Star Army

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The Driker Suit

Well, well now.
Fresh meat.

For the most part, I like what I see and I'm usually quite a heavy critic.

It's a little sparse ("strange alien technology", individual names) but otherwise, if it's for a specific purpose on a plot-ship, I suppose it's quite harmless.

You often push the concept of strange here. People understood this the first time. If you don't know what it's actually made of, say so but place a marker on the resiliance/armor chart so people know how to treat it.

Your wording is a little ungraceful and a bit distasteful. I'd like it if you exchange Shaun for "the wearer" or "the user" as to sterilize the personal element from the writing. It's nothing personal but if someone approves it in this state, everyone would want one and some would go as far as to change their name to Sean.

The weapon mechanism leaves me desiring a bit more. Where does it gather the energy to create missile and energy rounds? Does it contain complex mechanical parts which harden from the liquid or are always pre-contained?
If it can learn, does this mean it can learn from new weapons?

Sorry for all of the pokey questions but I once wrote something strangely similar for another roleplay. In fact, I'll be nice and upload it so you can draw your own conclusions. If you see any features you like, drop me a PM and I'll help you adapt them.

Obviously this isn't suited to this universe but it's "interesting" to say the least and you're trying to innovate by making a tight easily conceiled suit in place of a power-armor (something I've never seen here).

Good show, old boy.

Background: The Darkaran Power-Armor was created as an assault and infiltration purpose system to encapsulate the user in a safe environment and rise their survivability while retaining the element of stealth by making the suit invisible for the most-part to those around it. It is sufficiently thin as so that clothes can easily be worn over it or the external armor modifier (see Darkaran shoulder mount (dka02), plating mounts (dka03) and bio-morphic cloak (dkncc055)

A number of components are worn internally of the wearer (reactor, main computer, nodal communication assembly array, brain communice modules) and as such, a wearer requires extensive modification before they are able to make use of the suit.

"Kkulayo fshjjaji honnuayo sura HajankiKküo hass Kuu-Vistillyark hanko sah kkuuyta sann"
"He with access to such a weapon and real training would not be seen, let alone shot at."

-Chief tester, regarding the stealth functions of the suit

Hazardous environmental protection:
Adv. Internal environment control (temp, etc)
Adv. Pressure regulation
Full internal environment
Bio-morphic helmet
Preemptive warning & area marking
Geiger counter
Tone indicator for range to hostile area (heat & radiation only!)

Live impact/force distributor:
Spreads high forces across the whole suit from impacts, allowing suit to absorb damage
for the wearer.
Reduces the chances of bone fractures during falls & collisions.

Military grade sensor package:
Sensor matrix: An intelligent combination of other sensors to make use of advanced targeting.
The system is directly comparable to targeting systems found in fighters and hi-grade military suits.
External environment detection (atmosphere, etc)
Range Finder
Motion detector
Intelligent audio (Reverberation["rumbles"], sounds beyond wearer's spectrum)

Dynamic targeting
Allows the suit to track and compile information from multiple targets, estimating their intentions based on body-language.

Intelligent target library
Remembers past targets and can identify the lethality of a target based on records or make estimates and formulate solutions. Said solutions are vocalized as suggestions if the suit judges the wearer to be inexperienced.
DRADIS (DirectionRADiusDIStance): an array for sorting and managing information of all types from internal sensors and detect patterns from the Dynamic Targetting array and send the information to the implant of the wearer.

Photon Torch light set into right right shoulder and right side of helmet.
Photon Search-light set into wrist.
UV Light emitter set into helmet
Thermal/optical camouflage set into the skin of the suit, allowing the suit to display information as a screen
or to see the environment around it and actually hide the wearer from view via estimation of the enviroment
via the computer onboard.

Wearer management
*Chemical administration array (Vapor pushed through skin pours or injected directly)
*Portable intelligent molecular synthesizer (producing ml in bursts, high energy consumption)
*Monitor matrix (records and logs status of wearer and makes decisions based on past when to act)
*High powered pressure motor (Tightening or loosening the skin to keep the wearer awake under high G-Strain)

Internal Computer spec:
Hardware: (Set inside the wearer.)
1x Clock-less octocore Meileinki processors (cores distributed for different tasks)
1x Quantum emulation memory array (memory can exist in an unlimited number of states. Dynamically grows).
2Gb emulated TCC & SB RAM (backwards compatibility)
1x 500Mhz dual core emulated cell processors (Backwards compatibility)
1x Dynamic mothermic array (motherboard is able to re-route it's pathways if damaged)

200 GB onboard memory (To store chemical and targeting libraries)
1x non-standard wall socket array with integrated adaptor (charging, on back)
1x Internal chemical reactor (Eats dead-matter made by wearer and converts to energy.)

