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Resolved Text Boxes Problem on Old School Black Theme

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Ovine Member
Inactive Member
I have been meaning to request a username change for some time, but could never really be bothered. Now that I have a legitimate issue, I'll go ahead and throw that in for the sake of expedience.

1) I'd like an adorable little 'b' added to the end of my username. I have gone by 'Lam' for years just because 'Lamb' is usually a taken name on larger communities. Seeing as how I am the only ovine user currently sporting a proud membership of the Star Army Roleplaying Community, I think after five years I can humbly request the final letter of my name be added. In conclusion, I'd like my username to be changed to "Lamb", if that's okay.

2)Whilst attempting to type things that may no doubt violate the site's rules on foul language, I noticed an issue with some of the text boxes around the site. As of the latest version of Opera, which is now based on the Chromium platform, certain text boxes in the Mobile Friendly theme I so love to use have decided to turn white while I type in them. This would be just fine for me, were it not for the fact that the letters I'm typing also appeared in white. This makes it very difficult for me to type the things that will eventually become asterisks when represented in posts. Affected fields include: the search bar(my favorite!), status updates(which I never make, so no big deal), comments on others' status updates (which I would like to make more frequently, so medium-sized deal), user profile fields, and PM reply fields. Creating new threads is still okay, as is using the quick reply feature. Other text-boxes, however; leave me wanting to see what I'm typing. It's only a matter of time before I reply to someone's status update with something along the lines of, "I know ywe din't lake Lorath, but maybe ywe shfgld reasd over some ald plots ferst. But whst dd I know, I'm just a fugget."

Which, really, should just read exactly the same except for the last word being entirely made up of asterisks.
1) Done

2) Can you post a screenshot? Which theme, specifically? The text boxes are supposed to be white on the XenForo default theme.
The theme is called Old-School Black. I chose it because it was mobile friendly. However, I see that there's another mobile-friendly theme on the list-- so I'll try that one out. In the mean-time, here are some screen shots to show you what I've been experiencing.

All of these text fields have characters typed in them, but appear only as white squares. Incidentally, I found that when the browser is in the background, these text boxes become black once more and the characters are visible again-- leading me to further believe that this isn't truly an issue with the forum, but rather with the Chromium browser platform. (I still wish Opera hadn't changed to it.) You can see how everything looks normal when the browser isn't the active window below:
As long as the other mobile-friendly theme works, I don't particularly care if this gets fixed. However; I thought I might document the problem for your sake-- if you are concerned with it.
The issue with text boxes turning white like that happens in Firefox too.. I have the issue entering titles when creating new threads.
I think I've fixed it. Can you guys confirm?
No, on the starfield theme, I guess the standard theme. it's all green and blue
Okay, please start a separate thread for that and I'll look into it. Include a screenshot if possible.
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