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Approved Submission [The Free State] Deathcrawler Auto-Tank

Primitive Polygon

πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
  • Submission Type: Tank / Instant Gun Turret
  • Submission URL: Linku
  • Faction: The Free State (and all associated sub-factions).
  • FM Approved Yet? Yes.
  • Faction Requires Art? Nope!

    For Reviewers:
    • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Not unless you count the NPC.
    • Contains New Art? Yep.
    • Previously Submitted? Nope.


    Kind of an odd creature, a bonne fide land unit for the freespacers, but it has a bunch of extra utilities. Low tech, but good at what it does. Also kind of strange in that it's currently schrodinger's cat who will be chiefly using this. Just wanted to get it working for Lycosidae's last stand, after which Arccos might well turn it over to the polysentience at large, or perhaps keep if for themselves. 188604 may also produce them, if it comes to that.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The only problem I see is the missile running afoul of the new DR rule about not being able to wield weapons above class. So an armor unit like this can't carry an SDR1 weapon.
Thought that would be okay since it's only regarded as "point defense" judging from the damage article, a feature which this tank is specifically designed to provide to ships. It's also still inferior to weapons that the Gekido can take, which is a weapon available to civilians of similar size and mass. Consider the Plasma Cannon or the Torpedo Launcher.

Don't mean to be contrarian, but this is a heavy, slow land mecha with no flight ability, so I don't think it's too unreasonable.

Would it help if I more tightly restricted the ammo count to something like 16 shots, with the missiles taking up 2 each?
Can't use past submissions to justify new ones. Sorry there.

And though the unit is expressly dual-purpose, it still has one class. I'd use the "ADR5 ~ SDR1" rule to your advantage here.
Why wouldn't it be acceptable to have the high DR weapons as missiles/solid ammo?

Most fighter craft in the setting carry higher thanSDR1 weapons.
Can't use past submissions to justify new ones. Those are the rules, correctly and accurately applied. That's how Wes wanted it.
See here, and despite how Wes ends the thread, it's how he states it earlier and how the rules have it worded that I work from. That's his intent, as well as how the rules are plainly read.
Gave it a blast radius, ADR5, reduced the ammo count by more than half.

Honestly it's difficult just to differentiate the different ammo types without making them inferior to a lot of power armor weapons, which would be insane. The thing is basically a giant gun with legs.
I agree that the system remains flawed, and that past submissions are a needle in the eye. Just remember that DR is a submissions absolute, but a gaming option. You and any other player and GM can interpret the weapon how you like.

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