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Testing the Hidden Sun Clan Wiki Content


Well-Known Member
Newbie-friendly worldbuilding opportunity! (Open to experienced worldbuilders too, and everything in-between).

What’s This?
I’d like to ask if you’d be willing to volunteer your time to help make a section of the Wiki more accessible and effective for everyone. Please read on:

Background, Goal

As part of the ongoing project to update, and in some cases complete, Nashoba’s SARP works, we have been working on the Hidden Sun Clan faction.

We want to make the Clan’s information as accessible and clear as possible. To see where the layout and organization could be improved, we’d like YOUR help!

If you are willing to volunteer maybe 15 minutes of your time, and you’re willing to screenshare to one person, and you’re willing to receive verbal and written instructions, you’re able to help us out.

The Task
If you sign up, the main option to help (there are alternatives) involves you joining me in a voice call. You don’t have to speak yourself, though you can if you would like to. You would share your browser window with me (I can show you how) through Discord.

Once the screen share is set up, you would navigate to the Star Army Wiki. There, I would ask you to try to find several pieces of information about the Hidden Sun Clan (one at a time). I’d give you the instructions verbally, and through text.

What I do then is watch and see how easy/difficult it is to find the info you’re looking for. I want to see where you think to look, and what search terms you try to use. I can also get feedback from you on the general layout of the information, and your thoughts on the Faction as a whole, if you’re willing to share them.

If you’d like to have a friend or two in the call with you as a support, that’s perfectly fine too.

Newbie Friendly!
It’s fine if you’re new to the wiki. In fact, it’s almost even better! Seeing how someone who is fresh to the wiki navigates it can give some great insight. This experience might even help you learn some tricks about navigating the wiki.

If you would prefer to do this test on your own, or with someone else feeding you the questions, I can gladly provide the questions to you or to a partner of your choosing. If you can send me the notes of your findings after you’re done, that helps out just as much as an in-person ‘interview’.

I can also give you the instructions in writing only if you prefer, and I can also give you all the questions at once before the meeting if you want to prepare. Whatever works for you, the data will be just as helpful to this effort.

No Recordings of you, No Screenshots
The call will not be recorded, nor will your screen be recorded, and I won’t take screenshots. I will only be taking written notes on how your experiences reflect on the organization of the Hidden Sun Clan's wiki pages and how the information is presented. I won’t publish my notes about your experiences; my goal is to use what I observe to improve the pages and make them more accessible and logical.

If you’re down, please reach out to me with good dates and times that you could make such a call. If you’d like someone to be with you in the call, please coordinate with them first. I have a pretty flexible schedule as a farm guy, so we’ll probably be able to link up easily. You can sign up here in this thread, or you can PM me on the forum or DM me on discord, whatever you’re comfortable with.


Oh, and this will very likely be an on-going thing, so even if you're reading this thread months from now, please do still reach out to me if you think this would be fun or useful to you. I don't imagine I'll stop being interested in making the Faction page functional and better.
This opportunity is still available! If you're up for a chat with me and willing to help (no skills or prior knowledge needed!) please let me know! Read above for details.

I also wanted to thank the folks who joined the voice chat last night to offer feedback on the Faction page! I'm already making some updates to your thoughts and support. Y'all're great!