2x Standard Wired array (cable running from wrists)
1x multi-band wireless & radio array with live protocol conversion
3x Included encrypted implant node (Video, concept & raw file)

Integrated "Kkhekio"
(performs all functions of a standard OS on a firmware level, since the "software" and hardware is
a physical chipset on the atomic level, thus rendering it firmware)


Emulated software:

MiEEOS v7.4 (Military edition, emulated)
Kernel (altered)
Full Software Libraries (10GB)
Chemical composition libraries (10GB)
Advanced Drivers for Matrix & Array
Integrated regulation & warning systems
Integrated security measures
Full device driver libraries (30GB)
* Horizon device driver libraries (vehicles, weapons & systems)
* Akhon technologies device driver libraries (vehicles)
* ARMEF device driver libraries (vehicles, weapons & systems)
* Intelligent driver mapping libraries (for objects not in library. 90% effective)

The suit can encompass the user in ceramic plated armor which is carefully ionized to deflect the vast majority of energy weapons.
The plates can dynamically reshape themselves, based on the movement of the wearer and enhance their strength up to 1503% in bursts or a sustained 600%.

Normally, the plates are thin and skin-tight, but when charged, they thicken to around an inch thick or up to a maximum of 7 inches thick, parts often blending together. This is normally only done in the event of an explosion and the feet of the suit will lock into the floor to prevent motion of the wearer. The suit will automatically density if it detects oncoming weaponry or it can shift to a high-dynamic range whereby the entire suit's outer-layers thicken to one inch thickness but remain light and flexible which is the typical setup for a gun-fight.

Internal armaments:
5x charging sockets for weaponry
2x weapon rails (set onto rear waist)
Typically a pair of pulse pistols
1x Standard armament pod (contains room for three weapons, one large, one small and one melee)
Typically Longshot, blade and a Husagata launcher.

Included armaments:
2x Darkaran pulse pistols

External/personal armaments

A dynamic weapon built to handle most situations and Rebeka's weapon of choice. Though too heavy for most humans, the LongShot is too heavy to wield and even for Rebeka when the Version 2 isn't in use.
It packs many features of a rifle or a larger weapon into an object the size of a pistol with a high density and odd shape.
The long-shot is designed for infiltration purposes and is would be considered overkill in numbers. It's manufacturing cost however, makes the production of large numbers highly impractical.

*Variable revolver mechanism
A standard revolver, though the chamber sizes can shift based on the bullet inserted. Smaller bullets mean more bullets per chamber. This is typically used long before any other weapons are brought to play.

*Tactically adapted Burst pulse rifle
Rather than use a pulse-rifle in the normal manner, the burst pulse rifle instead charges up a full standard charge and fires it away as one shot within a zero point field. Upon impact, the burst round will rebound off any metallic object thicker than 3 meters if it is under-charged or detonate if over-charged and finally detonate unleashing a deafening shock-wave and a bright flash of light. Often used as a distraction on a low charge.

If the pulse-rifle chamber is opened and energy is vented before it is charged, depending on the charging stage, the pulse rifle can emit a range of radiation types and gasses. With a specific combination, the pulse-rifle can become a medium yield flame-thrower, though the majority of damage will be dealt in the form of radiation to the target and not the heat itself unless prolonged. The pulse-rifle can over-heat and will need to wait a firmware set cooling time of 20 seconds to the power of times it is beyond it's normal limitations before it will fire again when a user has stopped firing and will only stop firing automatically just before it reaches a critical state which could damage the user with a radiation burst or explosion.

