Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Interest Check The Colonization Adventure of a Lifetime - Hinomaru Sunrises


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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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We are now recruiting again for Hinomaru Sunrises.​

There are two SAoY main plot ships - The YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City (The "BACC"), and the YSS Mazu

A few things we need - for the "BACC"​

  1. Bridge Crew - we have a Commander, an XO, Mission Operator. Everything else is open.
  2. Flight Related - We have a Deck Boss, and A Pilot, We could use more pilots for the squadron.

Other Needs​

  • I will let @Miyako post what she needs for the Mazu.
  • For Civilians - Please speak to @Yuuki about what she needs for Yugumo.
  • I'm open to new Motoyoshi Clan members to be made. Contact me directly for this.

In terms of the plot itself -​

Summary - A Massive Colonization Effort led by the Yugumo Corporation, Supported and Protected by the 1XF and 5XF. We will be headed out of the Kikyo Sector exploring the unknown, encountering new species (some nice, some not), and looking for a new sector to colonize for the Yamatai Star Empire. Be prepared for unorthodox methods and unexpected surprises.

Frequency - It will be all SP, occasional JP. We encourage people to post as much as they can, flexible. Preferred 1-2 posts a week.

Style - Hinomaru Sunrises, like other plots I've run in the past are collectively GMed. A group of us GM the plot and coordinate the different facets of the story that come together into one. Members are able to make aside threads and social plots of their own.

Plan -​

Active Threads

What we need for the Mazu:​

1. Bridge Crew - Anything but XO I have space for.
2. Old Mazu crew are welcome to come back, just message me here or on discord. I will reorganize the roster soon.
3. Scientists of all stripes. We have t h i c c labs.
4. The caretaker position is obviously spoken for.
5. I can take most occupations so feel free to ask. I'll leave the pilots and flight operations to the BACC until/if they can take no moar.
6. Similar to what Andrew said, if there is interest in making a Shimizu Clan member, also talk to me!
I'd really like to have Ishido join the BACC as a fighter pilot, if that's possible.
We would be happy to have you onboard. Somethings to do first -

  1. Submit your character to be reviewed and approved - Character Applications
  2. Request your orders, once your character is approved - SAOY Orders Request Thread (See the template here)
Looking forwards to having you with us!
I've spent some time thinking things over, and talking with Wes and my fellow co-GMS.

As you have probably heard there are some changes coming to this plot and its format. So I want to give everyone a heads-up.

1. The Mitsu, Shiori, and Asagiri are being moved to NSFW. The main plot is being moved out from behind the NSFW wall, if you need to do lewd in association with the main story they will have to go under NSFW.
2. I need a little bit of time to do some reformatting of the plot. So there is going to be probably about a week to a week and a half here where things are being shuffled.
3. I'd like to see things move to a move consolidated RP set before the mission launch. @Locked_0ut I have to be honest; I'm having trouble thinking of ways to keep your character included, the Flight Control position just doesn't seem like a good fit for a PC on a non-Carrier plot. Your character may also be better served to join the 2XF when @Yuuki starts it up. Maybe you can sort out another character in a MOS more usable in RP? We can talk about this as things progress through the changes being made. @Soban similarly I think your character is more set up for an RP made for that type of MOS.
4. @SageShooter you have not been posting regularly, we're kind of at a point where either you're with us and willing to make this a priority or you're not.
5. I will be reformatting the colonization fleet a little. @Charaa you've done a good start but I'd like to change a few things.

So summary - I'm going to take a week or so to reformat some plans, I will post a revised interest check with what positions we need as well as will be talking to some of you about your characters. Sorry for the inconvenience but this has all been stressing me out and I'm very frustrated because I feel the current format won't work. If you need reassignment I understand, or if you just want to dip I understand that too. Its just I have to make changes here to make myself and my Co-GMs more able to deliver a quality plot versus something that is a bit all over the place as things have been.

Just to update here too
Alright Everyone, The GMs have been busy, and here is what we have come up with:

As of now, since things have changed with where player characters will be placed please reference the - Hinomaru Sunrises II on Star Army Space Roleplay

Reformed Plot Page: Hinomaru Sunrises II on Star Army Space Roleplay

We've decided that the YSS Mazu will be the focused ship with players on it (Except for Katsuko, Her Clerk (Cyan's Character), and Tachiko which will be included in the BACC). The following careers are what we've narrowed down in terms of what we are seeking.

The plot will restart after the new year.

Also, the main plot will be coming out from behind the NSFW wall. We will be working on this in the coming few days.

Characters Wanted​

  • Star Army Science Officer personnel. Away Teams will be science and first-contact-focused.
  • Bridge Crew and Related MOS. Some of this personnel may end up part of Away Teams.
  • CMO (Star Army Medical)
  • Vetted Civilian Diplomat (To represent in First Contact Situations)
As promised it is the new year and the plot is off to the races - RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II - Our Point of Origin

Anyone needing orders, or wish to let me know of a character they still might be in process of making would be great. Just give me a ping over on discord and I will get it done. Don't let paperwork hold you up though, if you're going to be in the RP jump in there we can work out the small stuff on the backend. The Fleet will be in range for a while due to the slowness of Port Jiyuu, Port SIren, etc. Still can work out assignments post-launch. The list of help wanted is still up there.

@Miyako you mentioned one of the girls that are a Xenobiologist Science Officer needing a home, just let me know which one and I will pop up orders.

I also believe @Nakshatra and @Damaske mentioned making characters, just let me know if you need help or orders.

Anyway we're off!
I'd drop the old XO in, but he is still an NPC. I have to wait for Mikael gets Chusa in month 7 to convert him to a PC.
I don't mind the old XO, he'd have to lose the XO status though cause that is Kaoru's spot now that Akina is on the Mazu. I have no issues! I don't think @Miyako or @Yuuki would mind either. There will be regular transports to and from the fleet to help new players arrive once we are out of the sector as well.
Can place him as an npc for the time being somewhere. For a pc, I have a pathologist/cyberneticist/survivalist officer candidate currently undergoing basic officer training. The Red Lilly Clone can end up there to finish the tail end of her training if you want her.

Wish I could used Mikael, but Close Protection Specialists are currently on the list.
Can place him as an npc for the time being somewhere. For a pc, I have a pathologist/cyberneticist/survivalist officer candidate currently undergoing basic officer training. The Red Lilly Clone can end up there to finish the tail end of her training if you want her.

Wish I could used Mikael, but Close Protection Specialists are currently on the list.
Drop in a request for Orders. In terms of Mikael, I could see him becoming a security/ Close Protection Specialist to Katsuko. Up to you, the Lilly sounds cool too.
The joys of being a Close Protection Specialist Overseer, protect someone and manage 30 other specialists for officers Chusa and up.

I'll drop requests for both.