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Yamatai News (YINN) Terror Attack in the Heart of Elysia, 24 Dead

YINN (8月15日 YE40) — Today in Elysia Novus, three consecutive terror attacks struck the Psomi production plants, crippling the food production of the entire city. The bombs killed 14 workers on the spot, and 10 workers later died in the hospital before backups could be completed.

As of the current time the Elysian Senate is denying foreign aid, stating, “We would like to prove our own self-sufficiency in this time of crisis. We cannot depend on the mercy of others forever.”

Private relief organizations within Elysia, however, are still functioning and distributing food despite the Senate’s closure to foreign aid from other governments, with supplies being given to them by other relief organizations not affiliated with Elysia. In addition, some Senators, acting independently from the Senate, have begun to accept donations of food and money from outside sources as well as purchasing food from other nations themselves, distributing donations to the public.
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