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Approved Submission The Functional Atmospheric Protector


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Planet Landmark
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:188604:functional_atmospheric_protector

Faction: USO
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Not sure if this needs to be put up for approval, but it is up here anyway. ICly we've been talking about building some weather control stuff and here is our starting article.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
So, does it surround the city or what? There's not a lot of meat to this article.
It's intended to be another location on 188604, similar to other location articles. Normally I wouldn't think it needs approval since we are just noting that we are building this thing at that place but I'm not taking any chances on that.

The whole thing just generates low level force fields like a reverse windmill to push air away. It isn't a bubble shield that would stop weapons.
Where's it physically located in relation to other things, though?
A little bit south-west of the city near what is left of the mountain.

I'll add that to the article and put it on the map when I get home.
I was thinking the force screen would be used to stop airborne dust particles while letting the wind through, so that sandstorms are rendered harmless at the barrier, rather than used to divert the wind carrying the sand. More of a defensive screen than a weather control thing.
At some point we should develop it into a full weather control system, but we must start with one that doesn't work so well.

Vier and Wazu are smart, but neither has built a planetary weather control machine designed to make weather better instead of worse.
"The name for the facility, was provided by the I'ee as the Uso's Star Organization could not agree on a name." No comma needed in this sentence.

It's kilometers not kilomters.

Describe "shield projection" tech.
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