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RP: GM Cinematics Symbols of Pilgrims - YSS Resurrection of Taiie and YSS Lorrheim III - FTL Trials


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.7
RP Location
Taiie Nebula, Taiie System, Jiyuu System

Gemini Star Fortress, Jiyuu System​

0500 Jiyuu System Standard Time​

Gemini "Heaven" (Star Fortress Command Center)

"Alright, Joint Ketsurui Fleet Yard and Yugumo Corporation technicians and trial crews are in place, we are ready for the flight of pilgrims," the shipyard chief announced, the black-haired and blue-eyed Minkan adjusted his posture in his seat, and the stream of volumetric windows filled with transmitted data from the two Takumi 2A that had already completed their STL trials in the Jiyuu System days before.

The Command Center was busy, after all, Gemini was busy producing ships for the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, coordinating with the other bases doing the same as well as their usual work for the First Expeditionary Fleet. It was just another busy morning in the Star Army, but at the same time, the shakedown and trial crews were about to complete a big ask on the behalf of the commanding officers of the two nearly ready vessels.

The Approach and Departure Chief chimed in, "YSS Resurrection of Taiie and YSS Lorrheim III, you are clear for the departure of Aeon Arm and Sakura Arm."


YSS Resurrection of Taiie and YSS Lorrheim III


The rays of Jiyuu's star blazed against the polished hulls of the two Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruisers (2A version), it caused the thin layer of cosmic dust and volatile ice to melt creating a wafting trail of vapor as they pulled away from the arm structures of the massive Zodiac Star Fortress. SANDRA (FANTASTIC) media drones were present on the ships, but reporters had been reserved for on station at Gemini only due to the sensitivity of the flight, they watched the two warships as they made their sub-light burn towards the system's edge. "YSS Resurrection of Taiie and YSS Lorrheim III, you are clear for hyperspace fold," the voice of the approach and departure chief came over the communications channel and announced. Both ships responded back with their affirmation of orders and they prepared to make the special journey that had been requested for their FTL trial. Two consecutive bright flashes and the fold drives of both ships engaged, and they were gone.

A Short Time Later...​

Taiie Nebula - The Bard Cluster​

The cloud of debris from the destruction of the Taiie Star, the planets, moons, and asteroids that had been shattered and expelled outwards from the devastating SMX attack on the planet in YE 29 was the backdrop for the two Star Army ships coming out of hyperspace fold. The Taiie nebula was a place where pilgrimages from the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector were frequent, after all, most of the population was from Taiie at one point or connected to someone who was. It was a lonely cemetery in space, a memorial to the many who had lost their lives. It was a reminder of uncomfortable things, the topics the Motoyoshi avoided for the most part like the lack of response to the attack and the abuses on Pieces Station that had followed it. As Taro had said in communication just a few days before, everything about Taiie became a choice, a choice that had been violated and perverted by those who had treasonously made the United Outer Colonies. It was about the choice that the loyal made and the choice that burned now within the hearts of the Motoyoshi especially.

The YSS Resurrection of Taiie took lead into the cloud, passing the epitaphs or rock and debris its blue and red running lights flashing in succession. The YSS Lorrheim III followed behind it, an ever-patient companion to the ship who bore the honor of the system's name. The YSS Resurrection of Taiie was set to be commanded by Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, and the YSS Lorrheim III by Shôshô Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro, they had requested this as the first destinations of their ships.

The anthem of the Yamatai Star Empire played over the internal communications systems of the ships, which reached every single deck of their interiors as well as the crews that manned them. When it ended there was just silence again, a simple nod of the head gave the order to turn back, and nearly as soon as they had come to the graveyard that was Taiie Nebula, they turned around and left, two bright flashes heading into the unknown night to forge a new path in honor of what was lost.
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