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The Business Proposal


Inactive Member
(OOC: This didn't turn out the way I wanted, but so many people have been telling me to get something started, so here is [part] of the first IC post for the collosseum.)

Lenwe walked slowly down the streets of Kyoto, looking in the shop windows, and just generally enjoying another perfect day on Yamatai. It had been a long last couple of days for the elf, pondering over what had become of his life. He had long ago come to grips with his being born a slave, but what he did, or rather did not do, in his free time, was what was bothering him now.

He had recently been asked by a mysterious figure who had shown up on his doorstep one night, if he would be interested in running a small business venture for him. Something that lenwe had been thinking a lot about since his discharge from the star army. Lenwe new he would be a help to Ms. Yuuko if he didn't have money coming in to help run the estate.

Lenwe slowly stepped into an alley between two shops and pulled the small card from his pocket., looking it over. It had a name and what lenwe guessed was a phone nuimber scrawled on it, and Lenwe just started at it. Could he really do it? C ould he really run his own business? No, he wouldn't call the man, Lenwe was a slave. He had no right to be running a busines that could, and according to the man, would, put him in level status with normal people.

On the other hand, if Lenwe took the job, he would be rich. He could afford all the things he had always wanted in life. This new thinking began to bring the long dormant feelings of greed and self preservation back to the forefront of the elf's mind.Just as Lenwe was putting the card back into his pocket, a voice spoke from off his left shoulder.

"I see you are still thinking over the boss' offer, young slave. This is good. Tell me, are you any nearer to a decision?" The female voice asked, dripping with feminine charm.

Lenwe moved slowly away from the newcomer, almost back onto the sidewalk. Looking back at the figure didn't reveal much, other than the female being of some soft of feline descent.

"Well, I've given it a lot of thought, and I think that if it would mean that my mistress and I could live better, there could be no harm in taking a second job." Lenwe commented nervously.

The figure nodded slowly and then turned to walk away, "Well then, if you would like to follow me, we will go see him and tell him the new in person." She turned to the side and looked back to Lenwe. "Well, are you coming or not?"

Lenwe hesitated for just a little longer, and then nodded, jogging after the woman, who now he recognized as being one of the newest models of Nekovalkyrja. He followed close behind her as they would their way through the alleys, until they came to the backdoor of one of the shops on a not so used side street. The Neko knocked on the door and had some words with the person on the other side, and the door was slowly opened.

The woman beckoned Lenwe to follow her, and he did, soon finding himself in a backroom full of shelves and tables covered with bottles. The liquids within were all different colors, and consistencies. As the two of them, plus the person who had opened the door, a large, grey skinned troll, entered, all activity in the backroom stopped, and most of the other Nepleslians and trolls quickly hid what they were working on. Lenwe canted his head slightly at this behaviour, wondering what was so secretive about what this shop did.

The troll who had opened the door for them, led them up some stairs into an waiting area for an office on the second floor, and then just walked back down the stairs. The neko accompanying Lenwe motioned to the seats, and the elf took one, smiling as he looked around the room, taking it all in. They didn't have to wait long, before they were ushered through another door into the office of the owner of the shop.

Sitting behind a large wooden desk, cliche for this sort of meeting, was the male that Lenwe had met before. Motioning to a large leather chair in front of his desk, he beckoned Lenwe over for their little meeting. The neko just walked to stand behind the desk, just off the left side.

"So, Elf, have you come to a decision about my business proposition? It would be a very lucrative offer, and will only be offered to you once. I have heard some things about you, about how you grew up, and your time in the military. It takes balls to say what you did...And that's why I thought you would be perfect for what I have to offer. I mean, you have such an innocent face, but my assistant here, and I, both know that all of you slaves have a dark side. You don't just serve your master's every whim with total happiness. There is a part of every person that just begs to be let out every once in a while. A side that revels in the thought of having your own moment to shine. That's what this is, Kid, you opportunity to prove that you are not just another mindless drone." The man said, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands in front of his chin. "So what is it going to be?"

Lenwe listened intently, thinking over all that was said to him. He weighed it all for truth in his mind, finding what this man was saying to be just how he felt. No disrespect to Yuuko, or his own mother and father, but he really wasn't meant for the life of a slave. No one should be forced into that lifestyle, it should be chosen if they truely wish it. Licking his lips and clearing his throat softly, Lenwe sat up in his chair, ready to give his answer.

"Sir, I have come before you today after a week of thinking about your offer. I have given it a lot of thought, weighing the good and the bad of what you could possibly be offering me. You never told me what sort of job I would be put in charge of, so that made me a little nervous, especially so after seeing what was going on downstairs..."

The man sat forward quickly, his eyes ablaze. "What was happening downstairs is none of your business, Boy. What we are discussing now should be all that is on your mind...You saw nothing down there that would mean anything without the knowledge that you can only get by accepting my offer of becoming a partner in my dealings. If you really want to know what is going on, you will just have to take my word for now, that it is nothing that should worry you, or sway you away from heading up this business venture."

Nodding quickly, and leaning back in his chair away from the irrate businessman, Lenwe continued. "But I still would like to say that I would be willing to take your offer. I need the money to help support my mistress, as well as myself, in the coming years. This job, it sounds like, would do just that." Lenwe nodded for emphasis, and then sighed to himself, trying to relax in this high pressure situation.

