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TEAB4 Flamethrower


Inactive Member
Submission Type:Military weapon
Submission URL:TEAB4

Faction: Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet? Yes, MoonMan. Yesterday

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Previously Submitted? no

Notes:a simple flame thrower which is intended to see limited use in Nepleslian plots. Just updated the page

Added: PDR 3 rating
and stuff about adding a layer of armor to cover the bottle so that it is less susceptible to exploding from a hit
So... I thought this was a relatively easy thing to get passed since it takes just two minutes to double check my additions.
The problem Sigma, is that I do believe this now falls under the new weapons template. Which would mean you'd need to fix the page up to adhere to the new template.
Rather annoying that I had to put so much work into what was really a minor update. But it's been placed in the new format.

I've left the nomenclature system alone because I don't understand how to number a flamethrower like this.
Can't say I'm surprised, after looking at Nam's product list..

Anyway; here's what it would be:

Nothing more, sorry I hadn't gotten back to you, seems I've been neglecting my duties here.

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