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RP: Second Draconian War The Calm Before

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"Chujo Zaitsev?"


"How are you doing, my newly promoted comrade?" the green-haired woman greeted him. It was Taisho Yui from the 1st Fleet.

Zaitzev offered a soft nod of his head in return to the woman. "Quite well, comrade. I'm enjoying my new position immensely. And how are you on this fine day?"

"I am well. Today marks the completetion of a new generation of ships. Qel'noran Shipyards has finished its new series of Wazu and Wakizashi destroyers." She smiled pleasantly. "I have already taken my share. I was wondering if I could get at few Yui and Ketsueki calss ships from you, as well."

He quirked a brow with intrigue at the mention of the new generation of ships. These ships had been highly anticipated and Zaitsev regretted not taking action sooner to get some for himself. Nodding softly to the woman he would respond eagerly. "Help yourself to any ships you may require."

"I have a new battleship, the GSS Revelation, and am to acquire some of the new Iris-Class carriers soon. Unfortunately I don't have many free escort ships." she added. I've already picked out a series of names for them. There are still plenty of destroyers for you, so a few smaller ships for me wouldn't hurt you any. It's good to see the fifth fleet finally acquiring ships. Now I need to find a fleet commander!" she chuckled lightly.

"I will be taking your 2nd Comand group and 1st Scout group, then. You should be able to replace them with Wazus or Wakizashis." She was looking at the lists at the same time, glancing back and forth between Zaitsev and the information. "My goal is to make my fleet into several groups capable of operating independantly."

The Chujo nodded softly in response to the words. He considered for a moment, glancing down to one of his lists on the terminal screen before him. Sucking softly on his cheek, he pondered for a moment, before making the neccessary adjustments in his head as to where he would place the new ships. "Sounds like a plan. I'll look in to acquiring the neccessary ships before the day is out."

"Thank you, Chujo Zaitsev. There is one more matter, however." She stroked her somewhat pointy chin. "What of the situation in Ayenee? The intelligence I've been hearing is that a large war could break out soon. Your fleet should prepare itself."

he considered for a moment, before answering hesitantly. He had to choose the proper wording when it came to such matters. "War? I don't know for sure. There's been odd activity, the former Ayenee forces are building defences and recently had a convoy of Nerimian ships arrive. The KIF has been keeping to their one planet. Other than that things seem in order, though. It may be early for suspicion."

"Are you certain nothing is amiss? Some of the NDI's enemies seem to be restless and quite...productive military-wise. It's the reason for our expansion. Or, one of them. We're also looking at a few new realms to explore and colonize. A new focus has been put on spreading ourselves out while maintaining our potentency. By the way, do you need a carrier?"

Victor quirked a brow with intrigue at the mention of NDI enemies. He hadn't heard of any in the system until this moment. "NDI enemies? Such as? I hadn't been told of any spottings of anything outside of the KIF and the Ayenee forces in the system." Pausing he nodded softly to the question. "Yes, a carrier would be quite useful."

"The..." she frowned, not quite remembering the name. "The forces they engaged during their Draconian War."

He paused. He had no clue as to what a draconian was. Let alone why it had a ward. He asked confused from the line of conversation. "What's a Draconian? And what war? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about..."

"And I'll see about that carrier." she added. Yui, being of the Kitsurugi clan, had connections with the fleet yards she could use to scrounge up ships. "The Draconian War should be in the NDI's public database, at least the basics."

"I was going to take all five carriers for myself, but I will give you the (GA-03) GSS Hana-Shôbu."

(ooc note: Iris ensata/Japanese Iris/Sword-leaved Iris = Hana-Shôbu )

"I'll take her back when the next 5 come out next week." she chided. "Be good to her."

Nodded with a soft chuckle. "Don't worry, I'll be good to her. I'll see to it personally. I shall also look in to this...Draconian thing." He shook his head softly at the word. Where did the NDI come up with such things...

"You have 4 ships to name." Yui noted. "Two frontier assault ships and two Yui command destroyers."


Zaitsev nodded softly, considering for a moment. "Mmm...I've never been too crafty with names. I'll find something suitable for them, though."

"I've taken to naming mine after 21st-century garden's of Earth's Japan." Yui nodded.

Nodded for a moment. "Hmm... I'll look to a similar era for mine. Though, to my more native Russia perhaps."

"That would be excellent. I find it better to find something of cultural significance is better than mere numbers."

"Very true, it must be so demoralizing for a crew to be branded with a number rather than a deserving title."

"What's worse, it is becoming less common for the mass-produced nekos to be given names."

