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Sylph Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Light Power Armor


Retired Staff
Ketsurui Fleet Yards' Ke-M4-1A
Nekovalkyrja Light Power Armor (Sylph)

History and Background: The Ke-M4 "Sylph" is the fourth LAMIA (Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor) unit designed expressely for operation using the NH-29 Standard Nekovalkyrja's Somatic-Projection Interlinked Neural Ensemble system (SPINE). Contrary to the popular and highly succesful Mindy and Kylie power armors, the Sylph dedicates what resources it has to effect combat against other lightly-armored infantry and marines, prefering to complement a NH-29's physical capabilities with potent features ideal for shipboard combat without the high-risk of severe collateral damage. While not as potentially lethal as other anti-mecha/anti-starship power armor, it can however perform reasonably well against them in close-quarter combat.

About the Sylph M4:
In order to fulfill the demand for a power armor that would properly complement the NH-29's disminished abilities as well as provide a suit that would be safer to use in defending friendly holdings, the Sylph incorporates many features which made it's more powerful sister models very succesful such as the Mindy's flesh interior, resistances to hazards along with the Kylie's armor cover and the former two's reliance on handheld weaponry.

All NH-29 pilots can easily operate the Sylph by sliding themselves into it's fleshy, slick interior; which will open for entry and exit. Instead of the SLICS interface which would connect itself through a pre-NH-29 neko shoulderholes, the backing of the Sylph's fleshy inside just presses itself to the small of it's pilot back, it's SPINE-dedicated receptors picking nervous commands and directing them straight to the operation of the armor while the AIES itself feeds the appropriate sensory data so that the NH-29 feels as if she were the armor itself.

While not the powerhouse it's M2 and M3 sisters are, the Sylph suit still has a lot of merit for being effective at it's task, very user friendly and relatively inexpensive.

  • Government: Yamatai Star Empire
    Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
    Type: Flesh-Core Light Power Armor
    Class: Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor: Series 4, Model A (Type 29)
    Star Army Research Administration
    Star Army First Expeditionary Fleet
    Ketsurui Fleet Yards
    Star Army of Yamatai (Aboard starships)

    Pilot Information: Requires 1 Nekovalkyrja NH-29 to operate the armor via SPINE. Pregnant nekovalkyrja may safely pilot the Sylph M4.
    While some earlier SLICS-using nekovalkyrjas and female yamataians may fit inside the Sylph, only the NH-29 can properly interface with it.
    Pilot must be between 145cm (4' 9") to 170cm (5' 6") tall. An average NH-29 Nekovalkyrja is 160cm (5' 3") tall.

    Height: 175cm (68.9 inches) with a 160cm (5' 3") NH-29 inside. May vary +/- 15cm.
    Width: 62cm (20.41 inches)
    Mass: 73.6kg (162.26 lbs)

    Speed (Sublight, Atmospheric and Underwater): 70mph (112kph)
While the M4 Sylph is capable of making low-orbit atmospheric entries, it is not designed for space travel and thus cannot be considered able of transatmospheric operations. However it is capable of performing both in atmospheric and in vaccuum adequately despite it's lack of reasonable STL/FTL movement, being able of hovering, shifting it's intertia as needed, stopping nearly instantly, increasing and decreasing it's weight as needed. It can effectively ignore gravity, performing feats like walking up walls, ceillings, across water, set foot in mid-air... with ease.

Systems Listings:

  • Ke-M4-E2901 Armor Integrated Electronics System
    Ke-M4-E2902 Conformal Psionic Signal Control Device
    Ke-M4-F2901 Titanium Alloy Endoskeletal Frame
    Ke-M4-F2902 Flesh and Hemosynthetic Interior Insert (Nekovalkyrja NH-29 Type)
    Ke-M4-F2903 Outer Armor with Thermoptic Camouflage (Andrium/Yarvex)
    Ke-M4-G2901 Aetheric Capacitor System
    Ke-M4-R2901 Inertialess Drive System


Hand to Hand Combat: The Sylph M4 Power Armor is as agile as a Nekovalkyrja, far more agile than any human. Sharing the abilities of the Nekovalkyrja in order to maximize the ease of use, the Sylph has extremely flexible joints and as much physical strength as the M2 Mindy (which is a lot). With the armor's inertia-controlling abilities, the force, speed, and particularly, the mobility of the armor is enormous, and the movement can be made as erratic and unpredictable as the pilot can think.

