out problems in commanders. No only is it very vague, but it seems contrary to the Star Army values and implies there is some sort of corruption going on. I need more details. Who did she accuse and what did she accuse that officer(s) of?
Nothing like that. I'm talking more about things like commanders who don't necessarily do things by the book, or who were making decisions based on inappropriate reasoning, like promoting friends over someone who might be more qualified. Things that aren't particularly illegal, or that are major problems, but don't follow the spirit of the rules/law, or are "wrong" for lack of a better way to say it.

Also, a large part of why it became an issue for her is because of her personality, where most people probably would've just ended up glossing over it in the end. She tends to be more abrasive, and... well, stubborn for lack of a better word, and that's not a good combination when she's combined with people she no longer respects due to their actions.