Star Army

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The Chronicles of Kusati


Inactive Member
(this story is not nessercarily what happens on the destiny, just something i thought i would right about, therefore some parts will be the same, but others will not actually happen)

Bosaka's death

Kusati's father - Bosaka - sat in the pilots chair of their old broken down, shipping starship laughing at how smoothly the run had gone. Bosaka knew that after this run, he would have enough money to buy a new starship.

As they approched the planet, a ship with no insignia bore down at them at full speed. Bosaka quickly spun his chair to the controls and put Kusati at the communication controls. Bosaka feared the worst - pirates - soon enough a gravelly voice came through the speakers, " this is Weng Law of the ship 'No Law', Prepare to be boarded, do not fire and you wil be allowed to live"

"Kusati!" yelled Bosaka, "get to that damned gun, we are NOT losing this cargo"
Kusati ran to the turret and laid his sights on the approaching ship,
"FIRE AT WILL" Bosaka screamed
Kusati laid down a barrage of pulse energy at the pirate ship, but some how the shields held and the ship stayed on course
"DAD, its not working what do i..." his shout was interupted by another communication from the pirates, " we told you not to attack us, prepare to die!"
"get behind cover" Bosaka screamed,
Kusati dived behind a pile of crates and drew his blaster. Bosaka merly crouched down, drew his blaster and aimed at the entrace, the door hissed, opened and four Pirates stormed in, guns blazing.
Busaka opened up with a stream of pulse shots, hitting one pirate in the knee.
Kusati followed his fathers lead and came up behind cover and fired wildly but failed to hit the pirates. Busaka tried to roll behind some cover, but was hit by a snapshot from one of the pirates. It penetrated his stomach, and blasted out, hitting the crates behind him.

Kusati popped up to fire some more and saw his fathers body lying there,
"Noooooooo" he screamed, he dived over the crates, firing without cause, hit the floor and rolled to absorb the shock. He dragged his fathers dying body behind the crates, firing wild snapshots at the intruders to stop them shooting him.

he reached his cover and popped up, snapped off a quick shot and hit the pirate in the midriff.
" RETREAT, theres nothing to be gained here!", the pirates dragged their two injured comrades out of the doorway, keeping Kusati's head down with streams of fire, they entered their ship and escaped.
"fire on that broken down wretch of a starship untll there is nothing left" the lead pirate annouced to his crew.
A barrage of fire lept out at Kusati's starship.

Through sheer determination and skill Kusati outflew the guns and escaped to the planet.

"k..usat..i, ple..ase hunt..them do..wn do..n't let them... ca..use more pain.." with that his father died.

Kusati's face flushed red, his fists clenched in anger, he screamed at the stars a vow to his father, " THEY SHALL NOT LIVE MUCH LONGER FATHER"

(to be continued)
Explosion in the room

Kusati wandered down the hallway of the Destiny with wide eyes, grief over the loss of his father temporarily shifted to the back of his mind. he saw many officers walking down the hallway with a confidence completely alien to him. He knew no-one, and for that matter he didn't know what to do or where to go.

he wandered down the ship aimlessly for a while before a stranger stopped him, Kusati was in his own little world. he was so young, he had never seen anything like it. Sure pilot training for the stararmy was hard. piloting a fighter was like a new experiance. those simulators were so real.

He snapped out it, to find that the man had given him a sheet of paper, he looked at it, "tower 2, level 14, room 45".

"right' thought Kusati, lets go find what my living quarters a like. He found his room pretty quickly and settled down on an empty bunk. there were four all together, "i must be the first one here, i wonder if the others are pilots aswell, probably it makes sense."

he walked over to the computer terminal to discover his duties.

"AI what ship am i currently assigned"

"a hoplite V1 variable fighter"

"what are my current duties and assignments?"

"hold on, im getting an incoming transmission form the fighter wing commander, its for you"

"put it on then"

but before the transmission came into place the console started smoking.

"what the..?"

kusati managed a few steps back before it exploded, the force slamming him against a wall, he felt blood trickling down from his shoulder. his vision started to go dark, the room was in flames. He just managed to wisper, "h..el.p..m..e" into his comlink before lapsing into unconsciouness. He did not know weather the the comlink was switched on or not.

(to be continued)
The awakening

Kusati's eyes, opened slowly, then blinked repeatedly in reflex of the bright white lights surrounding him.

He felt terrible, every inch of his body was pounding in pain, he didnt remember having so much injury before...before, that word echoed back at him.

He seemed to use that word a lot now, BEFORE he left his mother on the homeplanet, BEFORE his father was killed, BEFORE he joined stararmy, and finally BEFORE the accident with the computer terminal.

He touched his face, and suddenly there was immense pain. he screamed in agony.

"He's awake!' someone shouted

"hello, Kusati, can you here me"


"kusati, speak to me"


"he's ok people, no lasting brain damage!" the man shouted at the people watching, " listen Kusati" the man spoke in a soft voice. " you suffered third degree burns, we are goin to have to perform skin grafts and extensive surgery if you want to look like you used to"

the pain from his face had slowly ebbed away, and he could now speak co-herently.