Additional Weaponry: Instead of having mounted weapons as the M2 Mindy and M3 Kylie default with; the Sylph's weapon loadout is very light, relying on handheld weaponry most of the time. It oftentime uses human-scale weapons such as the Type 28 NSP for combat against anti-personnel and such weaponry can easily be strapped over it's hips and lower thigh. There are also two rifle mounting points on the armor's back, allowing the Sylph to use anti-mecha weaponry such as the M2-W2901 Aether Saber Rifle, as long as such weapons be self-powered. It can also fit a CFWEP Package inbetween both holders.


Armor and Stealth Systems:
  • Outer Armor is a mixture of plates of Andrium plating, Yarvex (A highly advanced gluon mesh), and an advanced, flexible Titanium-based alloy frame. The armor is most armored on the main body, and the outside section of the limbs (where the Andrium plating is). The Sylph can still function without its limbs, so long as the core and engine is intact, although this would mean loss of limbs for the pilot. The Ke-M4-R2901 vector-projection can protect the Sylph from scalar attacks.

    Note that the helmet is removable (and is removed before entering or exiting the armor) but unlike it's predecessors, a NH-29 can projects commands to the Sylph's AIES directly without the helmet.

    Interior: The Sylph's warm insides are composed of soft, slimy flesh. The organic components provide shock absorption as well as augmented strength to the pilot. The flesh includes a sophisticated Hemosynthetics (blood-based femtomachine) system that can repair damage to the Sylph's interior. The interior is shielded from heat and radiation, to protect the pilot from the rigors of space travel and atmospheric reentry. Piloting the Sylph is done through SPINE and can only be done by a NH-29 Nekovalkyrja.

    Life Support: The fleshy core of the Sylph houses the life support systems, which include the hemosynthetics system, a rebreather system, an oxygen supply, and a nutrient-enriched (sterile) water supply. The Sylph can support a pilot for up to 7 days before replenishment is needed, or up to 4 years in stasis. If needed, the Sylph can filter outside air to replenish its supply (not usually done until absolutely necessary, though). The Sylph's interior includes a catheter organ that wriggles its way into the pilot's urethra and bladder, keeping the pilots from having to exit the suit to urinate. The interior flesh also will massage the pilot's body from time to time to encourage blood flow and provide increased comfort.

    Control Systems: Actual operation of the armor is natural to Nekovalkyrja and is fairly simple and easy to learn. In a Sylph, the pilot's nervous system gains an extra circuit through the Somatic-Projection Interlinked Neural Ensemble System. All signals to the body are routed through the Sylph and control it like as if it were the Nekovalkyrja's body. Signals to and from the body during piloting are sent from the Sylph's nervous systems.
Active Camouflage: Can place the image of what is on one side of the craft onto the other, creating the effect of invisibility. The Sylph power armor can also use this system to project holograms.

Conformal PSC Device: The Ke-M4-E2902 PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older "ADN" devices. The field generated by the PSC englobes and protects the Sylph entirely, extending out two inches outward of the power armor to prevent the appearance of obvious psionic "dead zones".

Self-Destruct: The M4 Sylph lacks an outwardly destructive self-destruct system, but can be triggered to self-terminate so that it's technology will not fall in enemy hands. This process can be initiated by the pilot (or AIES, if the pilot is dead and involves having the hemosynth fluids inside the fleshy parts of the suit turn hostile to matter and cause significant damage to the armor's internal systems and supports, eventually leading the suit to becoming a mere burned out husk of what it was (with any organic remains dissolved and evaporated).

