Star Army

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RP: YSS Destiny The Bar


Inactive Member
Kusati slowly half limped into the bar. His skin still felt weird; he touched his face, hoping it would feel natural. It didnt. The docters said it would take a couple of days and it had only be a day, but he just couldnt sleep. He sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. He looked over towards a girl playing the guitar, 'she's good' he thought.

Kusati thought he recognised her, the bright white hair with highlights was a pretty big factor in that. He could have sworn he saw her on his first day, that would mean part of the engineering department.

He also saw another man that he thought he recognised, he believed it to be the man who had shown him to his room the other day, but he couldn't be sure, oh well, if it isn't, then i could do with knowing more people, and if it is then i owe him an apology for ignoring him earlier
Koji had been searching for some time, trying to find a bar in this place. Of course, he hadn't thought of asking the computer until the very last minute, and so he'd actually wasted a lot of time that he could have otherwise wasted drinking, or just 'chilling' as he liked to call it.

He entered and seated himself at the bar, raising a gray-gloved hand to call for the bartender's attention. He got it soon enough, and in a low voice he addressed the man, "Give me something light, and if you've got any food as well, then please don't skimp. I've got the money."

As the bartender moved off to get the order ready, Koji looked around the room and noticed nobody familiar, though one of them remotely reminded him of a soldier he had given orders to... except he had apparently been ripped apart by shrapnel or something. The bar was relatively empty but for a few people, and Koji liked it that way - if there wasn't many people here then he was less likely to be looked down upon for being seen in a bar.

With a sigh, he pulled the gloves off and put them into his pockets, loosening up the gray-paneled uniform a bit as well. He had not had a good day, and perhaps this would help him loosen up?
Kusati walked over to the man sitting at the bar and extended his hand, "Hi, im Kusati, i beleive you're the man who showed me where my quarters were earlier, i urrr owe you an apology for ignoring you earlier, i was in my own little world, i had never seen such a big ship before"
Apesael entered the bar glancing behind him paranoid. Ephesus had let him go after forcing him to endure an hour long lecture on why bugs where better than humans, and then a corresponding counter argument on why human's where better than bugs which lasted an hour and a half. Although he'd left, he'd felt as if he'd been followed. Which is why he'd come to this out of the way bar.

The bar was almost empty, since no colonists where on the ship yet. There wasn't actually a bar keep, the position would obviously be filled with a colonist, but strange man dressed in loud yellow and green clothes was mixing drinks at inhuman speeds. The man winked at him. Apesael grounded, he was almost certain it was the AI.

He could see several people he recognised. There was Karin playing the guitar. He was impressed by what she had done that morning, and thought he should talk to her. But he had never been good in social situations, especially with higher ranking officers of the opposite sex. And there was Koji. Apesaels spine instantly stiffed a little, he had not reckoned on such a high ranking officer being in. Talking to him was a bizarre looking man, with pink synth-flesh, vicious scars, and no hair.

He chose a table in the corner and sat at it, not really wishing to call attention to himself. He opened up his mind to the thoughts of the room, and let the gentle babbling of ideas and emotions soothe him. He sent his thoughts towards Karin.

"Is it true that Yamataian's are telepathic Mam?"
Kusati left his hand extended,

"Hello...hello, sir. Ummm are you all right sir, did i get the wrong person
are you not the man i bumped into?"

The man did absolutly nothing, Kusati wondered if he was hallucinating, something wasn't right here. 'A side effect from the operation maybe?'

He slowly started to withdraw his hand, but first he tried it one more time.

"Hello, sir its me, from the corridor a couple of days ago. I believe that I was quite rude to you. I apologise for any offense I caused you."
Koji sighed, finally giving in to the inclination to talk.

"Yes, I do believe I remember you," Koji said, looking over his shoulder at the man and examining his various... wounds, "No harm done, It was my fault anyway. Did you have a run-in with a gardening tool, Kusati?" It was accompanied by a smirk to show that Koji was joking, after a few moments Koji shook his hand, then went back to waiting on his food and drink - they wern't long in coming.

A light beer and a fish fillet with a lemon off to the side. Eh, better then nothing.
"no, more like a confrontation with a computer terminal sir" Kusati smiled weakly"

"thankyou for your time sir, i'll be off now, im quite new here, fresh out of training actually, so i think i'll be off to introduce my self to some other people i might end up working with" Kusati started to walk away but then turned back to Koji

"ithankyou for being so understanding over that incident a couple of days ago sir"
Kusati walked over to the girl who was playing the guitar

"hello, my name is Kusati, i thought you were really good on the guitar, i wish i could play like that, i just never found the time'

Kusati extended his hand as he said this and hoped that she wouldn't be freaked out by how he looked, he did however realise that he had a silly grin on his face, and so snapped it shut quickly
"I already forgave you," Koji said easily, looking down at his food thoughtfully, "So don't sweat it. Seeya." With that, Koji began picking apart the fish with a knife and fork, eating and occasionally taking a drink from the glass.

