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RP Concluded The Blue Goo

Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.1
RP Location
Port Jyuu
"So what is this stuff again?" Smith Anderson asked the woman-probably for the fifth time, gesturing to the small calking gun in his hand. Pinching the bridge of her nose the woman, dressed in a Yugumo Corporation Outfit, sighed-Garrick felt sorry for her as he checked the charge on his knucklehead rifle. Anderson was good with machines, but damn it all if he didn't have the memory of some Talon-Smoking dock whore.

"It's Starshield Gel," She sounded like someone who desperately needed a hit of the ol' bottle as she spoke very clearly and slowly, "It's meant to patch minor damage in a hull-watch." She demonstrated, injecting a small slab of stahlljos with the stuff; a small dollop before she hit a button on it. The goo glowed for a moment, and they both watched in disbelief as it spread through the cracks before solidifying. "As you can see, after it's been activated, the jel solidifies-" She rapped the plate with the tip of the applicator, "-and then slap a patch over it; the nanites in the gel do the rest. Do you understand?" The woman growled, "Or do we need to draw you a picture book like the instructions on your friend's rifle?" Now that was uncalled for-he'd a mind to show her how accurate a shot they were with the revolver on his hip. Wasn't worth it though. "You could've just told us it was a nanogel." Anderson growled back. Her eye twitched. "If you knew what it was why did I have to explain it to you?" Garrick chucked, leading her to glare at him-the yeoman couldn't blame the saleswoman for losing her patience with them. "Cause you didn't tell us it was nano-gel." The smith retorted, gesturing animatedly.

A pause, followed by an exasperated sigh. "Do you require anything else?" Her tone had become polite-far too much so for his liking. "That'll be all." Handing her the KS and taking the crate, with the likely mandatory line on her part of 'Yugumo thanks you for your business." Anderson nodded his head, indicating that Garrick should follow him. Nodding to the woman, he turned and followed his fellow out of the shop and into Port Jyuu proper. ("So why the Ancestor's Bollocks do they have us hiking back here for some nanogel?") Garrick inquired in their native tongue as they walked side by side down the hall that would take them to the elevator that would take them to the shuttle bay. ("Only the gods know why.") Anderson replied, rolling his shoulder briefly before cracking his neck. The two, dressed in their Brigandines drew a lot of attention. ("Considering how fast we left to begin with?") The smith continued as they entered the elevator-a bunch of civilians with SA and security in the mix. ("Probably didn't have a chance to check everything-had almost no gel of our own, and ours ain't as fancy.") The duo after entering, turned, with Anderson setting his load down briefly to stretch-much to the annoyance of several of the other passengers-before picking it back up. Nodding to the woman at the controls, he relayed their destination.

The doors closed. ("Well, at least we've had a chance to get a little bit more civilization before we step in it.") Garrick replied, shifting his rifle in his grip before letting out a yawn. ("You hear rumors? They found dead gribblies on that ship.") Anderson sighed...shaking his head. ("Look Garrick, let's just get this back to the transport, and then you can talk my ear off, alright?") Garrick simply laughed in response as the elevator reached its destination...
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