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Halloween The Great Candy Festival of YE 45

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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
OOC: This is an open thread, feel free to RP a character dressing up and going out to get food, or handing out candy. To give everyone a chance to participate, the thread is open for the rest of February I encourage everyone to have their characters interact with the other characters in the thread. Make it a social event and meet people! It's in Kyoto but ALL FACTIONS ARE WELCOME.
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Kyoto, Yamatai, YE 45

Under the deep twilight sky, Kyoto's renowned skyscrapers and historic streets shone brilliantly with a myriad of glowing lanterns and neon banners, casting a lively ambiance throughout the city. Orange and purple lights danced against the backdrop of the looming cosmos. This year's Candy Festival was not just a celebration; it was a beacon of hope and unity during a time when the specter of the Third Mishhuvurthyar War loomed over the Empire.

The Star Army of Yamatai had answered the call, not just in battle but in spirit, taking to the streets in their iconic uniforms, with festive overlays showcasing the proud colors of Yamatai. They were there with a renewed vigor, engaging in both their duty of distribution and also embracing the joy and festivity. Among them were veterans from the recent frontlines, taking a momentary break to distribute confections, toys, and sometimes just words of comfort.

Drawing from previous years, the festival had taken a slightly somber yet optimistic tone. This year's theme was "Unity & Hope". The candy reflected this with a mix of classic treats and newer ones symbolizing the togetherness of the people of Yamatai. There were also little charms and trinkets being handed out, which when activated, projected a holographic symbol of unity above the holder.

Famed throughout the Empire, Star Army Logistics' candy festival mascot Candycorn was back, her iconic look now accompanied by a silver shimmering cloak, representing the resilience and shine of Yamatai. Alongside her, a new mascot, Unity-chan, a Nekovalkyrja with radiant blue eyes and attire showcasing all the colors of the Empire, distributed candies and played games with children and adults alike.

The ancient traditions of dressing up in costumes were even more pronounced this year, with many participants donning the attire of the brave fantasy soldiers, while others chose the many mythical and historical figures of Yamatai, each telling a story of triumph and hope. The streets were filled with laughter, dance, and music. Some areas of the city were transformed into vibrant dance zones, where people could let go of their worries and immerse themselves in the rhythm of unity.

With the recent stress and tension, there was an additional emphasis on communal events. Bonfires were lit in various open spaces, around which citizens and soldiers shared stories of bravery, love, and hope. Restaurants and eateries collaborated to provide free meals, especially to those who had been directly affected by the war.

Poppy Pink arrived for the festivities wearing a shimmering skin-tight catsuit with a tiger striped fur pattern on it and a striped tail. She had painted her cheeks with whiskers and had black paint on her nose. Her cotton candy pink hair was done up in a huge Gibson Girl style. At her side was her friend Gabriela Lively, an actual anthro of some unknown feline-esque variety, who was dressed in an old-school nurse outfit with an apron. Essentially they were costumed as fantasy versions of each other.

Yuri had arrived wearing an adorable witches costume, complete with the pointed hat. She wore special contacts that make her eyes seem to glow, in addition to special glowing markings out of paint. She spotted Poppy-sempai close by ahead of her, and grinned as she recognized Gabriela.

Though Taiyou Hoshi’s sillhouette was normally quite thin, this candy festival she had opted for apparel that extended the bounds of the bottom of her frame quite a bit. Bunched underneath a loosely tied obi at her waist was a many layered kimono. The long sleeves draped from her abdomen to her elbows and cascaded far down and almost past her feet, which were obfuscated by the flowing inner layers of her furisode that seemed to ripple in the wind. Leaving her small chest uncovered wasn’t taboo in Yamataian culture, but she had opted to anyway with a thin flowing shawl of white discreetly covering her mid buds. Her outfit generally bore a resemblance to that of last year's, though the theme of being a celestial kami rather than a wandering ghost meant it took up more room and also followed the candy festival’s theme of

Hoshi’s hair was longer than normal, almost to her knees and was adorned with her namesake, a golden sun that radiated from the crown of her head. Deep blue eyes looked out at the crowds and the pink captain was a little more stern and unwavering in her gaze than in the year past. Though her outfit was similar in shape, her demeanor seemed to embody that of the discerning goddess she was dressed as.

Spotting Hoshi, Gabriela and Poppy gave her a respectful bow.

Out from the crowd, a handsome Yamataian man with slicked back black hair approached Hoshi. He'd darkened beneath his eyes with some makeup and wore black mantle that was red inside over a fancy high collared white shirt and black slacks, tying the simple vampire get-up together with a pair of false fangs that poked into his lower lip.

"What's up, Lady Amaterasu?" he asked Hoshi with a grin. It was Nicholas Saiga, the pink Nekovalkyrja's partner. Beside him stood Aiko, a princess of the Ketsurui Clan.

