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Tethys General Purpose Power Armour


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Powered Armor / Mecha
Submission URL: Here.

Faction: Elysia
FM Approved Yet? Yes. (Interaction with Yamatai will be extremely limited, which would not necessitate any further permission I hope.)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Not really, I only 'tweaked' one of the weapons to allow armor usage with a few short lines of text within the page.
Previously Submitted? No.

I utilized some already approved articles from the Anthedon and Hikael to bolster the page a bit but otherwise it is fairly standard fare. I may eventually 'tweak' the suit from Prototype status to full production model, and therefore expand its weapon types, modules (If I ever have time to write them.) and what not. Otherwise, with this Tethys what you see is what you get.

And for the record, yes, this is my first ever power armor. Be gentle. <3
The only comment I have so far on this is that it seems a little... OP. Compared to the Mindy and the Hostile, I mean.

It seems like it's about the same size as the Hostile, but it has more shields and more armor. It's bigger than the Mindy, but moves even faster than it does, and is equipped with weapons that are about equal to both suits.
Your 'OP' statement aside, it is only 3 points stronger than a Hostile. And is justifiable with the fact it uses two types of armor in addition to the cutting edge Elysian shield tech, which is one point stronger than a Hostile's shields.

For the remainder what can I say? It is a suit piloted by a semi-self propelled flight capable species. The armor is aerodynamic as well as having conformal shields to cut down on drag. A Mindy utilizes a CFS/CDD for propulsion which is inhibited by gravity. The Tethys uses a particle drive which is un-encumbered by the atmosphere.

And, what is wrong with it having comparable weaponry? It can't be competitive?
Soresu said:
Your 'OP' statement aside, it is only 3 points stronger than a Hostile. And is justifiable with the fact it uses two types of armor in addition to the cutting edge Elysian shield tech, which is one point stronger than a Hostile's shields.

For the remainder what can I say? It is a suit piloted by a semi-self propelled flight capable species. The armor is aerodynamic as well as having conformal shields to cut down on drag. A Mindy utilizes a CFS/CDD for propulsion which is inhibited by gravity. The Tethys uses a particle drive which is un-encumbered by the atmosphere.

And, what is wrong with it having comparable weaponry? It can't be competitive?

No, I'm just saying that it has to cut corners somewhere, and having weaker weapons would balance out the the other stuff. If the Tethys is better than the Mindy and the Hostile in terms of armor, speed, and agility, and it has comparable weapons, then that means that as a suit, it is overall superior.

That kind of bothers me. Just saying, I don't know about the tech mods or anyone else, but it looks overpowered on paper.
-Shakes his head.-

It can't go to FTL, has the same STL speeds as the Mindy, your chief concern is atmospheric speed? There is a corner cut, no FTL. It even lacks all of the super sensors of every other armor. Including every Deus Ex shield tech imaginable in the setting.

As for the weapons, they stay. Nothing says Elysia can't be competitive with everyone else, frames, mobile armors, and other PA's included. I'm afraid to say your OP statement is just questionable in this regard for such a limited PA when it lacks all the additional doodads of every other mobile platform out there. I intentionally gimped it in regards of functionality and could have done much more to make that claim a reality.

That aside, the continued assertions that the Hostile and Mindy are the epitome of everything that is PA is questionable as well, as the SAoY now utilize fighter craft for a lot more of their space-based OP's. And the Hostile and Aggressor are limited for space-combat and more suited for ground pounding.
While the weapons do worry me a bit, I also know that Soresu had taken the time to look into those. It's drawbacks outweigh the advantages it actually has, at least in my opinion to be honest.

It has a lacking sensors along the same levels as those of the other power armors we have in the setting, meaning that those other armors would be able to get in closer before it realizes it - of course - this is debatable, given that an experienced pilot might be able to pick out an approuching target with - or without - the sensors.
The sensors it has are sufficient for its scale. I just figured it didn't need anymore than was necessary. Just enough to get by and stay on target.

Although, let me ask just for the sake of curiosity. What about the weapons is worrying? Other armors have things that outclass this. Including variety, exceedingly high number of shots per mag, and the simple fact everyone goes for the best. The Tethys' was gimped so I could avoid this diatribe. It has two, just two ADR 5 weapons. Both of which are finite and cannot be replenished without going back to their base/ship of origin.

I just find it fairly irritating to have something like this called OP and such without people actually taking a look at their own work and seeing the samething, if not more so in some cases. And it makes me wonder if it was a bad idea to even make the suit for all the trouble and questions it seems to be getting. And if I should continue to try and submit my ideas for them and others that I work with now.

