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Approved Submission [Template] Faction


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
Submission Type: Guide: Template
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:guide:template:faction or https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:guide:template:faction2

FM Approved Yet? Needs SM approval
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

@Wes please don't be mad that I put two submissions into one thread! I promise it's for good reason. I want you to choose which you like best, if either suits the setting at all.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
If we are offering Faction Templates, here is a completed Template with information put in that I could provide the code for easily enough.


I figured why not put it up here, rather than start my own thread, hope you don't mind.

It has everything expected and required of a Faction page. Sure, Settings needs to click a couple links, the use guide is red ((Haven't finished that)) but I am merely demonstrating the possibility. And what's amazing? The Table of Contents is in about the same spot it would be normally meaning it should comply with the TOC rules. @Wes, what do you think?
Edto did you see this?
I want the TOC in the same pkace on every page for the sake of consistency and ease of navigation.
I will not be using your faction page as it explicitly goes against what he has said.
Reactions: Wes
So... are you trying to make this the mandatory faction template? Or simply a bare minimum guide?
Backgrounding, I've asked her to provide an example template elsewhere, and to my understanding, that's all this is to my understanding and she's been kind enough to write up something she believes could be helpful.

Why she's put it through the NTSE is beyond me (I was really just asking after her personal preferences so we wouldn't be fighting over it), but I really appreciate that she's created a couple templates she'll be happy with.
I put it through NTSE because that's just muscle memory for me, at this point. We could always use more templates and I'd like to see it go on the template page for others to utilize.

I have a definite preference for which one to go with, but I wanted to know Wes' preference more than anything. That, to me, is the most important factor in all of this.

I don't want to pull something out of thin air and tell you that is the word of law. I want you to do something only if it's been canonized by NTSE as the word of law. It doesn't matter if I like something/ am happy with it. What matters to me is you do something because it's the right thing to be done in the setting.
For templates to go on the wiki and be a baseline standard they generally go through the NTSE.

Don't see why anyone's criticizing that unless they don't respect the site's approval process.
Reactions: Wes
Is there no way we can merge these?
If you mean merge Ame and my suggestions, yes? Both of our Templates have the same information they are just displayed differently. Mine relies on extra pages, to keep each page minimal and Ametheliana's also requires navigation, only it does so without the little section on the side.
I'm pretty sure @Wes was referring to merging the two templates @Ametheliana created - though that's merely my own personal interpretation of what he said.
I think I like the first one better. Can we merge the extras from faction2 into it?
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