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The birth of the contemporary Powered Armor?


Retired Member
Inactive Member
Hey all,

I've got a few questions I'd like to ask.

You see, I do a lot of illustration in my free time and I'm currently studying Syd Mead, the man responsible for the visual look of titles like Blade Runner, Short Circuit, Turn-A Gundam and the infamous Tron.
This is all thanks to an online seminar system and a series of books and such and one of the first classes is to "understand" what it is you are to depict or design.

So I here I go:

What were the conditions from which the armor as we know it (and may have knew it prior) which made it what it is today? When did they come into the SARP, who worked on them and how did it all "go down"?
These large lumbering hover-tanks of extreme maneuverability or sleek sensual bodies with speed and warfare capacity beyond modern imagination.
And what came before? I hear transforming fighters the likes of which we familiarize as the Macross franchise.

And I'd like to know what they mean to you as players. Are they annoying, fun, things of grace? Both from an in-character and out of character perspective, if you can help it.

I really appreciate whatever answers you throw my way, as simple or as detailed as they are and I'd like an answer of what they mean to you individually, long after the basics have all been told. Feel free to go off into a bit of a rant: Everything I get out of you is good.

Thankyou for your time.
I will now banter of a brief history of power armor:

First, I will break down the early armors by user:

Ketsurui/Kessaku/Star Army of Yamatai
The Lamia M1, which was a mostly automated unit.

The Mindy M2, still in use.

And the Kylie M3, which has recently fallen into retirement.




Nepleslian Empire (Now Democratic Imperium)

Demon Ze-M1


From what I understand... power armor became a common place technology stemming from two points; the NDI due to their PHALANX which was of a nano-construct system, and the need for Nekovalkryja to be able to combat the Elysians, whom had superior combative capabilities on an individual level.

From these causes, the Kessaku corporation of Yamatai went about the development of the Ke-M1 and Ke-M2. Much of the technology involved in the project was derived from the Nekovalkryja project, such as the gravitational manipulation, hemosynthetic insert, and holographic technologies. The rest was a simple smaller-application of pre-existing Yamataian technology. From the Ke-M2, the Ke-M3 was developed as a refinement of the project and as an available armor for non-nekovalkryja users, with the now-defunct species restriction, the Ke-M3 was retired from common-place service. Additional Ke-MX models were developed for specialty applications which do not require the heavy firepower of the Ke-M2.

As for the Nepleslian armor development, it was a highly neglected field of research until the Nepleslian Empire split from the Yamatai Empire. At that time, the Nepleslian Empire only had the primitive Demon power armor, and a hand-full of armor varieties from Setsuna Mechworks. This lead to the development of the ELEMENTAL armor series.

The Lorath's armor development stems from cultural taboos in regard to the use of war machines such as tanks and aircraft. The 'Bringer Of Thunder' unit was developed to be a sort of extension of the warrior-pilot within, and was seen as less of a violation of the cultural taboo. Soon after the first contact with Yamatai however, the Lorath were exposed to new technology, and a need for new equipment which would be able to defend against the threats they had been made aware of. This lead to the development of the AMX-Series, and from the AMX and Bringer of Thunder, the Whirlwind.

I hope this helped, I'm mostly recalling this off the top of my head, if I'm mistaken someone please correct me, lol
Nepleslian Powered Armors
(A short summary)

ELEMENT, Generation 1: Formation

The first generation of Nepleslian armors were designed early after the separation from Yamatai, in the hopes of supplying SAoN marines with better equipment than seriously underpowered and outdated Zen Arms Demon units. NDI designs remained available, especially on vessels such as the DD4-class Destroyed, an NDI design equiped with the Quanta-Construct Pads capable of producing the PHALANX and associated designs, but it was hoped that Nepleslia could move away from dependency from outside sources of military power. More than a very obvious military goal, the projects had great spiritual and political significance. Nepleslia was becoming its own nation.

The early designs themselves were not horrible shoddy, but certain aspects of their design were rough and unpolished. The designs looked good on paper, but proved to be ineffective against new, experimental retrofits of ZA armors. The venerable AIR1, few of which were used by actual SAoN, was eventually distributed to law enforcement, while the WATER1 saw little, if no action after it's inception.

Notable Armors:
-Na-M1 AIR1

ELEMENT, Generation 2: Golden Age

After the initial release of the AIR1 and WATER1, NAM scrambled to rapidly redesign the units and release new ones. The AIR2 and WATER2 were innovative pieces, and while they did not employ the cutting edge, high overkill systems employed by Yamataian armors, performed admirably and became favorites in the Nepleslian military. The updated AIR2 reflected the thrill-seeking fighting spirit of Nepleslia, while the WATER2 showed the more balanced, patient soldier of the Empire.

It was around this time that a new design, known as the FIRE1, was released. Easily the most destructive of the old ELEMENT line, it packed more advanced reactor systems and a highly potent main weapon that would cut swathes in Red powered armor from great distances. However, the design tended to be slightly temperamental, with units having to override safeties to continue firing. Some marines heard stories of FIRE pilots being cooked alive inside their armors.

