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The Eastern Reach Project


DEFCON Everybody Dies
To sum it up this is a large scale attempt to create a zero consequence area of the setting consisting of a myriad of small unaligned factions and territories with a cross section of governments and economic situations. From a tropico version of funky city to the progressive and well developed Oshima System, a variety of situations in which a plot can find itself in a relatively relaxed society to a continuous Mogadishu running fire fight all without having to step on the toes of any faction managers. The projects, settings, and factions thus far are listed below.

Checklist Wiki: Link
Actual Project Page Wiki: Link

Major Factional/Setting Efforts
Free Republic of Oshima (Link)
  • Somewhat of a continuous project of mine thats been going on for a year or two now is a spiritual UOC successor state which sheds the last bits of Yamataian influence in governmental affairs (namely all traces of the imperial system). I've got enough notes, art, and tech floating around I'm going to go ahead and sink it into creating a semi-Jiyuuian/semi-human asiatic style republic. The faction itself would have started life as a mostly human group of colonies in a multi-star system that became a prime immigration destination of Jiyuuian refugees who's influence gradually reached critical mass. That criticality triggering a union at some point in the last several years and the founding of a generally free state without Yamatai's big sister and laws but without the grime, corruption, and chaos of Nepleslia. This place would mostly be intended as a consequence free area for plots to conduct operations in due to it being a slightly secure NPC faction.
  • Related: Asuran Free Industiral Yards - Effectively the faction's main corporate and a sink for all the art and ideas I've worked up for this particular faction.
Sesestran Colonial Union (Link)
  • The largest and most complex part of this entire project and a long running side hobby of mine is this human faction which has been effectively locked up in a nebula which blocked communications of all kinds and travel through it of all kinds (even to gravimetric shields). They've only recently emerged from an opening or tear in the 'cloud' (pegging the date as YE-34) and have yet to contact factions beyond the scope of the Eastern Reach project. They are essentially a boiler plate human faction and by that sense are unique in that they're your boring bog standard with technology and layout. Influences for them include the UNSC from halo, the USCM/Government from the Alien's franchise, and the RDA from James Cameron's Avatar. They are neither evil nor good but a comfortable shade of corporate gray only pursuing goals both long and short term that will better the standing and future of their society at any cost. In the present year of YE-38 they are aware of SARP from what information they've gathered from both traders and the independent factions in the nebula's area but have yet to seek first contacts.
Insagri Kuggra Ussagri (Link)
  • The IKU started life as somewhat of a bolt on organization to the NMX, one of the sites major antags for those of you who don't know, but there was some backlash toward that so adding them into this project will make them a minor off shoot faction pending Wes's permission. Naturally there will be copious amounts of work put into them in both technology and detail which can and probably will be used by future Mishu groups. Overall it'll mainly employ hybrids and NMX derived nekos (probably their own special batch) and will probably be used as an antag in the Eastern Reach.

Minor Factional Efforts

Lysian Principality
  • A futuristic semi-feudal faction existing in the radiation blasted system orbiting a pair of active pulsars, they are a slightly more technologically advanced group of humanity and an offshoot of the Sesestran Colonial Union's past government. They are authoritarian in nature with most of the power being centralized in a few ruling families who are descendants of the original leaders from their expulsion from the colonial union. However relations have normalized somewhat in recent decades.
Sionese Protectorate
  • Pardon the noise, this is under theory building atm!
Tortuga Free Zone
  • Effectively a small near-lawless system composed of two planetary bodies and a large asteroid belt. Naturally most of the population is located on the sole habitable world who's surface is 98 percent underwater. The remaining bits of land, often in the form of island chains and nearly submerged volcanic atolls are crammed with all manner of person and building. From vast shanty towns just above the tide line to a single large space port in the center of an atoll's lagoon ringed by all manner of haphazard structure. Effectively the TFZ is a giant near anarchic system who's government is merely the most powerful organized crime group in the area, all manner of lawlessness occurs in this system from the slave trade to the movement of illegally acquired parts and systems from the various major factions. One good line for this place is that if you can't find it here it aint illegal. To best sum it up Tortuga is Roanipur from Black Lagoon increased by a significant factor.

Star-State of Leva
  • Pardon the noise, this is under theory building atm!
Star-State of Barnes
  • Pardon the noise, this is under theory building atm! But this may end up being a corrupt banana republic style system drawing a lot of influence from Cuba and the game tropico.
Vardo Republic
  • Pardon the noise, this is under theory building atm!
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