With no work to do until someone needed a 'Mission' besides going in a general direction, Koji had all this free time to himself and had no idea what to do with it. Kusati's idea, though, held merit: Koji might as well start making some friends on this ship, but not until after dinner!
Karin glanced up at the voice. Shuffling towards her, arm outstretched, came an aberation of a man. All of his visible skin was of droopy, light pink complexion, which had the apearance of wax, obviosly fake skin. his head was hairless, and adorned with viscious scars, and his arm was swolen and dangled at his side lifesely.

"Um... h-hi..."

"Is it true that Yamataian's are telepathic Mam?"

Karin's head snapped around, glancing around the room. "Yes... yes it is. where are you? And for that matter, who are you?"
"I'm sitting over the corner, the darkest one. We met in the Captains office, I'm Apesael, Tanjo Shen's assistant." Apesael waved his hand slightly to call her attention to him "I was really impressed what you did to Baker."
"Umm... that wasn't difficult. I could teach you to do that stuff if you like, although I have a knack for it." She sent and looked into the corner, noticing the tall figure looking at her, she waved and murmured "I'm sorry, I need to go speak to my friend over there..." to the poor guy in front of her, adding "see ya round" as she slipped by and headed over to the table.
Apesael made room for her to sit down, and glanced over at the poor creature left standing alone in the middle of the room.

"That was realy good playing out there. Have you been playing long?"

Apesael gestured for the AI/waiter to come over. He was cautious, but also very hungry.
"Oh, I've only been around for four months... so no, not long. Thanks by the way." She glanced across at the wierd looking guy who'd spoken to her, wondering where she'd seen him before, "That guy... I needed an excuse to get away, so thanks for that too!"

Karin grinned and asked the AI for a cup of black coffee, holding the guitar across her knees and absently tapping the strings. "Ya, so aside from your name, I don't know much about you. Nice eyes by the way!"
Apesael grinned slightly "Thanks. They're a result of some genetic tampering my father aranged for me. Most people find them disturbing. I can understand why you'd want to get away from him. As for myself, I'm Apesael Emrys, you have heard of my family?" He ordered a large steak.
"Yes, I have... in the food business right?" she looked over at the plaque on the wall and pointed, "Isn't this one of your restaurants actually? ... and no, I don't think many people should find them disturbing... I can see where you're looking by the way your eyelids move!"

She transfered the AI 20 creds for her and Apesael's orders and smiled "Don't want you paying your own company for food, right?"
"Well, this is one of their restraunts. I've distanced myself from my family, I'm trying to make it on my own. And Emrys Industries doesn't only do food, it does weapons, clothes, transport, and food." Apesael shrugged, "My father tends to think on several lines at fast, and throw himself into things. Thank's for picking up the bill, I do make it a point never to by from Emrys Industries. I only just noticed this was one of our/theirs. And thank you for the offer, once I have my Bioneural interface fitted I'll likely take you up on it." He smiled. "I'm glad you didn't end up in a fight with Ephesus."
Kusati shook his head as the girl walked away, 'so much for making new friends', he wondered if it was because of how he looked.

Everyone looked at him now as if he were some kind of freak show, and now it seemed that some people would run away from him!

Oh well, maybe Koji was still here, he was the only one who didn't seem to shy away from him. Yup he was still there.

"Hi, do you mind if I join you, I'm kinda hungry."
Koji had already eaten most of his food by the time that Kusati had walked back over to him. He looked over his shoulder for a second, but motioned to a seat.

"No, I don't mind at all," he said easily. He had already drained half the beer and was already feeling a little hot under the collar, so his 'talker' was loose, as it were. Conversation was coming easy.

"So, where you from originally? I mean, you had to have gotten onto this ship somehow, s' how?"
Kusati motioned at the waiter,

"Oh I come from Nepleslia, my dad and I were traders, we would pilot our freighter to different planets, and then sell and buy goods. I joined star army when pirates boarded our freighter and killed my father, I didn't really know where else to go, and I was kinda hoping that I might run into those pirates one day."

The waiter came over at that point and asked what he wanted,

"Uhh I'll have a beer and a steak, what about you Koji, do you want anything else"