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RP: United Outer Colonies [Tange Syndicate] Meeting in the Shadow

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OOC Note: This thread takes place in a separate time frame than to the other plots so that no one has to be tied up into it.

Present, Military Base on Nylii II

The play to stir the heart of the queen had been all and good, so came the Dark Age. Her military-style boots clanged against the deck plating. Her reddish hair with black highlights held back in a pony-tail, she walked with a stiff attentiveness, her assertive presence wafting outwards with the ripple of her cape-like overcoat which was open revealing the inactive shroud suit beneath it. The overcoat wisped the floor just barely not touching it.

Miho's blue eyes scanned the empty room in which they had intended to meet. It was time to see who was who, and what was what. The end of the cloaked conversations, the revealing was near.

She had in her hands a datapad with encrypted data on it, orders that had been given by BSIA in regards to the past, to explain, finally, the truth of truths. That her and her family were not traitors.

Not much time had passed since the arrival of the first shrouded figure made their way into the room set aside for the meeting. A mere matter of minutes really. Soon after her arrival, the secured triple layered durandium doors slid open again to reveal the figure of an armor clad behemoth which made her way into the room.

While the doors were open, it was apparent that there were two LSDF guards outside of the room. One of them had a full sized gatling weapon in tow. The other had a standard issue Lorath plasma rifle, and a missile launcher tube slung over her shoulder. It was obvious the pair intended to keep the room secure against anything, even an intruding power armor if it came to it.

"I hope the room is suitable." Came the strong and husky voice from behind the visor of the armor, which was soon lifted aside to reveal the eyes of a woman which were obvious witnesses to war. "Don't mind the guards, they've volunteered for the job and have agreed to have their memories of their guard duty wiped after this meeting."

The armored figure had not spoken her name yet, however she openly wore her family's crest which was a symbol of a shattered heart which she wore upon the chest of her armor. Upon the forearm of her armor, she wore the markings of a Vice Admiral in the Lorath Self Defense Force.
"I did not know such a soul received a reprieve from Hades." Came a somewhat clipped voice from behind the towering Lorath female. Behind her was a more petite and small woman. She flicked a silvery strand of hair out of her face, wearing a disapproving look on her face as she stood there.

Her arms were folded over her chest, as she eyed Miho.
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