Armor Integrated Electronics System: The Ke-M4-E2901 system, based on the same concept as the MEGAMI quantum computer, is a network of sensors, communications, and fire control all built around a small centralized computer system. AIES is a subordinate system; it is designed to (but certainly not required to) operate as part of a larger command hierarchy of computers. Above AIES is CIES (for escort ships - frigates, corvettes, and gunboats), EIES (for cruisers, destroyers, and escort carriers), WIES (Warship Integrated Electronics System, for battleships, assault ships, and carriers), MEGAMI, and/or KAMI). Using this system, mother ships receive complete data of the battle.

The heart of the integrated electronics suite is a tiny, but advanced, quantum computer, capable of performing super-high-speed data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits, making them awesomely powerful. In addition, the system's sub-particle memory system allows for truly magical storage and access speeds. Kessaku Anri and her company, Kessaku Electronics Systems Corporation, designed the system.

The Armor Integrated Electronics System is part of the PANTHEON (Projected Access Nodal Transuniversal Heuristic Electronic Operations Network) command and control system. The AIES also interfaces directly with the pilot's mind for seamless data flow and operation of the Sylph light power armor.

Communications: The AIES comes equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them. Communications Systems of the AIES include:
  • Radio: Full spectrum, dual-modulation; range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. Frequency-hop and multi-channel capable. In order to use the secure modes of communication, correct variables must be loaded prior to battle. Such codes are changed on a frequent basis.

    Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed. Text only. Range: 200,000 miles (321,869 km).

    External Audio: The Sylph power armor now includes an external microphone and a speaker to allow the pilot to communicate more easily with nearby persons.

    Homing Device: Normally inactive, this beacon has an independent backup power supply that can keep it transmitting for up to five years, even if the main power system is nonfunctional. If main power is available, the beacon will transmit constantly. If not, the beacon will put out a short distress message twice every two hours (five minutes between).
Sensor Systems of the AIES include:
  • Wide-Band Variable Optical Imaging Array (head): The majority of the sensor systems are located in the head, including a high-resolution variable optical system capable of monitoring a very wide spectrum. By default, the system displays visual and infrared data. There is also a night-vision and ultra-violet mode. The power armor has a gyroscopically-stabilized view of up to 300x magnification. There's a spotlight on the armor's head which helps at night.

    Optical Tracking System (skin): Much like the NH-29S neko, the Sylph power armor can see through its Active Camouflage sensors, giving it a view of its entire surroundings at all times.

    Time-Modulated Ultra-Wide Band Radar: Signals transmitted by UWB radars are pulses generated pseudo-randomly in time. They are only 0.75 nanoseconds in duration. The energy content in any conventional frequency band is below the noise, making TM-UWB transmission highly covert. TM-UWB has no carrier frequency or conversion, and because of the low frequency content of TM-UWB signals, they are capable of seeing through foliage and nonmetallic objects better than regular radar can. Ideal for atmospheric operations and nebulae.

    Fire Control: The AIES does not use an independent Fire Control System per se, but operates a sub-system of itself dedicated to fire control operations. AIES compensates for all movement of the armor and of target ships, and can track upwards of 25,000 targets ranging from pebble-sized shrapnel to planets. AIES-FCS is a balanced system, and works for the armor's defense, as well as offense. Weapons under AIES's control automatically: target sensitive areas of enemy ships; identify friendly assets; optimize beam power and range; guide missiles and torpedoes, assign (and reassign, when necessary) targets in real-time; and control ECM, and ECCM functions. AIES-FCS usually controls all indirect weapons systems. The pilot fires, and AIES takes over tracking the target, creating a "fire and forget" system.
Capacitor System: While lacking an aether generator of its own, the Sylph does posseses an array of highly reliable aether capacitors (Ke-M4-G2901) that can store enough power to guarantee the suit running to it's full capacity for up to 2 weeks of continuous exertion after which the armor will power down. The armor itself can be maintained in a 'sleep mode' while it's user is under stasis or when the armor is simply not being used, and can function with it's life support properties only for up to 5 years before power is entirely depleted. The amount of power left in sleep-mode is proportional to the amount of power left in active mode, meaning that if the suit was running actively for the equivalent of 7 days, only 2.5 years will remain for when the Sylph is in sleep mode.
"through a post NH-29 neko shoulderholes" 'pre'
"the Mindy has extremely flexible joints" 'Sylph'
"Life Support:" Mindy ->> Sylph
"Pilots receive nutrients and oxygen through their HS ports." NH-29 don't have HS ports
"Control Systems:" More Mindy references
"which are distributed throughout the Mindy:" MindyMindyMindy

