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Telepathy question

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
What's the range on a Yamataian's telepathy? I remember the number 300 m for some reason.
I honestly don't remember setting a range, so I'll officialize one right now. It's about a kilometer. Metal can cause interference with it.
Righto then. And the NH-29 and what not have much longer ranges, according to the CCG. Just to make sure.
What about a Yamataian and NH-29 trying to communicate over a over 1KM distance? Can the NH-29 contact the Yamataian, but not vice versa?
The Yamataian could receive, but not dispatch.

Personally, I think 1 KM is a tad short compared to the NH-17. I was expecting at least 10% of the range, not 2% ^_^;

Also, if a Yamataian used his/her telepathy on a Star Army ship, wouldn't she be blocked by the walls and ceilings?
Hey wait, Wes -- could an armor use its Psionic Signal Controller or something to boost a signal, or allow it to transmit through a helmet?
Yeah, most power armors have long-range telepathy capability as part of their radio sets.
So in addition to being limited to 1km, a Yamataian's telepathy is also limited to Line of Sight?

No communicating with fellow officers on the bridge from Engineering then.
Yeah. Without the ship's help, telepathy wouldn't work inside it.
Doshii Jun said:
Or would be uni-directional? Such as, I can transmit down a hall?
It's always omni-directional.
Yeah ... but if A is at one end of a hall, and B is at the other end, with nothing between them, they can talk, yes?
Doshii Jun said:
Yeah ... but if A is at one end of a hall, and B is at the other end, with nothing between them, they can talk, yes?
Of course.
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