Chip-clip Watch rifle
The standard round of the LongShot, a clip-clip is a disk the size of a small coin, stacked on end. Each clip-clip packs 10 rounds and are fired by administering a charge to the chip itself. When the rounds are depleted, the case dissolves and the next round continues to fire behind it. This is comparable to an incomplete earth technology called "metal storm", where rounds can fill the length of the barrel, not just the handle and can be fired very quickly.
Clip rounds do not need to reload until completely exhausted. Depending on the power applied, they can fire off as a single round of 10 or a full dispersed 10 akin to a shotgun or even a full 10 locked together as an armor piercing round.

Chip Clips
A chip can be ejected from the barrel at any time in the unlikely event of a jam and the chips themselves can be used as shrapnel rounds which can be either detonated via light, motion, heat or by signal and are often used as shrapnel grenades or mines as they are adhesive to surfaces. Typically, 160 chip-clips fit to a Longshot or 700 to a dedicated Darkaran splinter rifle. Supply is not plentiful in many areas.

"Mystery meat" dynamic ammo handler:
A liquid metal chamber and firing mechanism which can adapt to a vast multitude of ammo types, meaning when the standard rounds for the Longshot are out, the Longshot can utilize ammo from a foreign environment, rather than the user need to take an enemies weapon. The DAH can be found upon the bottom of the barrel. Hold a round, clip or magazine in proximity and the DAH will automatically adapt based on what it detects to handle the new round, though there is a short wait period before the DAH will handle live rounds it has not encountered before. This can allow the Longshot to fulfill roles beyond it's original design and enhances the survivability of the user.

Intelligent communication:
The Longshot will communicate exclusively with the black suit and follow commands issued from the armor, meaning the wearer does not
have to pause or find an area. This means the suit can issue the Longshot commands based on the status of the user or the suit can
be moved to take aim automatically to correct the user's aim upon a target.

*Darkaran adapted Intian sword:
Highly comparable in appearance to the samurai blades of middle-age earth, the intian sword was designed to be far lighter and less unwieldy allowing the user to execute maneuvers associated with smaller western blades such as the rapier. Of intian craft, the blade harbors an un-canny etching across it's surface, demonstrating a story relevant to Rebeka's linage, though rarely discussed. As such, the blade is rarely used.

Darkaran science and swordsmith is far beyond that of even intian technology of modern times. The blade was enhanced in a vast number of ways, turning it into a weapon as adaptable as the Longshot for many purposes and intents. Via use of carbon-nano tubes and ceramics in combination with the existing metals, the blade is over 1300% less likely to splinter or crack in combat with a larger blade, leaving the sword far more flexible and yet also firm.

To sum up the anatomy of the blade, it now has a type of "spine", reaching from the hilt within the metal to a short distance beneath the tip. If the spine is tilted and then locked into place, the shape of the blade changes, thus rendering it a biomorphic weapon.

The blade can be extended from the size of a short wide companion blade (tanto), which are heavy and intended for use in crowds to a normal length intian blade (kodachi) to that of the japanese nodachi, which was used for slaying horses and many were up to 5 feet long.

The sharpness of the blade is also enhanced in a number of ways via careful use of temperature, ambient vibration and physical sharpness, all of which can change dynamically in combat along with the form of the blade.

It has also been known that Darkaran blades be adapted during combat into uuroitiaanu or Uroi for short. Uroi are a form of segmented whip which can tighten, loosen and lengthen on the wearer or user's command and during early Darkaran war, it was common practice for this signature weapon to grapple, heat, sharpen and slice in half an armored foe normally unaffected by a blade, making it a very powerful Darkaran historical statement.
making it seem personal was on purpose sadly. I mean it would be really weird if suddenly a bunch of these suits just started popping up especially if only one was known to be made. Though I do indeed understand what your getting at.

I guess it is pretty selfish of me to try and create something with the intention of being the only one with it. I apologize for that. T_T
Welcome to Star Army!

Hmm, this kind of reminds me of Samus' suit or Guyver. There's a lot of missing information here. The main thing that set off little alarms in my head is that this hasn't (to my knowledge) been roleplayed out. It's all the gain with none of the pain (or fun!) for the character. Designing a suit for your use is fine, but just giving it freely to your character isn't fair to the other roleplayers.
was actually hoping to rp it out actually. I have the bad habit of writing bio's and such a bit...ahead of themselves.

I decided to remove the suit idea all together. While I have a much better idea as to how it could be made. I'm going to put this to rest. I think I'll just stick with my character Shaun as he is for now.