For her part Aiko was dressed as a ninja. Or more precisely, she was decked out as a historical-style kunoichi like you'd see in period dramas or anime fantasies. Wearing a sleeveless purple martial arts gi whose pants featured deep cutouts that exposed her ivory thighs to match, the princess' striking costume looked simultaneously modest and fittingly playful for the season. Her long hair, usually allowed to flow down to her calves like a magnificent cape, was tied up into a ponytail that cascaded down from the crown of her head — and was still adorned with her trademark bunch of bellflowers affixed over her right ear.

Aiko gave Hoshi, as well as the two Resurgence crewmembers there bowing at the pink captain, a warm smile. She flashed a peace sign while clasping a ninja ring dagger in her palm below.

As the crowds moved through the streets, collecting candy, uniforms Star Army soldiers also handed out candy to as many people as possible, marking them on a master list as they did so. The festival started as a test to see how efficient the Star Army could be at giving something out to everyone in the empire such as a vaccine. The candy was a placeholder. So, tonight, through the empire, the Star Army was working its hardest to ensure no citizen went without a candy of some kind. A lot of the candy-givers this year were members of the Rikugun.

"Poppy-sempai!, Lively-Taii!" Yuri called out to them, to alert the two to her approaching presence, as she hurried to catch up. She held a bag close to herself, it was partly filled with candies, delicous yumminess. "Konichiwa!" she said as she caught up to the two, and also like the two she bowed mostly as a copy cat measure.

Kytas' eyes lit up as she walked amongst those gathered at the festival. Most of her frame covered by one of Talynn's trench coats that she had tactically acquired as part of her costume this year. Atop her head rested a rather absurd wide brimmed hat that lit up in various neon colors that matched the gigantic, obviously fake sword on her back. While she walked past the beloved Candycorn her eyes lit gleefully at the woman's appearance, pausing a moment to get a glimpse of the shimmering cloak before moving on.

Sacre had dressed up as a ninja with her face and head wrapped up with only her eyes showing. Well, a ninja with a brightly colored pumpkin basket full of candy to hand out to the children. She hoped that no one recognized the lanky Separa'Shan.

Senator Volontany was much more exuberant, opting for a more tradtional Samurai costume. His wife was dressed as a anchient yamataian court lady. His visor was open and he was also handing out candy and saying hi to as many people as he could. Sacre followed her parents like... well a silent ninja.

"Hello Yuri," Poppy bowed in return, while Gabriela have an excited little wave of her paw-like hand, showing the mottled pink and brown skin on the palm. "Another year, another festival! It seems like time really flew by this year," Poppy commented. "Somehow YE 45 sounds sexier than YE 46, but maybe I just like the odd ones better," she laughed, commenting on how next month would be the ninth and last one of YE 45.

Yuri smiled as she was greeted, and listened to Poppy's comments and nodded. "true, i'm looking forward to what next year brings.' she said as a newcomer joined them, and sat on Yuri's shoulder. "oh, hello Haru-chan! being on your best behavior i hope?" she asked the little Racoon, and fed it pieces of the fruit she had on hand.

Haru-chan, the mischievous raccoon with its greyish-brown fur and iconic black mask, snuggled up close to Yuri's neck. It eagerly nibbled the fruit, letting out a contented little chirp. The critter's tail swayed lazily, showing off the alternating light and dark rings that trailed down its length. Dressed in a mini samurai armor, Haru-chan was not one to be left out of the festive fun.

Gabriela tilted her head curiously, her feline ears perking up. "Oh, what a delightful little companion you've got there, Yuri-chan. Is he joining us for the festival too?"

Yuri smiled at Gabriela "Yes, i won't mind bringing Haru-chan with us." Yuri said with a smile on her face and looked to them before glancing around.

Aelya bounced up behind Kytas playfully pinching her arm, "Hi!" she smirked slipping her arm around the taller Norian's tilting her head as she noted the green haired woman's glance at Candycorn. "Can't blame you for looking at the cutie," Aelya said playfully in jest. Clad in a red leather succubus outfit complete with realistic horns and matching thigh high boots she had come to have a good time amongst the people of Yamatai after being stuck in the lab for so long. Kytas raised an eyebrow side eyeing Aelya, "You cannot behave for one moment can you?" she said letting out a small chuckle.

As they continued to make their way through the bustling streets, they passed several stalls offering traditional games like "yoyo-tsuri" (fishing for yoyo balloons with a paper string) and "kingyo-sukui" (goldfish scooping), both giving away prizes that ranged from more candy to cute plushies.

