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Approved Submission [System] Kyzu + Planet Xuno

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That may be true on Earth, but not here. Their culture is completely different. They only care about controlling the planet. Basically a large swarm of civilized warlords. I can give you your rap sheets, but I remain firm on the naming.
It's also part of the template for star systems, and believe you me, I've tried to do the exact same thing you're trying now and it didn't work out for me. Just save yourself trouble and do it.
I need one of my mods to fix all broken links in this thread.
Thanks, Ame!

@Dragon_God : On first look most of the pages seem to be in order. Did you have a suggested location for the star system? Preferably something far enough away from the existing factions where we'd have plausibly overlooked them until this year?
Alright then, what should I do next in order to get this finished? I asked Zack to find the location. Which was helpfull. However I need to know what I’m doing next if there are any further requirements.
3 day approval timer.

Dragon: Just go through the articles and check for spelling and grammar - and it might help to have a second set of eyes. I think I saw where you meant "swath" and it you used some other word, for example.
@Zack - May I ask why the Kyzu system is being counted towards USO’s maximum fleet capacity? It’s because according to this section of the Military Buildup Limitations, systems that count towards a faction’s maximum fleet capacity “must be [controlled] by a faction...for a full OOC month or more,” must be “mostly non-contested,” and “should have a decent amount of inhabitants and some industrial facilities listed on its wiki page” - yet as far as I can tell the Kyzu system is not controlled by USO, is anything but non-contested, and not does contain any industrial facilities or system-wide resource-claiming operations.
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