Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 The Deal is Sealed



15:30 Day of New Years
Section 6 HQ

After months of back and forth transmissions and video calls Riccard had finally made it to 188604 and more precisely, S6, he stood outside the office of Director Jack Pine who he would be meeting for the first time in person for the final discussion to seal the partnership. His small startup company Galactic Horizon had been a dream come true and with the help of Jack and S6, Riccard hoped he could grow it into a name known around the universe.

As he approached the door the man stopped to adjust his shirt and tie before standing outside and knocking twice, "Director, It's Riccard Black CEO of Galactic Horizon, we've spoken prior to this meeting. I hope I'm not too early for you."

Jack raised an eyebrow at the voice before pulling up an itinerary his daughter Neera has arranged for him. He cursed himself for forgetting, and looked down at his casual attire. Hoping the black jeans, black muscle shirt, and black leather jacket would come off as modest. Setting down his glass of bourbon, he neurally activated the pneumatic door, "Not at all, please come in and relax."

Riccard opened the door and moved into the office, it was more spacious than he was used to but held a large similarity to his own in the new Horizon building. Taking a seat across from the Director he sat down with a warm smile on his face and and outstretched hand. "Good to finally see you in person Jack, I take it this is a more informal meeting then?" he said looking at the clothing Jack had on.

"To be honest Riccard, things have been very busy lately and I lost track of time. Though I have never been one for wearing suits." Jack stated accepting the hand and giving an apologetic body.

"Haha well up until recently neither had I so think nothing of it, anyway how have things been here at Section 6. Hope my merry band of misfits hasn't disrupted things too much for you." Riccard had crossed one leg over the other and lent back in his chair clearly taking the advice to relax seriously.

"Your people have been a blessing, and quite frankly a relief to some of my current stresses. It is nice to have others who seek to build things better through technology as neighbors. I will admit things has been tense lately. But what can you expect on a frontier world." Jack answered likewise relaxing before taking a sip of his drink.

"Well spoken my friend well spoken, all kinds of things going on in a place like this. It's good to have people by your side who you can trust and depend on when you need help." Riccard looked up at the ceiling and stared idely at the lights, looking back down he asked. "I don't know if it was ever a topic of conversation for us within all the legal paperwork, but have you got yourself a family Mr Pine?"

Jack's expression took a depressed turn as he leaned back as if many years older than his young age, "Yes in fact, an Caelisolan wife, and six children, two of which are unborn. The rest are adopted. Several weeks back, my oldest son, Amit, was taken violently from our home in a home invasion. The individual was heavily augmented, and not alone. He was also my clone."

Riccard sat forward with his expression having turned serious "That's horrible, and by your clone no less. I can't even imagine what that must be like, if I were to lose Kryss I don't know what I'd do with myself." The aged man sat back in his chair once more contemplating what he had just heard. "If there is anything we can do to help let us know, and I hate to be the cold one here but unfortunately this visit was not purely social."

"I am well aware of that, and is why I offered you the land, because you can help. With the combined minds of our two groups we will develop new technologies that will hopefully prevent such future incidents and bring justice to those who seek to wrong the innocent. To perfect a garden you must both have adequate fertilizer and to thoroughly uproot weeds where ever they may sprout." Jack's tone was colder, and his expression having become dark.

"I have tried to have my people advance our capabilities beyond what even the organic body is capable of, with much success, but at also equal sacrifices.", Jack's organic irises began to glow red as he activated his HUD to show what he was talking about.

Riccard nodded as Jack spoke of their potential in cooperation and in removing the present issues, he too had done things in the past to help his family and forming Galactic Horizon was one of the biggest undertakings of his life, which was already halfway done. "I understand what it means to sacrifice for progress, hopefully there will be less of a need to do so in the future but it can't be entirely avoided."

The man brought out his PDA and placed it on the desk where it displayed the remaining documents to sign over the land and partnership deal. "Last ones, god feels like it was only yesterday we started on these things."

Jack grinned, knowing what the man meant, "And let us hope our kids can say that same thing years from now." He said giving his genetic signature with a thumb print scan and a signing with the stylus.

"Agreed" Riccard did the same with his thumb print and signing signature before the document disappeared and he retrieved the PDA. "Well that's all the meeting was for, but I can't seem to find the energy to go out and face the others yet, got anymore of that drink back there?"

