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Approved Submission Swabbers Co.


Lover of Purple
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Spaceship cleaning service
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=swabbers_co

Faction: Independent
FM Approved Yet? Try find the Independent option in government paperwork...
Faction requires art? Space; the final tax haven.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No.
Contains New art? Yes, a crappy little logo put together by myself in Paint.
Previously Submitted? No.

Swabbers Co. is a small idea of mine for a starship janitor company, plus some salvage and rescue work. Think in the line of Viscera Cleanup Detail mixed with some Roger Wilco, Space Engineers, and a little Hostage Rescue occasionally.

I'm sort of hoping there's someone out there crazy enough to make a janitor character and end up on different plot ships as a contracted cleaner. That would be mission accomplished with this article.
Reactions: Kai
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
One thing the article seems to be missing is their base of operations and their method of reaching their clients.
I had plans for a small freighter doubling as storehouse and corporate HQ, plus a small fleet of service shuttles of various types, but figured that could wait until I could source some ships from the setting itself. Maybe a few orders in from salvage yards and other corporations. Maybe I can get some utility frigates as well, but baby steps first.

Also, I wasn't sure how much detail would be required for a transient service company that cleaned starships as its primary income source. That and maybe contracting with insurance agencies.
Added corporate headquarters and a decent shuttle fleet for just under 300,000 KS with vehicles from both Origin Shipyards and Gsehrinari Shipyards both. I don't think there will be any objections to their appearance here.
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