I understand Elysia hasn't gotten much love or attention in awhile, and people would begin to naturally assume their stuff would be 'lower rung or crappier than the flashy mainstream.' but that assumption is wholly incorrect or shortsighted. I've been around long enough to know that Elysia can be on the same footing with the other races if they're shown they have it in them (And trust me, they do.). Instead of this assumption of cannonfodder or cardboard cutouts too afraid to make anything viable and rely on others to save the day.

It's part of the reason I don't do a lot of mainstream work for the 'big namebrand factions' in the setting, they don't need it, everyone knows what they can do. That's why I work with the smaller ones more where a lot of the potential remains untapped or has been brushed aside and forgotten.

So what I am saying is: "Just because they haven't submitted things in a long time, don't regard them as weak or inferior. They've been around just as long as the other big two."

EDIT: This actually has LESS weapons than the Hikael. :| Look it up and see. And then look at its speeds.
Thanks for clearing that up Soresu :)

Status: Back to pending due to Wes finding stuff I wasn't aware of
- Weapons Should be Separate Articles
- Why isn't the Star Army mentioned and why wasn't I consulted? I know this is for your planned Elysian separation which may or may not happen but for right now, there is no Elysian military.
- To link to Wikipedia, the format is [[wp>Page_Name|Link Text]]
- Sensor ranges are pretty ridiculous for power armor.
- Quintessent Wave Differentialometer <--- Jaaq'tah tech. Why on this?
- Could we stop introducing more unillustrated armor into the SARPiverse please? If it's something the player can wear, we really need a visual.
- In general, I'd like to continue to move away from armor being used as starships and starfighters. This armor seems like a throwback to SARP's days in 2003 where stats were overinflated and art was nonexistent.
If you're offering to make art for it, I'm sure Soresu will take it. Neither of us felt up to doing an Elysian power armor though, so...
- Weapons Should be Separate Articles
- Why isn't the Star Army mentioned and why wasn't I consulted? I know this is for your planned Elysian separation which may or may not happen but for right now, there is no Elysian military.
- To link to Wikipedia, the format is [[wp>Page_Name|Link Text]]
- Sensor ranges are pretty ridiculous for power armor.
- Quintessent Wave Differentialometer <--- Jaaq'tah tech. Why on this?
- Could we stop introducing more unillustrated armor into the SARPiverse please? If it's something the player can wear, we really need a visual.
- In general, I'd like to continue to move away from armor being used as starships and starfighters. This armor seems like a throwback to SARP's days in 2003 where stats were overinflated and art was nonexistent.

1: More layers of complexity? Is it necessary? And, as far as I knew, Aendri was Elysian FM, and consulted with him. I didn't know I had to go through you as well.
2:I did that.
3:No, they aren't considering the ranges used by other races as well as the amount of vaguefu involved on communications suites. I think you were going for.
4: Because the Anthedon and Hikael used it.
5:I'm not made of money. I support three people (Myself included) on just one paycheck and barely get by. Plus, I thought we discussed this art issue before. So unless it is absolutely necessary for me to go without food for a couple of days to pay for art, I'm just unable to do it.
6: I don't think that is entirely fair to force that "We should move away from this!" mentality on other races on the forum. I understand you have a personal preference for Yamatai on how it does things, but is it necessary for everyone to follow their example?
7: Considering the overinflated stats of some of the things we have on here, fighters included. That choice of words doesn't sit well with me at all.

And like I said before. After this, I'm washing my hands of making anything on the NTSE for a good long while. It has become too much of a hassle as well as frustrating lately.
I'd also like to add that regardless of the movement Yamatai has been making towards fighters and bombers, I have zero inclination to have Elysia use them.
I really want art but it isn't the main issue here. If you need art, just ask. Just make sure the appeance section is comprehensively described and I can try to scrounge up some commision money or do a nice DOGA. I have been working hard to illustrate as much of the wiki as possible in order to keep this thehighest quality setting of its kind. I am not asking these things to block you but to improve the articles players will be using in the future.

The main issue that distresses me is that until Elysia gets its own military again, this is Star Army equipment. And I was left out of the loop. I am okay with a new Elysian armor and I can live with the stats although I disagree with giving them such long ranges (see the space combat guide for guidelines we adopted this year). Mainly I just want it to meet the submissions rules (the weapons get their own articles bit) and for its status as Star Army, however temporary, to be acknowledged.
At the moment, it's a prototype, and won't be entering production. It won't be deployed as an armor for a while yet, and therefore isn't part of the Star Army or the ECN. It's nothing more than a design at this point.

Also, and I've said this before, but you need to decide if you're going to let me run the Elysians or not. Because as it is, you're doing a wonderful job of scaring off one of the few people who was willing to help me with tech at all, when he's making an armor that will never be put into use for your faction.

The weapons can be shifted into new articles (in fact, I think he already mentioned that he'd done that), so that shouldn't hold up approval, if there's no issues with the weapons themselves.