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Approved Adoption Takeda Junko

Hello, for this request I have to contact the player and see if they respond, which could take up a week or more.

(PMed @Sean_ODuibher)
Sorry for the delay.
Oh no worries, there's not a big rush.
This character has some back ground and history to her as well as money used for her art and chibis.

I'd much prefer to see she is used as a player character in a plot that need them. As opposed to being used as a one off NPC on a plot that has far too many players in it.
She is being used as a major NPC in a plot with one player, a Co GM, and myself, Ira.
It's the NPC part that is the issue as noted in my post.

This character has substance and energy sunk into her. It doesn't do her any justice to relegate her to an NPC of any type.

It seems more fitting to let this character be what she is: a player character.
Okay, fine if @Wes agrees with you then I'd like to bring her back to the Eucharis and play her there.

As you may know, I sink my own time, energy, and money into adopted characters. I learn their backstories through RP and in their wiki bios, buy them new art that doesn't replace the old but sits alongside it, and I RP them to the fullest.
I like that idea @Ametheliana, at the very least I'm glad for the consideration.

Yes I do know you do that. Which also make me wonder if you can handle another one. We all have our limits.
Approved for NPC use.
All righty. This adoption was approved. Moving thread.
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