Star Army

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RP That one lone girl who always sits in the corner of the café

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Nina Noone

Inactive Member
((eee, roleplaying is hard...))
Nina Noone, the short and very petite looking pink haired marine sat by a small square table in a calm corner of the L-shaped cafeteria that was serving both caffeine-like products and tasty sugary pastries, the girl seemingly having ordered the cheapest sugary donut that laid half-chewed on the white plate on the table in front of her. She was in the same seat she always sat in, facing the wall with only one empty chair on the other side of the small table, which was facing inwards towards the café.

She was sitting slumped in the chair, her legs straightened in front of her under the table while her head was leaned downwards, focused on some kind of reading pad which seemed to be a pornographic story, judging by the slight smile and blush on the girl.

Her clothes consisted of a slightly worn but intact black military jumpsuit with pink streaks, and a loose open-front hoodie sweatshirt that was big enough on her to cover her butt when she stood up. She seemed to have a small booze flask in her sweatshirt pocket, as if it was attempted to be hidden by the large pocket but badly, since it wasn't able to be closed.

((Yay, I dunno, just want some kind of RP of anything, just trying to get myself better and I need to get my mind off IRL things (stuff like anxieties and worries), so just anyone feel free to post by sitting down in the chair or walking up and offering a free drink and a discussion or just anything.))
((Roleplayed before, but new here, so I thought I'd give this a go!))

There was a very short moment of quiet, as the hustle and bustle of the gloomy, busy cafe gave way to curiosity. A strange, humanoid creature, imposing despite its relative lack of height, stepped forwards and the door opened, with a faint whirr of its servos. The alien's heavy, wide feet thudded against the sleek metal floor as it moved, sniffing the air and plodding onwards, to the bar. There was a faint buzz in the air, as the bartender plodded forwards. The creature's hollow eye-sockets hummed a faint noise, its jaws opening and reverberating to something resembling deep human speech. If one were to talk while gargling sandpaper and iron rivets, of course.

"One Onion Shot, please, and something meaty."

The bartender raised a single eyebrow.

"You ever gonna explain why you drink this stuff? Or give me a less vague food order than 'something meaty'?"

The creature just shrugged and barked at him, and the bartender sighed. He reached under the desk, pulling out a hefty plastic cup shouting back to the kitchen. In seemingly no time at all, the foul-smelling, virtually indigestible fluid had been blended and poured, sliding down the inside of the cup with a slight hiss. The creature dropped a handful of small coins onto the desk and nodded, its eyes and jaw rumbling once again.

Newcomers to the bar might have, had they not had anything better to do, starred and wondered throughout all of this. Such a creature was hard to find on charts or records - did it even exist within the known universe? A silly question to ask, of course, since it was right there, but the new and strange could often lead to silly questions.

With a sweep of one of its huge digging claws, the creature picked up the mug, and with the other the plate containing the freshly cooked, greasy steak, before it promptly wandered over to a small, relatively unoccupied table in the corner of the cafe - one might have been one more than zero, but it was still the smallest number besides, after all.

"Mind if I stand here?" it rumbled at the petite marine, virtually indistinguishable from a small avalanche. Its short, pointed tail weaved from side to side, eagerly holding the plate and cup.
The small marine blinked a little in slight surprise at the sound of the apparently large newcomer into the bar, quickly looking over her shoulder and trying to get a peek of the source of the shaking floor. She moved up a hand to brush away the slight hair that fell down in front of her face, completely obstructing her view towards the rest of the bar where she attempted to look.

She again considering cutting her hair short so it wouldn't be so much of an annoyance, but quickly shrugged it away as the pink-dyed hair she had let grown out since several years back was one of the few things of her appearance she was kind of proud of. It had grown past the length she used to have as a kid, currently almost reaching her elbows since she didn't have too long arms.

She focused her eyes on the surprisingly hard to miss.. creature, she thought, in the middle of the bar. It was certainly alien, since it didn't seem to bear any physical resemblance of anything but the most surgically experimented on people of this side of wherever the hell she was currently. It also seemed to be mainly robotic, something she found a slight attraction towards, but decided to not stare towards as she spotted many other visitors of the bar certainly staring at it.

She quickly turned back towards her reading, but the thought of having seen a creature resembling that couldn't escape her mind. Something she's read in a biology book, some kind of animal with the similar large digging claws and pointy tail, but it was far smaller and without the ability to stand up, if she could remember correctly.

Hearing its voice again, she quickly looked up, slightly surprised that she had missed hearing it walk over towards her, but nodding as a reflex towards any social interaction, and pulling her legs closer as to not take up as much space of the underside of the table.

"Y-Yeah, sure, uh.. You can sit in that chair there, don't have to stand up.." she blurted out of her shyly, a slight blush still on her cheeks as she attempted to close down what she was reading without looking down at it.

Realizing she had just invited it to sit right by her, she hoped it didn't see it as anything else but a friendly gesture, as she pulled in her plate further towards her own half of the table, giving it enough space for its plate of.. something meaty, indeed.
"Thanks, but I'll stay standing. Sitting down aint good for my back," rumbled the creature once again, staying right where it stood, and gesturing to its tail and wide, heavy feet. It dropped the plate onto the table with a thump, lifting up the mug of steaming, eye-stinging fluid and taking a deep chug, its long, wide throat pulsating with each gulp. Its large spinal fin flared out for a moment, enjoying the taste.

"Yum! Don't know why Neplezians don't drink this - Frank at the bar says it's just for torture. Neplezians gotta have a weird idea of torture, then."

The bulky, mechanically augmented creature turned its eyeless head towards the marine and nodded, its empty, ridged eyesockets pulsating as it took in the sound waves that filled the cafe.

"Name's Thing. Your name?"

One might have noticed that when Thing spoke, its mouth didn't move - it stayed open at a set, shallow level, and its throat reverberated as the rumbling words, sounding like several voices at once, rolled out.
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