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Tansaku-Class Refit


SARPaholic & Admin
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Convention Veteran
Okay, after two years of operation, and due to some things being phased out of use on the SARP. I decided while working on improving the quality of the DOGA that it was time for a minor upgrade to the design.

Tansaku-Class 1B

Sections are identified with 1B for where the changes are. They include:
  • Replacing all weapon pods with retractable turrets.
  • Adding two airlocks on deck six port and starboard
  • An upgrade to the STL and CDD engines, giving the ship a slightly faster STL speed, and increases the FTL cruise speed.

Other wise all other parts remain the same.
Bump, more than a month no comment on a simple refit.
I know this is a bit much to ask, but ... could it look less like a straight swipe from Star Trek? I mean, it's got the nacelles, the dish up front ...

We've got ships like the Yui and the Plumeria, then this. It feels a bit much, considering our shuttles already have gone the Trek way.
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