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TET - Anaba Super Karaoke Machine, Game Buddy And more


Inactive Member
Name : TET 'Anaba' Super Karaoke Machine

Designer: Taichimora Entertainment Technologies (TET)

Bio / History : TET stared making themselves known as a manafacture at the beggining of this year. They had previously been making small manufactured electronic components for other companies but decided to manufacture their own venture products. The Anaba is one of these venture products, the device is quite simple yet complex, It has two holographic projectors, one for the target and one for the audience, a wireless microphone, a high definition speaker, a small motion sensor and a computer. To start the kareoke machine it is turned on at a large green push button on the front, then the sensors follow hand movements over the holographicly projected buttons. For song selection, once you select a song the machine projects a pre created frame image around the singer and the words for the singer in holographic floating letters, it can be set for first time mode, where the words are much easier to follow and the singer cannot see the audience.

It has several monitors that can tell pitch, accuracy of notes and can give a rank from FFF BAD to AAA+ GOOD [FFF-FF-F-ect], has tournement scores and a second microphone for sing offs and duets.

Visual - Around the size of a games console [our world] with 2 projection lenses, both on the same side, a button on the top next to the hole the mic plugs into to recharge, comes in a variety of colours.

Price - 290ks

Extras - Holographic Sequences for Songs - sold in cubes released every month or so containing all new tracks by current artists, the pre programmed songs remain but these songs can be interchanged constantly allowing for a diverse song collection.

Special - Several Special editions of these were made, with a mahogany and silver box with the Star Army of Yamatai logo, and a independant ship logo on it. This was done after the head of the company fell in love with a member of the star army and decided to donate several hundred special editions to the SAOY. These should be comming to ships soon, they have a collection of Song cubes to suit any taste, how long they stay on a ship is disbutable.

Name - TET Game Buddy

Designer - Taichimora Entertainment Technologies (TET)

Bio - Like The Anaba the game buddy is designed to entertain, it is a small hand held device designed to play games, store data, play movies, music be a personal organizer and communicate with your best friend.
It contains a large storage hard drive, a Wireless communications divice, a flat holograph Projection screen and a slot for data cubes.
The Screen can be set to project a image to the size of 32", 4" 10" or 19"

Visual - a 10" total area hand held console with a pair of thumb sticks and various buttons.

Price - 200ks

Extras - Virtual reality headset, Programme cubes [games, tasks ect]

Notes - Although it is a decent machine, the Game buddy has its limitations, it is a very small portable device but it wouldnt really find its way into army service.


Current Other Ideas

Neko Massager
Holographic Costumes
Holographic Recorder / Player for the civilian market
Vibrating Reclining Massage Chair
ViewToy [Virtual Reality game]
Wristwatch With holographics
Luxury Pocket Watch With Holographics
Hardy Wristwatch with Holographics
Back Massager

More To come, please suggest stuff, this wont work unless I have feedback.
How's exactly is it "small" and "handheld" if it's ten inches wide?

Also, the post needs some proofreading action.

I imagine the cost would be pretty cheap, around 250-750 KS.
EEE! Karaoke Revolution... IN SPACE!

I want one.

I don't think enough attention has been given to what people of the time would do on their off time... except that Neplesia has its Shadowrun-esque dive bar scene.
I noticed this on my last run on the sakura. I decided to spice up our lives a bit, at the moment Im working on a 100% purrable neko massager.
Also with the karaoke machines if the Nepleslian army want em, they can be made with similar specifications to the yamataian version.
Yeah, it does seem that down-time is being given short shrift; some more entertainment style goods would go down nicely in the deluge of weird and wonderful Things That Kill People that are available in every manner and fancy. Something like a SA--era MP3 player. The setting even suits it, what with relaxed copyright laws. Time to create the iPod of the future!
Something liiiike...

Name: Nanosong
Designer: Jade Social Engineering Works
Appearance: Small, silver, tear drop shaped with a small colour display to aid in selecting songs.
Brief: A device for storing and replaying large collections of songs and other audio-based files. Designed for portability and convenience, useful for long shifts, long flights and anything that requires distraction to retain sanity.


Also in the works, a cut down femto-version that is earing sized, for the Nekovalkyrja, and a larger version with video!

Name: Loria Excell : Virtual Entertainment Console

Designer: TET Entertainment Game Division

History/Design : The Loria, Is the most recent creation by the Game division, responsible for the game buddy. The name Loria seems odd, but this is actually very special, in a mix of publicity stunt and romantic jesture he proposed to his girlfriend during a meeting about the console. When she said yes the consoles name was set in stone.
The Loria itself is a peice of games gold, using a large amount of technology previously used only by military groups it takes a mixture of high powered processing technology and virtual reality that takes graphics to a new level of realism [most people cant tell the diffrence] as another publicty stunt involved putting a employee into virtual reality for a day without him noticing or so the tale goes.

Sciencey Bit - The equipment is a pair of gloves with realistic touch sensors and a specialist material that can change shape when exposed to an electrical current that is so low that it is unnoticeable to even the most sensitive touch. The Headset is a band that goes all the way around the head and sits just above the brow. The headset has a pair of holographic projectors above the eyes and directional speakers beside the ears. [it even works for Nekos] the projectors create sound waves that are directed with a pointer at the ears, sensors on the band find the ears and eyes, then holographic projectors [either project over the eyes or into them] finally a pair of sensors on the side of the band monitors brain patterns allowing the user to control the characters movement and feel what they feel to a extent in pain is not felt. The computer processor is extremely smart; it is capable of creativity and learning to a limited extent. Finally, a microphone allows real speech to be used in the game, extremely smart AI will respond to calls and even talk to the player. Comes with a watch the console can transmit save data to the watch.

Visual - 14" tall x 2" wide x 14" deep / long. Blue tower, with a button on the front, it has ten 1"x3cm slots capable of holding games, and 4 circular controller ports on the left and right sides.

Package - 2 Control headsets, 1 memory watch, 1 Console, 1 game out of - Kekard [Shoot em up], Sexy nurse Miku Miku [Date sim - EROTIC], Zero G Football [Sports], Super Duper Bishi Bashi ChampionShip! [reaction time game], Power cable.

Extras - Control Headsets, Memory Watches, Games, Projection screen linkup.

Price - 420ks
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