After catching sight of Saiga and Aiko and greeting them both, Hoshi had followed along in the wake of the crowds. Seeing the streets filled with people for festivities was always interesting, but on days like this when the people of Yamatai wore costumes and gallantry on their sleeves, it was all the more to take in. They were still behind the group of Resurgence crew that she had exchanged unspoken pleasantries with earlier and one member of their group caught the kami-costumed captain's attention more than the others.

"Do you think that racoon is sentient?" Hoshi whispered in Saiga's ear, floating a bit higher to do so. Though it was her innate gravity manipulation that had allowed her to do so, there was a gravity emitter in her costume that allowed the thin strip of white fabric to loosely hover over her chest and around her back, sweeping under her arms.

"Who knows," Saiga chuckled, both at his girlfriend's irrelevant question and seeing her rise to eye level with him. He didn't whisper back; the old operative knew what to keep secret and this type of conversation didn't merit any sort of operational security in his calculation. "You can put an implant in anything these days and call it a person. But I'm over here paying attention to you. I probably should have gone for a tight crop top to catch your eye and match better, huh?"

Hoshi's smirk was reply enough to her boyfriend's matching costume concept, but she couldn't stop her torrent of giggling words, "Sometimes I wish I had skin-based vision like Rei-san to take in all the sights but still see you. Don't worry, though, really. I set aside a few places to go later where you'll have my undivided attention. Like it or not!"

"For sure," Saiga replied, slipping his hand around Hoshi's waist while she floated beside him. He pulled her snugly against his side as they moved through the crowds together. "Always love it when you're up here."

Aelya's eyes shot wide open when she spotted a booth that had plushies as prizes for a game that she was not sure she understood. Kytas noted her fascination and gently tugged the redheaded little demon along to the nearest one. "One plushie Aelya." Kytas said warningly. Aelya scoffed, "One, you're not my boss. Two, I can have as many as I want in my chambers thank you very much."

Yuri smiled as she saw the yoyo-tsun and the kingyo-sukui booths, both seemed like they might be fun. So she turned, and attempted to catch her companions. "I'm gonna go there and try and win something" she told them, and as she approached, she spotted another familiar face. "oh..my..goosh! Aelya!" She squealed as she waved to her friend she'd made a while ago. Seemed they had the right idea.

Kytas' ears twitched when she heard someone call for Aelya, the curiosity was only momentary as Aelya reacted warmly to the woman's voice. "Yuri!!!" Aelya exclaimed in return with an energetic wave. She was happy to see another friend, practically dragging her companion over to meet Yuri. "Yuri, this is Kytas my adult supervision." Kytas smiled warmly, "Pleasure to meet you, any friend of Aelya's is a friend of mine." Kytas said with an affirmative nod. Both women quieted down when Gabriela spoke turning their full attention to what she was saying.

"Okay," Gabriela said to Yuri, "Do you want me to explain the tricks or do you want to figure it out yourself?" she asked.

Yuri smiled her best and sweetest smile as she was introduced to Aelya's friend Kytas. "i'm pleased to meet you too!" she said happily. "This is Poppy-sempai, my superior at work and my trainer, and Lively-taii" she said before she gently petted the adorable Samurai Haru. "this brave Samurai, is Haru-chan, guardian of Kakushi Nekoba, and king of scraps and trash." Yuri said smiling to show how happy she was to make new friends.

Thats when she remembered, Gabriela offered to explain the games, so she turned her attention to her with another smile. "yes please! this is kinda my first time!" Yuri said.

Gabriela nodded and explained it to Yuri the best she could: "Okay, so the water ballons are in the little pool, and they each have a string attached and a yoyo inside. Your fishing hook is made of metal so it's heavy, right? But your fishing line is made of paper...not very strong, especially if it gets wet. So the secret is you twist the paper to make it stronger, if the vendor will let you, and you find a water ballon with the ring above the water and you loop that one without getting the string wet any more than you have to, so it won't fall apart before you get the ballon out."

Both Aelya and Kytas looked from Yuri to Poppy. Aelya looked over the woman's costume in a curious yet respectful manner, while Kytas simply offered a warm smile. "What is a" Aelya said pausing momentarily "Lively-taii...and how is it different from a normal one?" Kytas' gaze looked over to the adorable Haru-chan. "The bestest guardian in the land" the green haired woman responded warmly. Aelya's ruby orbs followed Kytas' pale green gaze as it fell upon the woman speaking when the conversation from Gabriela picked back up.

"We've met Poppy-san before, right, Aiko?" Hoshi asked in a stage whisper, still near enough the group in front of them to hear and be heard by them. Hoshi's blue and white hair splayed out around her in waves as she looked wildly about for the woman who had been next to her in a purple gi mere moments before.

Not seeing her companion, Hoshi's voice pitched up an octave as she looked behind Saiga, "Aiko!?"

