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Tenshi Weapons

Gamer's opinions, yus.

1st one!

You need details. Lots more details, at least, on it. A, for art purposes in the future, and more importantly, B being that it needs... Whut... a minute and forty seconds worth of constant firing until it is out, more details on how exactly difficult it is to reload. I'd be picky too and detail how the 'bullets' move and what it does and stuff, but that isn't necessary.

2nd one!

Bleh. Anti-matter is horribly in efficient, we've had discussions on this topic. Although you might not have been in them. Anyway, tis 1 to 1. And hard to contain, apparently. So most of the mass of these things goes to containing it, and not to actual anti matter which is no less 1 to 1. Also. Why does this have more ammo than the main weapon? Also. If it is a space only weapon... How... does it have a short range?

3rd one!

Plasma missiles are fine. See above for compressed antimatter which... I was told once antimatter CAN'T be compressed, but there is the full possibility this was wrong, but still ineffective. Subspace detonator REALLY, REALLY needs details on how it works, or a link to another article that tells how it works.

4rth one!

Again, details. Also... Why is this powered via suit and the, again, main weapon not? Also. It isn't that powerful persay, more so it is a stinger like weapon that fires a lot to do more.

5th one!

... I really dislike this one for some reason. It DOES go into detail, but it just... Doesn't seem to make much sense on how exactly it works. By that, I mean it doesn't seem possible. I could be wrong easily.

There ya go.
Weapon #1
  • Art will come later, I do not have the ability to do such now. I want to wait and see what comes of art for the PA itself, so the weapons match. Art will not be immediate as I cannot build it and is not required.
  • Reload procedure is popping the battery magazine out, and snapping a new one into place.
  • Anti-neutrons as it describe behave the like positrons, but are neutrally charged and are heavier, their technology is very prevalent on already approved MFY stuff such as the Ionoche, Ascendancy, Onslaught etc.

    Weapon #2
  • There are several other antimatter fletchette launchers in the setting, I set the range where I felt it would be reasonable.

    Weapon #3
  • Compressed antimatter is already accepted in the setting, Mindy 2 has mini missiles and the SA torpedoes are such.
  • Subspace detonator again is existing technology.
    https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... or#weapons

    Weapon #4
  • Again, transphasic energy is prevelant, such as the turrets on a Seiza class Cargo hauler. It is powered by the suit cause it is attached to the suit vs. the main weapon is hand held therefore can be separate of the suit.

    Weapon #5
  • In the begining it links to technology used on the Mantus by NovaCorp which is MFY's parent company. So essentially it was good approved technology, if it is broken why fix it?
If this stuff isn't approvable, I don't know what is. The stuff is all pre-existing, and used in a very agreeable capacity, as far as damage goes. The anti-matter flechettes are also quite badass. There is little more manly than shooting sharp pieces of metal that violently explode when they hit your enemies.

Nice work, Andrew!


- I didn't think art would come any near its release, that was a minor detail.

- But how easily? It says it is bulky... In what way? Can a person not wearing this equipment use it? It is a handheld weapon, it might not be used JUST for this one application.

Just because other things aren't as detailed doesn't mean you should follow that example.


- Actually spelled Flechette apparently.
- I meant range as in... Tis space. No inertia in space, no reason for it to not just keep going. And going. And going.


- Subspace detonator still needs detailing. On the wiki article, not here. Here won't do any good. So poke at Wesley or whoever and get the facts on it, then put it on the related wiki pages.


-... But... Why can't you just, I dunno, attach a power cable or something like that to the suit? If this is (Currently.) the only hand held weapon, I don't see why it shouldn't adapt to it. *Shrugry*


- I'm saying it doesn't seem to possible. Is that necessarily the case? No. I'm just putting a thought on it. So, again, *Shrugry*

I'm poking at this because, well, lets face it. There is a plot that is geared in the use of power armor, and most plots use power armor. It doesn't hurt to get the power armor they use at the highest OOC quality before they ever use it, thus dispelling any questions or conflicts they might have.

I'm not a tech mod, either, remember.
1. It shoots antiparticles. In space. Unless there are species in this setting that can survive vacuum, this won't be seeing any unarmored infantry use.

3. The tech has been used to the point were separate articles explaining the physics would be redundant. And all we really need in an article is "What it does, what it does to do that, how much it can do that.". This does exactly that.

4. Maybe it just attaches on contact? Once again, it explains pretty much everything the player needs to know.
Art added to #1.
1. The article says "battery magazine." Is the magazine an anti-neutron container or a battery?

2. Isn't the payload too high? Where is all this matter coming from?

3&4. There isn't a complete sentence in the entire article. Look at the fixes I made to #1. Also, ALL pages in the wiki should start with an H1 header (not H2 or anything else).

5 also needs formatting fixes and a grammar check.
1. It works the same as this, but with anti-neutrons (MFY's specialty) instead of positrons:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=bl ... tron_rifle
Payload: BSPR rifles rely on a battery magazine (BU-M20) which holds enough power for 540 shots.

2. What would be reasonable?

3. and 4. Fixed.

5. Weapon #5 is for the atmospheric load-out only. and I modified the wording slightly.
1. The thing is you're using a battery. Batteries provide power but not the anti-neutrons...so where does the ammo come from?

2. 100 pulses?


4. APPROVED, although I wouldn't give this weapon out to troops unless we were fighting an enemy that uses phasing.

5. There's a huge difference between a XASER and an infrared laser. X-rays would go right through the target instead of working like you want the weapon to. There's no way it could be used as an effective non-lethal weapon.
1. I reworded it, the art title can be edited later.

2. Fixed to 1000 spines.

5. Weapon #5 is a part of a weapon on the already approved Mantus Power Armor.
1. Updated article APPROVED.

2. Reduced to 100 and APPROVED.

5. Updated article APPROVED.