Star Army

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RP: YSS Celia [Tami Star Fortress, YSS Celia] Shina's Heart

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Inactive Member
It was quite a few hours into the night, and the crowd in the main cafeteria had dwindled down to about a few dozen people. A neko, a Nepleslian, a Geshrin, and an Elysian sat at one of the brightly lit tables. They were playing an ancient game of skill and chance, and had managed to draw a few curious onlookers.

"Four," said Meemeel, taking out four red plastic tiles from behind her cardboard screen.

"Sorry," replied Henry, as he lifted his screen to reveal all six of his red tiles. "Your priest fails his takeover attempt."

Eight red squares clattered onto the pile of discarded tiles as a red pawn retreated from the board.

"Do you have a camera in one of your fingers, sir?" asked Memeel with an annoyed expression as she reached into the pouch to draw more tiles.

"Why Meemeel? Do you accuse me of cheating? I'm crushed," replied Henry with a smile, taking the pouch when Memeel handed it to him. "For your information, I considered that, but I didn't want to create any weak spots in the protective coating on my hand." His cybernetic right hand gave off a dull sheen under the lights, like polished rock.

"That makes me feel so much better, sir... Hey, Shina, it's your turn."

"Whaaa?" answered a very sleepy catgirl as she lifted her head from the table. A green tile was stuck to her forehead.

"Your lady friend seems tired, sir. Care to call it a night?" asked the Elysian.

"Of course, we'll call this game a draw," said Henry as he detached the green tile from his assistant's head. "Unless there are any objections?"

"No... I was probably losing anyway," said Memeel, who, upon noticing that Shina was asleep again, began placing all the tiles back into the pouch.

"Come on, Shina, let's get you back to your quarters," said Henry as he propped Shina up to a standing position. "Do you guys need help putting the game away?"

"Doesn't look like you're in a position to help us, sir," said Meemeel. "Don't worry, I'll help Luke pack it up. Just make sure you get my friend back to her room in one piece."

"All right... Good night, guys," said Henry as he walked away from the table, with a half-asleep Shina slumped against one shoulder. As the onlookers dispersed, some gave one last glance at Henry, and were startled to discover the gleaming white Taisho pin on the chest of the unassuming, mild-mannered Nepleslian.

Within minutes, Henry and Shina were outside Shina's room aboard the Celia. The door slid open as its occupant drew near.

"Oooph," grunted Henry as he set Shina down in her nest, as gently as he could manage.

"Good night, Shina."

The door closed behind Henry after he walked out.

* * *
(A few hours later.)
* * *

The door leading to Henry's quarters chimed. "Sir, it's Shina," said a soft voice outside.

"Come on in," replied Henry.

Shina looked around the large room as she entered. The room was dimly lit, and decorated with a minimalist taste. A desk sat in one corner. Clothes were neatly folded and stored in transparent plastic containers. A few stray data pads lied here and there. Henry was sitting in his nest, wearing only a T-shirt and pajama shorts. In his hands was a data pad. Its screen illuminated the nest with a soft glow.

Henry looked up from the data pad and looked expectantly at Shina.

"Um, I just to apologize, sir, for falling asleep during the board game earlier tonight," said Shina.

"Don't worry about it. We've all been working pretty hard the last few days."

Shina nodded. "Okay, sir. Um, I won't bother you anymore... Good night."


"Yes, sir?"

"I'm a little concerned about my security now that we are back on the Celia. Sixthree Tangozulu is still serving aboard this ship, you know. The guy probably still has it in for me. Um, I guess what I'm saying is..." Henry suddenly paused, as if he was not sure how to continue.


"Stay with me?"

Henry's smile was as shy and as charming as the day they first met.

"Of course, sir," said Shina as she quickly walked down into the nest, as if afraid that Henry might change his mind.

"Oh, and Shina, I've been thinking about it," said Henry as he got out a spare set of blankets for his assistant. "I'd like it if you would call me Henry when I'm off-duty."

"All right. It's gonna take some getting using to... but I'll try... Henry," replied Shina as she sat down.

"Cool. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get some sleep."

"Good night, si... Henry."

"Good night, Shina."

Shina watched as Henry lied down and curled up under his blankets. She waited for a few minutes, until Henry's breathing was soft and even, before slowing crawling over to him.

"Henry?" she asked softly.

Hearing no reply, Shina leaned down and placed a kiss on Henry's cheek.

"You'd better be really asleep, Henry. Because Henry Chen, I'll love you 'til the day you die."
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