Notable Armors:
-Na-M1 AIR2
-Na-M3 FIRE1

ELEMENT, Generation 3: Innovation

In late YE 29, as Green forces prepared to disarm Red anti-government forces and secure their local space, two very different projects emerged. Under the management of designers of differing philosophies, for different purposes, the NIGHT1 and EARTH1 armors were on their way to completion.

The NIGHT1, unlike previous models, resembled earlier Yamataian or Elysian armor much more than its bulky, war-ready kin. It had been originally intended to be released with the previous generation, but the overwhelming complexity of the design and lack of experience meant that it was severely delayed in it's completion. Designed specifically for intelligence forces such as the IPG, it would be a deadly force on the battlefield, capable of precision sniping and marking targets for bombardment. The design would never be employed by the common marine, but earned a reputation as a weapon capable of putting down a single CD in one shot.

The EARTH, on the other hand, was designed for an altogether different audience. The ID-SOL, the former ideal soldier of the Empire was hard-pressed to find a suitable armor, and NAM responded with a vengeance. The resulting power armor was unlike any previously designed by the corporation, weighing it at several tons, armed and armored to the point where it defined the Nepleslian "Assault Armor" and expanded the possibilities in future Nepleslian designs.

Notable Armors:

END OF ELEMENT, Generation 4: The New Breed

(More to come.)
The KFY-M4 Sylph was pretty much a try at the minimalistic power armor, made to give a nekovalkyrja user the extra endurance and mobility a footsoldier could hope for from a power armor within the scope of ground combat without putting in all the extra equipment more able powered suits had.

In the same vein, the M5 Harpy was made principally for Yamataian users. To depend less on the better combat skills the Nekovalkyrja would possess by comparison, it was given stealth capabilities, better sensors and increased mobility through a flightpack.

Both designs, while laudable for each of their respective expertise, where unfortunately sort of out of touch with logistical and tactical realities of the YE29 battlefield. The Sylph was pretty much a glorified AMES suit which would stand up to anything unarmored, but have poor chances of surviving against an actual hostile power armor of above-average strength. The Harpy shared some of the Sylph's flaws, but was even more brittle and didn't have much staying power.

What's more, the two suits required storage space and extra repair parts across starships. Even if the Sylph and the Harpy could perform decent roles within their thin fields of expertise, there weren't many starship captains whom felt it was worth diversifying their armor complements with them.

The Daisy power armor turned up as a more solid ground combat alternative to the Sylph, doing cheaply much of what a Mindy power armor could pull off in atmospheric combat. It eventually had the Harpy project folded in for extra module-installed sensor capabilities and was outfitted to be able to function in space. These, plus its compatibility with some of the Mindy Mark Two's modules, made the Daisy much more logistically viable to the M4 and M5 predecessors.

The Sylph project itself was recycled into making it into an upgrade of the aging M1 Lamia. A NH-18 Adaptive weapon-like construct was added in the hemosynthetic insert and a piloting cavity for youngling-sized nekos added to catter to the same miniature catgirl pilots the M1 serviced. Inbuilt anti-personnel weapons assured they could still perform ship defense roles, mechanical hands allowed them to use stronger anti-armor weaponry and their four winged pack gave shielding, extra propulsion and increased offensive capabilities. Adaptable, inexpensive and resilient... they turned out to be solid successors to the M1s. Some compare the M4 Mark Twos to a "poor neko's NIWS", seeing some building concept are much the same.

The Mindy Mark Two was pretty much the 'ultimate' successor of the Star Army of Yamatai space power armor. It was built around the Kylie's concept of being a anti-armor unit (if we consider it seriously, the Mindy was never really all that well suited to be anti-ship anyhow as most player attempts to do so failed. NPCs, however, often turned out to be successful to an unbelievable degree by contrast) and made easily modular to cater to a player's desire to toy and fiddle with his hardware either from preference or for mission requirements. While the Mindy II went the extra way of being able to be interfaced by Yamataians, the design in turn shot itself in the foot by being sized for nekovalkyrja sizes instead of for a broader range of users (like the Kylie and the Daisy).

If the Mindy Mark Two had been, from the start, sized to accommodate Yamataians like the M3 Kylie did, odds are the Daisy would be quickly phased out of service and most of the modular parts for it being given to the modular armor for planetary combat roles. Wether KFY's nekovalkyrja designers made an intentional oversight or not to keep the Mindy II mostly nekovalkyrja only is up for debate. ~_^
From a player's perspective:

I love the various styles of power armor available. From the thin yet deadly Yamataian armors to the the very manly buff and powerful armors of Nepleslia. Having this much variety within the setting screams awesome, at least it does to me. Not just that, but the armors reflect the nations they represent. Most Yamataian stuff is designed to be sleek, thin, and beautiful, almost like an object of art. Whereas Nepleslia focuses on pure utility, and their armors are scary looking because of it. The UOC seems to take a Yamataian like approach to power armor, at least as far as appearance is concerned, though it's not quite that surprising considering her lineage. Although, this can't quite be said yet since there are only a very few UOC designs in existence.

I know that some of the Yamataian designs were heavily influenced by Macross, the first fighter craft Yamatai produced greatly resembled a Valkyrie, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had a large influence.