"yes, i want it. please"

"ok then people, snap it up, lets get this man ready for theatre and patch him up, come one get to it!" he barked at his subordinates

(to be continued)
Fight at the bar

Kusati walked into the bar a few days after the skin grafts had been completed. it still felt a little strange, but it was getting better. he took up a booth and ordered a drink, hoping that someone he had met before might walk in, the accident and recovery had taken so long that he still didn't know many people.

his drink arrived, Kusati sipped it carefully, it was ice cold

"mm, its delicious, thank you" he commented to the waiter, he proceded to tip him a bit for the good service. The waiter departed and Kusati settled back to relax, enjoy his drink and enjoy the music coming from a speaker somewhere.

A couple minutes later he had finished his drink, and was trying to get the attention of the waiter when two large men walked in, they headed straight for him. Kusati was about to introduce himself when he saw the cold glare in their eyes, all pleasentless tured to cold fear in his belly.

"i think you'll find you're sitting at our table" stated the man with a scar, he was almost shaking with anger.

'what is wrong with these guys, they are getting way too worked up about a table'

Kusati started to rise out of his seat and offer it to them, ' i dont need any more trouble now'

"oh look", said the second man, the second man was larger than the first, with bulging muscles, he was calm, but had a hard look in his eyes, "the kid wants to fight us" they laughed coldly

"no no, you don't understand im offering you the.."

"shut up" they dragged him up and out of the boothand proceeded to push him back and forth, then the one with a scar punched him in the gut, Kusati doubled over, a glazed look in his eyes, he started moaning.

"oh look he's in pain, they all laughed, including others not involved"

Kusati realised that there would always be people like this, wherever he went, and with that thought he straightened up, the glazed look turned to anger, he shifted his body into the combat stance, ' looks like all that hand to hand combat training is about to pay off' he thought

"oh look" the second man exclaimed, "he thinks he can win"

and with that the two men rushed him, Kusati shifted his hands, he was ready, it was the larger of the two that came first, with his right hand flying, the man went in for a punch, Kusati grabbed his arm and twisted it then side stepped to the left and planted a kick to the back of the head.

Suddenly Kusati heard a scream, he spun around quickly just in time to see a fist coming straight at him, it was an inch away from his face, he had to act fast.

(to be continued)
Fight at the bar part 2

Kusati spun out of the way was much as possible, but the fist still connected solidly with his left cheekbone. He backed away, recovering from the force of the blow, he put his hand to his face and could feel some blood trickling down his face, the anger inside him grew and swelled, he charged the man who had hit him, the one with the scar, but instead of going for a punch, he stopped short and came up with a side kick to the ribs, the man fell backwards, crying with pain.

Kusati walked over to the man very slowly, and then slammed his foot down on his face, leaving him left unconcious. He turned to face the other man, and was surprised to see that he had taken up a proper fighting pose

'oh shit, this is going to be tougher than i expected' thought kusati, though he could see that the man was still massaging his twisted arm.

Kusati smiled venemously at the man, they started to slowly circle each other, Kusati could see that the other patrons of the bar were taking bets.

Kusati beckoned the man with a taunt, and just as he expected the man came rushing on, at the last second Kusati sidestepped out of the way, but left his arm out streched, the man ran straight into it and just as soon bounced off.

The man got up, there was blood streaming from his nose, they paced each other, but this time it was Kusati who attacked, he came in with an elbow but snapped it out into a backfist into the mans already damaged nose.

the man recovered and charged him, but this time it was kusati who was surprised as instead of going for a punch, he spun round and backheeled kusati in the face.

Kusati staggered back with a cut to his head, then things went to a whole new level, the man drew a knife. Kusati was not prepared for this and the man lunged again and again, cutting his legs and stomach, then he drew back for a breather.

Kusati made his move, he lunged at the man, grabbed his knife hand, and twisted it in ways it wasnt supposed to go, the big man screamed and dropped the knife, then he kneed the man in the balls, causing him to double over, while Kusati kept hold of his arm, keeping it twisted and bent out of place.

This was it, the final blow, it almost seemed like slow motion, the knee came up, and slammed into the mans face. He dropped like a stone, unconscious on the floor. Kusati sat back on a chair and asked for a drink. there were people patting him on the back, saying well done, he was faint, he drank some water.

Then the Police ran in

(to be continued)
The Nightmare

Kusati set down on his bunk, after a hard night. He seemed to do this a lot now, first because he was new, then after the accident with the console, and now, after that stupid fight in the bar.

He rubbed his brusied ribs, and checked his slowly healing cuts. He could not honestly believe that there were men out there willing to pull a knife out just for a stupid table.

He lay on his bed and stripped down to boxers, he looked over at the mirror, and was horrified by what he saw. The Pink synth-flesh was only just starting to wear in and looked extremly odd, add his scars from schoolyard bullies early in life and the fact that all his hair had burned away, he looked quite a site.

he could only hope that from now on things would start to get better. he got under the covers and fell into a troubled sleep.

he kept turning, sweating, mumbling words that no-one would be able to work out.

he was having a nightmare, he had them every night, non stop. they only ended when he woke up. it was the same one every time.

He was stuck in a burning room, Kusati on one side, able to escape to freedom, all he had to do was jump over to the medics. but his father was on the other side of the room, blaster hole in his gut. screaming, almost ripping his lungs out, his could see them coming out of his chest, shouting for help

"don't let me die"

but almost straight after

"save yourself, leave me"

kusati was so scared, confused, he ran to save his father, but was engulfed in flames, writhing on the floor. Thats where it would end, He sat up straight sweating, breathing fast and hard. He didn't know weather he would be able to cope with these forever.

He might have to go to a medic, but that would probably ruin his career, he would have to think about it, if the dreams persisted, he might have no choice