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Approved Submission The Golden Band expeditionary force


Inactive Member
I wish to get this organization reviewed for approval.

wiki link: The Golden Band on Star Army Space Roleplay
forum Looking for group link: OOC - The Golden Band expeditionary force

brief description:

The Golden Band​

The Golden Band Is a expeditionary Mercenary force funded and armed with Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia weapons and technology. With a limited amount of their own assets and limited R&D capability's. The Golden Bands goal is to explore catalog and set up outposts in the great Expanse for their uses as well as uses for future Neplesia colonies. Comprised of freedom fighters, Militia, And PMC units who volunteered to undertake this massive ordeal for the greater good of Nepleslia. with history steeped in tradition of the various militia and defense forces of Nepleslia since YE42. These are the extent of their operations that are known to the public and on the whole, they are a well-trusted company.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
The article needs a check for spelling and grammar before it's ready. It also has some template text (for example right after the title). If you need help let me know.

I'd like an approval post from the FM of Nepleslia.

No major issues that I saw.
Sorry for the delay.
Like the look of it but there are a couple things:

For one Ty Sibo has extensive ties to the planet of 188604 I mean osman. The former dictator of Osman; Evil Neko has a very strained relationship with nepleslia that includes killing senetors, abducting/coercing NAM personnel, stealing a lot of technology and money from Nepleslia, not to mention trying to force a cold-curency war with Nepleslia, false flag them into an invasion, and the invasion of Nepleslian protected space, kidnapping of Nepleslian citizens and its protected spacer allies within nepleslian space-

Well the list goes on.

While some groups like the precursor to the NDC and Ragnarok got out without being liquidated by the IPG the planet and anyone with ties to it would get a lot of scrutiny. Add to the fact he also has ties to Psychopomp which the DIoN government is well aware of their shady dealings and activities would make even the most corrupt Nepleslian Official recoil from the inevitable IPG visit loaning funds to a group lead by someone like this. Can you detail in a way that it might make sense for such a high-profile individual with such a tenuous past of ties to anti-nepleslian and borderline terrorist groups could manage to secure funding and accountability by DIoN?

Next up one of the HQ's is literally "Psychopomp LLC Main Headquarters". Even if this was some kind of shell company it would make no sense to base their headquarters in the HQ of such a group.

Finally is the cost. For a corporation of just over 4,000 their operations budget by a loan by Nepleslia to purchase all those ships alone would be about 130,000,000 KS or 260,000,000 DA. That kind of money is more than I feel DIoN would loan by entire orders of magnitude and would likely be in the sub 10,000,000 DA range.

So TL;DR I'd like to see some justification or edits towards the leader and his past connections to justify a Nepleslian connection, Justification as to why Psychopomp has their fingers in this pie, And to really cut down those assets to a more manageable level and instead aquire such things as additional ships through earning/capturing such things in RP and not freebies from a vague loan before i give a Nep stamp.
He has former ties to psychopomp hes actually on a kill on sight order with them because after the section 6 exodice were psychopomp forces attacked them he frank and a number of psychopomp agents went rouge to defend them and helped section 6 now the NDC survive.

secondly the "Psychopomp LLC Main Headquarters" was a typo and i needed to remove that as i barrowed the template from psychopomp page to get a proper wiki page look my bad
lastly as far as justifications goes. He's a old ex merc living on barrowed time and wants to do some good he did infact on one of the first posts i had for him way back in the day help a Nep militia which i believe had Thad in it. and as far as the situation with Osman he was contracted out but never attacked nep himself. he also did work for NDC back in the day as well.
plus the whole Idea of the golden band was it was a expeditionary force meant to charter new worlds and stuff for the Nep empire in return for the loan.
My biases aside the only thing ill not budge on are the assets. Make a finances section, give it about 10,000,000 DA as a loan from nep that they can pay back whenever your corp finds some inevitable treasure trove, and subtract the terrenes and whatever else you can afford with that. Im also planning on making some of Neps older PA series like the element-series surplus so you can even maybe get some cheap powered armor that isnt an impulse when i get around to making a news thing about that~

This is mostly for RP reasons due to nep not being in the business of startups for corps it doesnt have exclusive government control over like NAM or are as big as Zen or Styrling, and partly because the last two PMC oriented groups that I okay'd for/in nep I didnt listen to my judgment and they both attempted to be excused to have a super-rich army that will just go rouge/break away from nep and be a indi corps with instant funds and resources and i'd rather not have nep be responsible for another rouge PMC corp trying to take over/claim a planet with their stolen assets and be unable to do anything about it due to OOC restrictions.

Do that and ill give it my stamp. Anything else ill differ to the reviewers' judgement on anything else and not interfere.
I apologies Charm I really wasn't sure on how much a loan would be for something like this, this is my first time trying to make a thing like this. Ill edit that right away
Also after adding the Ledger I made sure to add what its being used on, Food ammo and feul, some basic body armor, basic rifles, the ships and cost for uniforms. just to keep things legit.
3-day approval timer, if anyone has further objections you have 3 days to make your case. Otherwise I plan to approve this now that the FM gave their OK.
Submission approved.