Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP (non-canon) The Drunken Bullet

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
When there's a bar, the beer flows, and the patrons follow. It's a bar found on Nepleslia downtown in a random city. Inside is a rather large space for a bar, it almost looks like a night club. There is plenty of seating, and a bar area with shelves of exotic and homemade alcoholic concoctions highlighted by a neon-light wall, the blonde, energetic, but pessimistic bartender. A man named Zeke, waiting for customers.
Jack sat at the bar talking to his best friend Zeke, who he had known for years.

"Did you save me any of that raspberry flavored whiskey, colored blue, you been making?" Jack asked as he looked around the shelves.

"Hell yeah, I always keep one behind the counter for you." Zeke said as he reached down and came back up a bottle.
Isabelle walked into the large bar, smiling happily. It was fun walking around here and she thought she could maybe have a drink. She walked in and saw Jack at the bar, after looking around at the different people in there, and walked over and sat down by him.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked leaning on Jack slightly and smiling at him, obviously wanting something she wouldn't normally be allowed to have.
Jack played it cool, "Honey, the last time you had a drink, you nearly destroyed an entire fleet who were allies."

He said this as he put his arm around her letting his black tungsten with red edging, wedding ring catch light from the neon light as he pulled her closer.
"It wasn't that bad!" Izzy said, trying to defend herself as she leaned more into him.

She smiled at the ring on his finger, she was happy to have married him. She was comfortable with her current position.
"Nope." was all he said, but continued to hold her closer.

"You know I don't remember if I told you this before, but I possibly have a sister." Jack said as he took a drink of the blue colored raspberry whiskey.
"I don't think you have," Izzy said, a shocked expression appearing on her face. At least it distracted her from asking for a drink for the moment.
Jack pulled the photo he always carried on him at all times before, the addition of the photo of him and Izzy, "No idea what her name is, or what she looks like now, but I've been trying to find every lead I can." he said.

Jack took another long swig, emptying the glass.
Izzy smiled sadly at the picture of his family, "I wish I could help you find her."

Izzy looked around the bar, wondering if she could reach something without anyone else noticing. She decided that she would try it and reached forward.
The sound of heavy metal steps against stone resounded through the bar, announcing the arrival of a strange new figure. His enveloping slate gray robes hiding the various intricate cybernetics grotesquely woven throughout his torso. What everyone would see, however, was a pair of three hollow metallic lenses, peeking out from within a sterile plate of metal that was Whisper Nine Four's face. These lenses made quiet clicking noises as they adjusted their focus, seeking out details of interest among the fellow bar goers.

His pale bluish hand flexed and stretched against the handle of an odd cane, it's long steely length decorated with intricate green lines, reminiscent of circuits. Whisper watched his organic hand shiver a bit, before continuing into the bar, his steady shamble drawing the attention of a man seated in the corner.

The man pales visibly upon seeing Whisper, and his drink slides out of his hands, crashing against the ground and spilling liquor about. The cyborg does not react, simply strolling forwards to the man.

"Good evening," he said in a monotone voice - laced with just a hint of static. "I believe you have something of mine, something of great interest to me."
Jack's hand shot out and grabbed the bottle Izzy was reaching for, "No you don't." was all he said.

He leaned in closer to her and whisper "You can have some tonight when we're alone and no one is around to get hurt.", he kissed her forehead before leaning back to his original sitting position.
Izzy pouted more but let him take it, she knew it wasn't worth fighting over at this point.

Her pout quickly turned to a smile when she heard what he whispered to her. It was then that the new person entering the bar caught her attention. She looked back over her wings at them, a mix of curiosity and a slight fear mixed on her face as she watched the person. She didn't like them but she couldn't figure out exactly why. She nudges Jack softly with one of her wings and points to them.
Jack looked in the direction she point and sensed that something less than positive was going on, but was not willing to intervene unless things became violent. He rubbed Izzy's shoulder to comfort her, before getting up and moving closer to the two men, but not too close as to be noticed while keeping his hand on his pistol.
The man put his hands up, a sign of surrender. He shook visibly, stuttering and slurring his words as he spoke hurriedly. "I... uh... Don't know what you're... t-talking about! Really I-I don't...!" One of Whisper's metallic greaves crashed into the seat right beside the man, shattering a good portion of the bench he was sitting on, tearing it to splinters and insulation material. The surgeon leaned forward, onto that foot, bringing his robotic face close to the man's own.

"That is a pity, Drayne. I've seen many a liar spit lies to me. They have all perished, as you will, should you choose to withhold it's location for any amount of time longer. You understand perfectly well of what I speak of." The Mastermind's mechanical left arm grasped the edge of the table the man was sitting at. Being a booth's table, it was firmly affixed to the floor via heavy bolts. Even so, the cyborgs robotic arm whirred and flexed, tearing the table out of the floor, bending it askew to the side away from Drayne.

Drayne spluttered out nonsensical words as sheer panic began to overtake him. Whisper's cane rose, and pressed gently against the man's chest, over where his heart would be.

Whisper's auditory sensors picked up the sound of movement behind him, coming from towards the bar. Without turning, his servo arm revealed itself, unfolding from his back from beneath his cloak, and pointing a single massive pistol towards Jack - the approaching man. Though the cyborg did not move, or even flinch, he spoke. It was obvious that he was addressing Jack.

"I would not recommend interfering with our business, civilian. This does not involve you."
Jack took the rather large barrel of the pistol aimed at him seriously, "My only concern is of violence in my bar, if you two have "business", then you can take it to one of the private rooms used for business in the back."

He hoped Zeke was ready to back him up if need be, as the M3 assault rifle behind the bar might even the odds......some.
Zeke changed the music hoping to distract the other patrons, and lowered the lighting for tactical reasons. His hand was now on the stock of the rifle behind the bar ready to leap over the bar guns blazing if things got out of hand.

"Izzy, you should move to the corner so you don't get hit by a stray bullet, Jack would literally kill me if something happened to you." Zeke said to his sister, he was honest in what he said, but was worried for her as she was family.
Whisper sighed through his respirator, a ragged noise, not unlike gasping, but muted slightly.

"I'd advise against seeking violence, gentlemen. Otherwise my compatriots will enter this building with heavy armaments, and everyone will become very uncomfortable very quickly..." The cyborgs body turned to face the oncoming Jack and his bartender friend, revealing a pale bluish hand grasping a SMG, pointed towards the bartender - and then after a moment - at the girl near the bar. He had recognized the similar features shared between her and Jack easily due to the software built into his lenses that could analyze information at an obscene rate.

"My business will be concluded shortly, I assure you. Additionally, I will pay for the damages caused."

Whisper's head tilted to the side slightly, his mask of metal staring coldly at Jack. "Will you forsake your better judgement, or will you consider the safety of yourself and your peers?" He waited for an answer patiently and calmly.
Jack smirked as he moved his hand slowly from his pistol and motioned to Zeke to lower the rifle, even though the man mentioned having backup, he failed to realize that he had just stepped into N.P.S.'s HQ. Though the bar was a business front, the several story building house around 500 men, an armory, and motel rooms as a separate source of income and for clients to stay. There were at least 50 of Jack's men in the bar right now, all watching the situation warily with hands on the grips of weapons hidden under their coats, or in holsters. Everything from SMG's, snub shotguns, automatic/semiautomatic pistols, and at least two hand cannons similar to that carried by the cyborg. But he was not willing his wife Izzy to be caught in the crossfire.

"Why do I have the feeling I've just walked into OP?" He said as he gave a slight yet still serious smile.