The man behind the desk grinned, and as the light shone off his ice blue eyes, Lenwe shivered. "Good choice." was all he said, and then nodded to his assistant, who walked over to a large metal cabinet and began pulling files from it.

"Here is the rundown. I have recently aquired some land near the south central part of town. My boys are building a large arena, a collosseum if you will. That is what you will be running, Elf. I want you to watch over the daily comings and goings. I want you to make me some money, take some bets, a little gambling here or there. It won't be anything too large for you at first, but judging from your past, I think you will be able to fit right in..." The man remarked, taking the top folder and opening it. He slid photographs and paperwork across the desk to Lenwe. One of the folders was the deed to the land on which the collosseum would sit, as well as a picture of what it would look like completed.

The building stood easily seventy-five stories tall at it's highest point, and was a sort of mixture of the Greek collosseums, as well as modern day sports arenas/domes. It was built to look like it was completely hewn from stone, but was in fact, at it's core, a very dense, stable metal.

A picture was slid across the table of a large restaurant, 'Huan Yi's', more than likely specializing in asian cuisine. "Until the collosseum is finished, you will be running the preliminary business from here. I own the place, so don't worry about ruffling any feathers. There is a large basement, perfect for holding a few slobberknockers to get your hands bloody before moving to the major leagues. I want you to get a good staff behind you, Lenwe. It would never do to have my newest business partner disappear, after I have already spent so much money getting you all set up. Don't get my wrong, if you should have an accident, it's not like there aren't other fish I have waiting to fry, it's just that right now, you are the big fish in this little pond." The man smiled wickedly to his guest, a look that made Lenwe want to scoot his chair away a little bit more.

Three files were tossed across the table to Lenwe, unopened, but upon looking in them, Lenwe found they all contained stat sheets on some pretty tough looking characters.

"I want you to go through these and pick out a few that really interest you. They will be the start of your operations. Take into consideration each of their individual talents, and think how they would fit into this well oiled machine. The first file are some of my best trained fighters and bodyguards. None of them have any qualms with getting down and dirty if told to. The next are just a few pretty faces that could be used to lure in a bit more carnal business. Now, I am not saying that you should get you a full on call service going, but it never hurts to have perks for the 'big spenders'. And the last file there is just an assortment of nutjobs and loonies who will do anything for a few scraps. Some are thieves, others murderers, there might even be a few card sharks and hustlers...Bottom line is, I want you to find yourself a few that you like, and get in touch with them. They all know my name, so feel free to drop it liberally, and I think they will all know that this would be their big shot. Now, get out of here, you're starting to bug me...And if I were you, I would lose the pretty boy look. You're in a new league, Kid, start acting the part." And with a wave of his hand in dismissal, the man turned his chair to face a large picture window overlooking the streets of Kyoto.

Lenwe gathered up all of the files, and nodded, hurrying for the door. He was about to totally leave the office when the assistant approached him.

"Here, you'll need these..." She handed him a small key ring, and a few swipe cards, one of which looked like a credit card of some sort. "The keys will get you into the restaurant, and the fight club beneath. The cards will give you a little money to spend getting the necessary items you'll need to get on your way, as well as get you into the high security areas in the collosseum, when you get around to that. I will be in touch with you soon, to give you the latest details on what's happening with the boss and his expectations. For now though, I think you have work to do..." She grinned to him, taking a handful of his left buttcheek with a wink. After giving a little squeeze, she turned and walked back into the office, closing the door behind her.

Lenwe squeeked softly at the advance, and as soon as he was free, he hurried away, back towards his own home. The files were clutched close to his chest, and he didn't make eye contact with anyone. This caused him to run into quite a few people, and he would mumble an apology and then hurry on.

When he finally got back home, he quickly went into the study, where he flopped down into a leather chair and began poring through the files. There were some of the fighters that immediately lept off the pages to him, and he moved them to a seperate stack. He even thought about getting some of the murderers to fight for him, but on second thought, he needed his fighters alive and in top shape to keep the people coming back.

Having selected a few candidates for the fighter postions, he moved on to the second file, trying to find a few female, as well as one or two males, to create the basis of an escort service for those choosing to spend a lot of money on gambling, or nights of pleasure. This decision was much more difficult, since most of the women had quite obviously been augmented. Those that he felt looked too unnatural, he didn't even consider, while those who were underdeveloped were also thrown out. In the end, he had four females, and a handful of males.

Setting that file aside, he sighed to himself, leaning back and staring at the ceiling. It was the first time he really gave any consideration to what he was getting himself into. He had just signed his life over to the underworld, essentially. He was a marked man. If his boss had any enemies, he could, how did his boss put it? 'Have an accident', or 'disappear'...Getting up from the desk, Lenwe walked over to a small bar. Walking behind, he would pull a large glass from a cupboard, and a jug of milk, some chocolate syrup, and a special vial of peppermint syrup. He mixed them all together, and then walked back to his desk, setting the minty drink on a bamboo coaster, and just stared out the window at the garden. The cherry blossoms were just beginning to bloom, giving the space a little burst of color in the waning light.

"What have I gotten myself into?" he muttered to himself, shaking his head and just stared out the glass. "What have I gotten myself into?"
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