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That Guy, The 7th Fleet One.


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
I've been gone a long time - I have to admit my appearances and departures over the years have been a bit sporatiic. It doesn't make me any less of a SARPfan though.

For those I know, hello. Good to see you all again. It is good to see the site still alive and it's community mostly intact with a good dose of new members. I've kicked around the internet; been apart of various roleplaying communities and projects as well as my own writing project.

For those who don't know me; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=members:andrew

I am Andrew, that guy who ran the 7th Fleet and 5XF, former admin and overall pain in the backside. I left, I returned, a few tmes and well here I am again. My attention tends to go where I can do the most writing and have the most fun, hopefully I can settle in here without making too many waves. In the past, I realize my comings and goings irked some, but regardless I missed you guys....I would like to RP again, and be here - that is if I am welcome.

I have my own writing project called Chrystalis Spirals, based on the Norians I created. Currently working on a new wordpress and/or place where I can put that back up on the internet - not quite sure what I am doing with that really.

Work tends to be in the 9 to 5 range now-a-days. I am the Operational Development Manager for Discount Car & Truck Rentals and am based back out of Grande Prairie, AB. I just got done spending a year in Vancouver opening new branches etc.

Plans? Not sure - I'll think of something.

Contact details -
Skype: chrystalis.spirals
Discord: #2716
Email: andrew@chrystalisonline.com
It's wonderful to have you around again, Andrew. I'm glad your life seems to have stabilized as far as the job situation, although it does sound like you probably have to travel a lot. And I'm glad SARP's still here. I even left your Norian wiki pages around in case you want to work on them (let me know).
Thank you, Wes. Right now with the Alberta Economy how it is, oil crashes etc I don't travel much. Hopefully that will change in terms of us opening new branches. Either way, the glory of multiple devices makes it much easier to access sites like SARP even when busy.
Reactions: Wes
Well, I can't say I didn't see this coming, considering the amount of times I've noticed you lurking in the past weeks.

I don't have a problem with you being here, Andrew. What I have a problem with is you starting projects, involving people in them, and when you have momentum - suddenly disappear. That you come and go, I don't mind. That you chronically let people down by doing so, that - I think - is what irks folks. It also might make them twice shy, meaning they might be leery of getting involved with any project you helm once again.

I figure, as long as you stick to roleplaying Katsuko and her close entourage on a higher administrative stance in the fashion of one-shots (meaning that you're essentially leaving nothing in the middle if you do need to be elsewhere). Or work on the Norians too - that still sounds cool.


I'm choosing to be blunt over being conciliatory. I'm not choosing to go by this privately because if something I say here spares someone from what happened with you in the past, I think it's worth it. I won't apologize for that; I feel putting all my cards on the table is more honest than being hypocritical by just sweetly welcoming you.

I'm glad you're around. I just want no one to regret it.
So basically, you're asking that Andrew avoid biting off more than he can chew and to avoid making himself indispensable until he's shown to be around for the long haul. That's reasonable. I will do my part by avoiding the urge to start heaping responsibilities on him. I think starting small (with just a character or two to RP) is probably the best for anyone who comes back from a prolonged absence. Kind of ease into things...
Welcome back. Look forward to seeing what adventures the 7th Fleet has.
Thank you,

I will not be biting off more than I can chew, however I do not plan to limit myself either.

My settling in will be very slow, for the very reasons you all stated above. In assurance, I would not of broken my silence had I not had an intention to devote myself and time.

  • My job is a lot more stable now, as is my travel schedule and needs to be elsewhere. ( I generally know about 6 months ahead of time now when I need to travel)
  • My other commitments online are limited, career has been my focus for the last two years and due to personal reasons I stepped back
  • Proving myself has never been an issue for me, sadly I think I've let personal opinins hit home a few too many times.
If anything, I am humbled by the welcomes. Hopefully I can finish some unfinished tales, some work. It will be slow...
Welcome back! I'm obviously very interested in seeing what you intend to do with regards to the remnants of the Motoyoshi no Jiyuu... hit me up sometime if you want to collaborate.
Thanks again for the welcomes. Still deciding how I am going to handle things paladinrpg, but when I figure it out you will be on the list of need to know
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