The Mindys have taken over! Apart from these little points, great work :)
You're very quick David! You noticed them slightly after me ^_^ They are corrected already, but thanks for taking the time to do more than just skim through it (I found them myself with a 'Mindy' word search just a bit before your post ~_^).

NH-29s need the HS port though if they're to operate Mindy power armors like the other nekos. I guess Wes will have to come and clear that issue up.

Edit: Apparently, the Mindy feeds people with sterile nutrient enriched water that doesn't go through the HS ports, but rather... well, somewhere else that's not clearly specified. One way or the other, the Sylph should function just like the Mindy - the only reason why it's fleshy insides are considered a different piece of equipment is due to it's lack of SLICS interface.

But, since this mecha is non-FTL and short range, let's remove the following:
  • Tachyon Tracking System
  • Quintessent Wave Differentialometer
The AIES can be divided into several subsystems, which are distributed throughout the Sylph: The System Core, which consists of the power management system, processor, and central memory system; the inner layer, which includes the environmental control subsystems, force stabilizer (inertial dampener) control, unidirectional sensors, and cockpit interfaces; and the outer layer, which holds the majority of the non-vital electronic systems: mapping and navigation system, weapons control system, armor defensive systems, omnidirectional Sensors, telepathic communications, translator system, auto-pilot, and common control interfaces.
This paragraph can also be removed too, as it isn't really useful.
It was my thinking at first, but it occured to me that if the Sylph was going to be able to use a Mindy's Aether Saber Rifle, the rifle would be able to fire farther than the power armor's sensors would allow.

Even though the Sylph is ideally a short range mecha, it doesn't mean it's completely useless in space combat. It can very well use a anti-mecha rifle and move outside the hull of a ship to fire at opponents.

Doshii Jun suggested that the ship's computer could just supply te information, but I counter-argued that the ship's computer might also be offline, like how things turned out in Sakura Mission 4.

The QWD seemed complementary for the same reasons as I outlined above.

<center>* * *</center>

I hardly mind removing the two. However, are you sure they should be?
Yeah. Worst come to worst, they could always get targeting info from the (over-sensored) Mindy power armors around. Where there's Sylphs, there'll more than likely be Mindy armors present, too, except inside ships, where those (removed) sensors aren't really useful anyway.
Edits done and both sensor systems were removed as requested.

I also corrected the part about the AIES sending information directly to the pilot's TOS, as the NH-29s don't have that anymore. It's now said simply as 'the information is sent directly to the pilot's mind', which should sum it up adequately.
Is there a reason why the Sylph doesn't use Mindy-type Ke-M2-F2702 Flesh and Hemosynthetic Interior Inserts with SLICS support?
Yes. It's because it's not needed. The Sylph's uses a different nomenclature for it's fleshy insides because it lacks the SLICS interface - it is therefore different.

The NH-27 Samurai nekovalkyrja use the M2 Mindy already. The NH-17 are supposed to be phased out. The NH-29s are the only ones whom will really come to use the Sylph, as it pretty much caters to their 'let the power armor be your special abilities and brawns'.

If anything, it's an incentive to have the NH-17 turn into NH-29 simply because they are obsolete and that KFY isn't going to produce SLICS-based equipment anymore.
Added the S&M guide.
So... this is approved, right? ^_^;;

I'll move this to the appropriate section the next time I log in, unless I hear otherwise, or if someone beats me to the punch.