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Approved Character Takasugi Ryoko

There are several lists to choose from:
Firearms and Gear
Misc Items

These are just a few, I think. ^_^

I like your character! Here are a few things about her that might be a problem:

1. C-cup is a bit big for a neko. Might be a bit of a tight squeeze in a power armor, but she's starship ops, so it probably isn't much of a problem. ^_^

2. Her personality is wonderful. No real problem with it, but I just wanted to note that it made me laugh the first time I read it! :lol:

3. One question in her history: What's a NCO? I've never heard of that before.. Not saying it's wrong, but I'm just asking. The rest of the history is pretty good for a neko.

4. Oh my... another female with bedroom skills. ^^;; Anywho, other then that little piece that might need more detaisl *cough* in the history please *cough*, her skills are good.

It's good to see a new person actually working out the Inventory. Some of us do that, but many think it is a hassle. Good job! :) Doshii and/or Kim will review this soon and give their judgement on it.

Have fun with this character, and I hope we can RP sometime! :mrgreen:
Thankyou for your feedback Fay!

1. I can downgrade to B without any worries. :p
2. Thankyou very much!
3. Non Commisioned Officer - I will go in and change that for the appropriate rank...
4. Well, i was unsure how much depth of detail to enter into with regards to carnal interactions and in that situation, too little is better than too much. I would normally not include that kind of information, but the basic psychological info on the neko's pretty much describes them as promiscuous and Ryoko is an outgoing person, so it did fit her! But when you say more info, exactly what did you mean??

As for the inventory - i like knowing what resources my characters have access to. I should so get a job in logistics ;)

I think i am going to have a lot of fun with this character - and you never know, in a few months i might be looking to make a second character ;)
You're very welcome. ^_^

The C should be fine if Doshii/Kim have no problems with it. Since she doesn't really use a PA on a daily basis, it probably won't be an issue. It'd actually help her claim to be good in bed? ^^;;

Ah, Non-Commissioned Officer! It makes sense now. I'm not sure who exactly fills that role though... Maybe a technician? *shrugs*

We are a 16+ site. Some kids are on here, so we can't go into too much detail outside of the Hot Tub board, but there are a few 18+ plots out there. :)

A second character? ^_^ *spams the Azorean species* There are a lot of plots that need characters, especially the independent factions/species/plots. Good luck! :D
Lol. I already downgraded her to a B cup. I did a web search with Ryoko's measurements and from the results, i am not worried that dropping a size will lose her any bedroom ability. ;) Besides, being good in bed is more about what you can do to the other person/people, rather than what they can do to you! :p

I grabbed a chief petty officer to be my NCO of choice :p You'll normally find a few senior NCO's lurking around training schools - they usually have the experience required to iron greenhorns into basic soldier material :p

The plot i am aiming for is 18+, but i like to start with the heat turned down low and ramp it up until the desired level is reached...

Lol, the Azorean's seem cool - and i have a love for flying and mechanical engineering (i am starting a degree in it in 5 months time :p ) so i can see myself enjoying playing one of those in the future!
Awesome, just awesome, dude. Haha. :) Which plot are you aiming for then?

My YIM is krusemh, if you want to chat sometime about the Azoreans. They are kind of in dire need of players... and a plot, actually. >_> I'm working to fix that, but anyways! We can talk later, but don't forget to take a look at some of the other species, too! A lot of them are fairly well-written! :mrgreen: *needlessly spamming for other species now, just to be a good sport*
Well, if everything goes according to plan, Ryoko will end up on the YSS Nadare flagship of the 4th Standard Fleet...

My YIM is [email protected] Would love to talk about the Azoreans sometime and you never know, i might be able to throw some ideas your way ;) I suspect i will end up playing several of the different species over the next few years - after all, there's a war on so naturally, people die!
Awesome, my character Faye is in there. Eh... I tried adding you, but I've never heard of btinternet. So, I added you twice, I think. I'll try about when a I get home.. or you could try to add me. XD Some new ideas would be wonderful. ^_^ I love to brainstorm!
Ah, I knew it. As soon as I saw how you spelled "realized," I figured you were British. Welcome to Star Army!

Honestly? I see absolutely no problems with this character at all! An able writer and an able RPer; we could not ask for more.

This character is approved for IC usage. Please file orders in the communication thread of your character's faction. This is iaincarter's first character slot.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.
Fay said:
but I've never heard of btinternet.
I would assume it standard for British Telecom.
Doshii Jun said:
Ah, I knew it. As soon as I saw how you spelled "realized," I figured you were British. Welcome to Star Army!

Honestly? I see absolutely no problems with this character at all! An able writer and an able RPer; we could not ask for more.

This character is approved for IC usage. Please file orders in the communication thread of your character's faction. This is iaincarter's first character slot.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.

Thankyou very much Doshii Jun!