Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 The Fine Art of Delegating

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date



"CYRUS, Where you at?"


Cyrus sat alone in his tower, his arm laying on his desk and a soddering gun in his other hand. As he resoddered some loose wires, he recieved Uso's message. He opened the window in his eye and shot back a text.

"In Fort Gelphnir, Top floor of the command tower."


The next few messages came in quickly.

"You've got a tower now?"

"That's the mountain fort right?"

"Nvm, talked to Vier, be there in a bit."

It would take a little while, but Uso would eventually find her way to the fortress, and then to the tower.


"Cyrus! What's up!?" Uso asked from the doorway.

"Come in." Cyrus said, looking up from the arm on the table. "Hey Uso, long time no see. How have you been?"

"Swamped. Running a planet is a lot of work... I think I get the whole democracy thing now... let the people decide collectively who to punish with the extra workload... " Uso continued letting herself in, walking over towards Cyrus's table and sitting her butt down on the edge of the table. Her usual bodysuit was fitted tightly to her form, her hair pulled back in the usual ponytail,

"We haven't had a sit down just you and me in a while. I figure we're over do."

He gave a small smile and leaned back in his chair. "It has been quite sometime. I've been training more troops and sending them out on missions. Slowly building a reputation." He replied. "You mind reattaching my arm? Just push the ball joint in." He asked.

"What? Can't do it yourself?" Uso grinned, picking up the arm off the desk and then hopping down so she could aim the ball joint at the socket,

"I suppose I could give you a hand."

He nodded. "It's difficult to do it with one hand is all." He replied as his other hand guided it into place and reattaching the nerve endings, and helping Uso push the ball joint back in.

"I can imagine the experiance is very disarming." Uso added, "Those expensive cybernetics can really cost an arm and a leg."

He smirked at her. "That was so absouletly terrible it was funny." He said as his arm snapped back into place.

"I have a great one armed bandit joke ready if we go to a Casino soon," Uso added with a smile, "Shit, I didn't even know we had a fortress. This place has really come a long way..."

He smirked as he tested the connections. "We nned to go to a Casino then." He replied. "Yeah it really has. Ragnarok has come a long way from the first few founding members. Coming here and recruiting from the local population and New Belfast has bolstered outr numbers signifagantly." He added.

"Can they shoot straight?" Uso asked, "... I mean, these are the most backwoods of the backwoods when it comes to people. Basic weapons, not a whole lot of technical talent."

He looked back up to her from his chair. "Oh trust me. We have a very lengthy screening proccess, and boot camp is hell. We hired old NSMC Drill Sergeants." He said with a smirk. "They can wip anyone into a lean mean fighting machine."

"So how are you doing? Personally?" Uso asked.

He jsut shrugged. "I'm okay... I have just been very busy with things. I have been rebuilding Errowyn's Island home for her." He added. "How are you?"

"Totally sneaking into a pervy discussion about Errowyn... obviously that's why I'm prying into her personal life," Uso laughed, "She's... on edge, and I'd love to keep her around. She's been great for the team."

"I do as well." He said softly. "I have been worried about her as well. I am hopeing that I can suprise her with a little get away soon." He admited.

"I've been meaning to go spend some time with her on that island too... how'd that place end up so much nicer than my city?" Uso thought outloud.

He smiled. "Because I built it myself." He replied.

"Ah so that's the secret? I've just been hiring crap builders," Uso laughed, "What about Raphael? He open up to you about his baggage?"

Cyrus sighed. "Kid has mommy issues. But... have you met his mother? She is one manipulative bitch. Ever since he was kidnapped with Ivy, he has been very paranoid and has had his operators guarding her." He replied. "He is worried."

"Yeah, and we blew up just about every lead we had on her back on Nepleslia. I'd take a stand against her but... well... not without knowing what we're dealing with first. If she has as many ships avalible to her as we think then we're kinda fucked for the time being.

If Alex and Vier can get a big enough fleet together we might reach parity and then we'd be in a classic Nepleslian Standoff situation... which I'd be fine with." Uso said.

"We need to be careful." He replied. "I will work with Raph to dig up some leads." He added.

"So what else do you have your fingers in around here? Everyone seems to be getting into all kinds of new stuff on their own... which is great, but I can't keep track of everything."

He shook his head. "Same thing as always. Keeping everyone safe. I have started sending my people out on small missions to help pay for expanison. Those kinds of things." He replied.

"So then... like... what are you into?" Uso asked, "This can't be all that you do for fun... tinker on your arm and build your buisness. You like shooting? Swiming?"

The man shrugged. "I like to cook, plus gunsmithing, and cybernetic work." He admited. "What about you Uso?"

"I like to think of myself as an explorer of new things. I get bored of something I move onto the next thing... lately its just been like... what do I even have time to do?" Uso asked, shrugging, "I've got tons of cash on hand too and its not like I can spend it on much out here... or at least not much of what I'd consider fun.

There's always gambling, and I've heard of this guy doing a whole live action roleplay planet thing... you know, give them some money and go play Magic and Machetes for the weekend."

Cyrus smirked. "A woman of many tastes." He remarked. "Compared to that, I sound extremely boring." He added.

"Well you're on the planet for it. The highlight of my day so far has been sending people on scout missions and talking about infrastructure.... " Uso laughed.

Cyrus chuckled as well. "Everyone could use another vacation after the massive shit show that has occured." He added.

"Maybe I should sign everyone up then..." Uso offered, "The planet will probably still be here by the time we get back."

"My boys will keep the planet safe." He replied.

"I know, But if it comes down to it I'd rather not see you guys die."

"Aww..." Cyrus said smirking. "I am planning on a planetary defense network." He replied. "Those massive railguns we attempted to build."

Uso chuckled a bit, "Sorry about that... couldn't avoid burying your guys under the mountain for a little while. You know just how desperate the situation would have to be for planetary defenses to come into play? If something's big enough to push through Vier's outer layer of defense and make it into the system then we're in big trouble... speaking of, maybe we should consider shelters and evacuation plans for everyone."

"Yes... there is an extensive tunnel network under this base. I think that if shit hits the fan, we retreat to here and began ferrying people off world as fast as possible. They could try bombarding us but they will only damage 40% of the base. 60% of it is fortified and underground." he replied.

"I suppose we should start stocking up one what? Provisions?Starships? Long term survival and other emergency stuff..." Uso laugned again, "Here I am trying to talk about something fun and it keeps drifting back to work huh? Guess being in charge of so many people is a shit ton of fun?"

"Always does boss." He said smiling. "Have to learn the fine art of deligating." He added.