"Still, what choice do we have? It would take too long to raise and train them like I was. Therefore we must make copies."

The man nodded for a moment reflecting on how he was one of so very few humans within the GSA. He pondered if his seating as admiral was nothing more than a political move. "It's unfortunate, but a neccessary 'evil' I suppose."

"It's important to keep your crews happy..." she sighed deeply. "I try."'

The russian chuckled softly for a moment. "Yes, keeping the crews happy is very important. Something I've learned very slowly."

Yui laughed lightheartedly, and then gave Zaitsev a funny look. "Of course, everyone has their own methods." she giggled.

He chuckled softly not realizing the underlying insinutation when the words had first been spoken. It was so awkward being the only male around. "Even then, my methods have been ineffective at times."

"Maybe you should start slowly, and then gradually go faster and faster." Yui grinned mischievously.

Smirked lightly at the mention of the words, which again twisted his. "Perhaps. Though, I'm unsure if the Neo's onboard preffer a gradual anything. Very impatient..."

"You're such a sweet man." Yui cooed. "I can see why you were picked for your position. You will make a good leader because you care."

Victor miled softly at the encouraging words. "Thank you. I appreciate your words more than I can say. Hopefully I will lead with not only caring and good intentions, but with good method in the future."

"Of course." Yui nodded. She seemed most pleasant and happy. It was if is her usual 'shields' were lowered. "I have a favor to ask."

Lightly quirking a brow at the mention of a favor, he nevertheless seemed hesitant to ask the favor. "And what would the favor be?"

"I want you to give your nekos a good time. A while back, I mentioned a recreational convergence of KIF and GSA forces. I would like you to get in touch with Alexandre Card and see about having a get-together of our troops. I'm sure both sides will have a great time." Yui grinned seductively.

He laughed softly at the mention of it all. It was one of the most awkward portions of being in the GSA. He was used to less open customs about such things. Furthermore, it was odd being one in so few males. Although, Zaitsev could cope with such things quite easily. He'd grown used to it. "Heh. I'll do my best. I've yet to meet this Card fellow, though. What's he like? I'm told he's quite young for his position."

"I'm no expert. You can check records, though. I recorded the eyesight of my crew and I during my visit to them." she replied. "I think you will get along nicely. Victor..." Yui quietly asked. "Was what being a child like?"

Zaitsev chuckled softly some more, a hearty chuckle from the man. He considered softly his childhood. He'd grown up during rough times, unfortunately. "A child? Well, before I came to the GSA as a young teen... I was on earth. I don't know if you keep records of Earth, but there was a very fierce civil war waged across the planet. Childhood was horrible for me. I was too young to help. I was a very depressed child for my lack of aid to my family and friends. I never had time to enjoy it as most do."

"Most? Most of us don't have a childhood." she frowned. "Well, I mean GSA soldiers...I didn't have a happy childhood either. I guess we can only hope our children can." she dreamed aloud. "That's why I'm in the GSA. To protect my children."

"All over Ayenee, the children are sickened, enslaved, murdered, kidnapped, and beaten. They are undernourished, poor, despised. In the Empire we care for our citizens, we do not kick them down and leave them to die on the threshold of some tavern. I feel that when the empire expands, we make a positive difference in the lives of those we conquer. We give hope, resources, and life. Giving a child a chance to live a good life is the greatest thing I can give. And that is why I fight."

The man nodded in understanding. It had made complete sense to him and was partially why he had joined the GSA in the first place. "I see. I feel similar. Ayenee is a very harsh place, one I don't care much for under any rule. It's barbaric."

"That's why I've tried to keep from conflicting with the NDI. The Nerimians seem to be doing it some good, if only a little."

"The Nerimians have good intentions, but I don't care for their method of carrying them out. I've much concern for their doctrine as a whole."

"That's why your fleet remains in Ayenee orbit, my comrade." she smiled, her fangs glinting slightly with the light of the control panels around her.

Zaitsev smiled softly at the mention of the words. He liked the concept that they were keeping the NDI in check, so to speak.

"I will keep in touch. Leave a message with Ops when you have names for your new ships. Also, pick the ships you want while they are still available." Yui bowed slightly, as business required her attention. "Good luck to you and your fleet, Chujo."

The man nodded softly to the words and bowed gracefully before Yui. "Thank you again, comrade. May your fleet be blessed with as much luck as it has beauty." With that, he would turn to examine several of the recent scout reports.

GSA no Chujo Victor Zaitsev
Commanding Officer, GSA 3rd Fleet


GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui
Commanding Officer, GSA 1st Fleet
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