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OOC The Council, and how it works.


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
This forum is to be used for all political discussions related to the Neshaten, but can also be used to roleplay out issues that occur within the Kingdom. For example, the recent meteor impact on Levia can be RP'd out by the council where they can talk about the destruction it caused and send additional aid or perhaps figure out what caused it.

Or, when the Neshaten meet a new civilization, the council can come together to figure out what level of relationship their citizens desire

Any laws that are proposed, or any changes that are requested, must be done In-Character. Remember, this is a council, so roleplays are done within the council chamber. This is done in traditional RP (not like what we see in Yamatai's Senate forums)

Players can either submit these proposals using their characters in a plot (which would imply that these proposals were made during a characters off-duty time) or they can use a political character they created. Please remain consistant.

Remember that any laws and proposals made must be simplified, there are two reasons; not everyone understands legalize but also because within the Neshaten culture, all laws have to be simplified because Kits are taught their Kingdom's laws starting at a young age.

Please remember that the King and Queen are RP'd by myself and Khas. All others, are GM's and players. If you'd like to create a political NPC for the council, you are free to do so, but currently it is not a requirement.

OOC Rules

I ask that all of my Nesha players please refrain from allowing any OOC knowledge to influence their in-character posts. If you don't like a current player in the setting, but you two are part of this faction, I ask that you not allow that dislike to influence your judgment or your posts.

IC Rules

Stay in character please.