"Got a selection, some.bottles of home-brews a buddy of mine of mine sends me regularly. He's a bit of a artist with a distillery in my opinion. I'm drinking a hickory bourbon, but I have plenty to choose from." Jack said opening his liquor cabinet to show the various colored alcoholic beverages.

"My my, you'll have to introduce me sometime I could do with a collection like this in my office." He joked as he cast his eyes over the various liquids before settling on one in particular. "Is that, Rainbow whiskey?" Riccard grinned before motioning to the bottle in question, "Bartender, I'll have one of your finest rainbow whiskeys if you will."

"To be honest, that is probably the one bottle I'm reluctant to drink. Not sure what he was thinking when he brewed it,....or smoking. But one rainbow whatever the hell coming up." Jack said fetching a glass before pouring some of the rainbow colored liquid which had a slightly fruity smell and offering it to Riccard.

"Well then here's to new experiences!" he said raising the glass before taking a sip which sent him into a light coughing fit, for a moment he was choking and laughing at the same time before finally composing himself. "You say you've never had this before, Jack my friend you have got to try some that is the most unique taste I have ever had the pleasure of trying."

Riccard pulled out his PDA once more remembering something "Also since this is no longer a meeting governed by protocol I would like to run something by you, our design team had this concept drawn up a while back for a personal all terrain vehicle. I'd like your more experienced opinion on whether or not it would be doable."

Jack eyed the bottle suspiciously with a "maybe later" before looking at the desk, soon followed by a click as a docking port popped out of the desk's corner. He then pushed the papers and various pads covering the wood desk to show the terminal screen that dominated the desk's top. "Alright, hit me with it. Everything helps, and I'm happy to lend my knowledge." Jack said gesturing to the now uncovered screen.

"Ah thank you, anyway they called it the Redback after the resemblance to said arachnid, I've only looked at it once or twice myself as we never had the means to do anything about it. However now... now that has changed." Riccard plugged in his PDA and the rough sketches of a quadruped vehicle appear on the screen with alternate designs for the legs displayed beneath with the title ALTERNATE MODE.

Jack looked over the sketch before activating a program. It scanned the measurements and design, within a few seconds a three dimensional model was formed layer by layer. Little windows floated near the appropriate parts which held held the notes that had accompanied the sketch. "We've been working on something similar, a quadruped tank that also uses treads. Plus you must be familiar with the U1, so we have a wealth of data we can share with you to apply to this project. This seems to be pretty decently sized. What role is this vehicle designed to fill?" Jack asked looking it over intently, intrigued very much by the mechanized unit before him.

"From what the designers have told me, it's designed to be a scouting vehicle for one pilot, minimal armour and no weapons designed to evade and escape combat. the alternate mode it refers to is an alternate movement mode where the traversal legs change into hover skids, allowing it to cover long distances on relatively flat terrain faster." Riccard looked at the models floating before them. "This is still the rough design and was put on hold a month ago while the legal details were ironed out, we'd like to know if your group has the required technology to create such a system if the design was finished."

With a few gestures the Redback model was shrunk and a model of the wolverine variable tank enlarged into view. It was a turret on legs with a chain-gun, main gun, rectangular rocket pod, and a small topside turret. Stats displayed showed it was designed for one pilot with the unit rated for zero atmo and was equipped with thrusters. It similarly had skid style feet. "Yes, in fact we already have a prototype almost completed. We have the technology, we just need plans. Give the word when you're ready and we'll build it for you for testing." Jack said now bringing both models to equal size, side by side for easier comparison.

Riccard looked at the Wolverine plans and nodded to himself as he compared the similarities in design to the Redback, "Allrighty Director, you've got yourself a deal. Consider this the first official collaboration effort between our groups, I'll let my teams know to start getting the designs made for a prototype unit and let you know when we have them."

Riccard stood up from the chair and stretched his back out, having finished what he came to do he was anxious to get back to his own office and begin their work on the first Horizon design. "Well it was a pleasure meeting you and I look forwards to seeing what the future may hold for the both of us." He moved towards the door and gave a wave over his shoulder as he left.

"As do I brother, as do I." Jack said before switching the display off, and returning to his drink.