"Huh?" Saiga muttered, peering around. He wasn't too worried about their royal friend, but still took the moment to search for her in the mob. "Looks like Karasuhime's doing what she does best. Other than slaying enemies," he chuckled.

Aiko had been easy for the SAINT commando's trained eyes to catch. The Ketsurui ninja was a few paces behind them, kneeling in front of a group of Star Army personnel in a pose where she held out one of her knives in a backhand grip. A little camera drone, presumably belonging to the jubilant soldiers, floated taking pictures across from them. And then as that group departed, another costumed family took its place to exchange pleasantries with the renowned Nekovalkyrja hero and snap a few photos.

“Why did I get so worried?” Hoshi asked incredulously while she looked back to the group in front of them as they learned how to fish. “Something about being around you and Aiko makes some kind of paternal instinct kick in."

"I won't bring her to our date next time," Saiga chuckled. "We just finished up some task force business at Command before popping over, though. I thought you told me you'd got over your concern for her a few missions ago. Aiko can take care of herself. So let's get you a prize from one of these places, eh?"

"That's true," Hoshi said, agreeing with more than one part of Saiga's statement. "What game do you think you'd be best at? I want to try the goldfish one, I played it be!"

Saiga nodded and then stepped up to a game booth, wedging himself between the multitude of shorter festivalgoers to try his hand at kingyo-sukui.

Like the good girl that she was Yuri listened politely as Gabriela explained the rules of the game to her. It seemed like it would be difficult to do, but Yuri was always willing to try new things. "ok" she said as she takes a fishing hook as described by Gabriela, and turned her focus on the task ahead of her, as Haru the Samurai Racoon watched on her shoulder before moving to a new shoulder so its presence didnt distract Yuri.

"This is a lot like that fish scooping game with the dissolving scoops," Poppy observed.

"You got this Yuri." Aelya said quietly in encouragement so as not to distract from the game. Kytas slipped back out of the hold Aelya's arm watching fondly as Haru moved to Yuri's other shoulder. "You are just the sweetest little cutey Haru." she said lightly turning her gaze to watch the game in front of her.

Haru purred, as if it understood what Kytas had said to it as Yuri focused her breaths, calmed her nerves, and treated it like she had to do some kind of medical operation back on the Resurgence. She knew she could do this, so she immediately got to work with the Fishing hook, and... success! Yuri smiled with pleasure. "did i do it well?' she asked Gabriella.

Gabriela clapped her hands excitedly. "Yeah!! That was perfect!"

The music from one of the dance zones reached their ears, a mix of traditional Yamataian beats and modern synth. Couples and groups were dancing, their movements synchronized as they celebrated unity.

Poppy glanced around, absorbing the joyous atmosphere. "This festival is always something special. But this year, with everything that's been happening, it feels even more significant. A night to let go of our worries, even if just for a little while. Anyone interested in some dancing after this?"

"Yeah! Interested in dancing, Saiga?" Hoshi asked, looking up from the stuffed Elysian ghost monster he had recently won her as she heard Poppy's query nearby.

"Dancing? Sounds fun, and Haru-chan can show off its moves" Yuri said to Poppy's words of dancing.

A large smile spread across the swordwoman's face when Haru purred, then her gaze was drawn back to Aelya. Practically hopping with excitement Aelya giddily said "Dancing?! Absolutely! It has been sometime since I got to really let loose. Kytas looked to Yuri, "If it means I get to see Haru-chan's moves, I'm in" she said with a little affirmative nod before looking to Poppy. "Count Aelya and I in." Kytas chirped, meanwhile Aelya was lost making stary eyes at Yuri's furry companion.

Haru moved back to the shoulder it was sitting on before, making the little Samurai racoon closer to Aelya, and Kytas. Yuri was meanwhile happy to go dancing with their new friends.

Poppy laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Perfect! We'll have a group going then. And it seems Haru-chan is already ready to steal the show."

The dance zone was a vibrant mix of lights and colors. As the group approached, the rhythmic beats of the music grew louder. The ground seemed to vibrate with the energy of the crowd. Many were dancing in pairs, while others formed larger groups, all moving to the rhythm in a mesmerizing display of unity.

Gabriela and Poppy paired up, both laughing and twirling as they lost themselves to the music. Their movements were a mix of traditional Yamataian dance steps and modern moves, blending the old with the new.

As the night wore on, more and more people joined the dance floor. The Candy Festival, with its message of unity and hope, was in full swing. Amid the laughter, the dance, and the music, the worries of the outside world faded, if only for a moment. The festival was a reminder that even in the face of the Mishhuvurthyar threat, the spirit of the people of the Kikyo Sector remained unbroken.

= = =

JP by Wes, Ame, Nakshatra, Soban, Raz, Charaa
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