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RP The Hare and the Fox, the Bonding of Their Evolutions


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 45.3 (Spring) Next Day
RP Location
When the Fox Cyborg clone made her escape from Draco Eridanus, she had felt that it had been quite the adventure. She felt lucky to get her hands on the Guppy, and found herself grateful to Noval Heavy Industries, whom had manufactured it. After all, she was certain if it wasn’t a ship, only one required, it would have been harder to leave.

So having removed the outfit her creators had given her for fear that it was a military uniform, the fox had left the Station, and the system, before going into interstellar space. She didn’t know where to go, especially not to participate in her dream. She allowed the ship to cruise, letting it take her where destiny has decided. Though it appeared destiny decided Yamatai was her destination, and she was in luck, the Hanami Festival was happening, so as she looked for work, she could enjoy the festival.

Yamatai was also a blessing for another reason, namely, Mileena didn’t have clothes of any kind, and Yamataians accepted it. Her dream would soon come true. As it turns out, certain high-ranking members of the ISS Sobek were in attendance and had heard Mileena talking to herself, which brought the three together. She would soon be a member of the crew, and she gained a family as a result of being invited to join the Belmont Clan.

That night, Mileena slept soundly in a capsule pod hotel room, but the next day she knew she needed to do some shopping, and she also got another brilliant idea. She took out a communication device and sent a certain member of the Sobek crew a message. “Hey, if you’re still in Yamatai, wanna hang out? I need to do some shopping, but I’d like to talk to you some more, and develop our bond of friendship a bit more if it’s ok? I’ve sent my address, and can meet you there.” Mileena had sent in her message.

She made her way down to the entrance after she sent the message, and she couldn’t help but feel somewhat nervous.
It took a while for the reply but there was soon a beep and a response from a Nikicon Swiftfoot;

"Oh hey there, I almost didn't see this, YES I would not mind going shopping. but I am nowhere near ready to just up and leave just yet. I can meet you in aboot an hour and half. "
At the end of the message was an image of a smiling face of Nikicon and a quote "Smile, be happy" Seams to be a signature of some sort that is added to all her outgoing messages.
Mileena’s nervousness was quite high when the delay in the new message came. But when it had, she felt a great relief and sighed happily. She also smiled at the cute message and the adorable smiling Nikicon as well. Her tail began swaying happily, a vast difference from the nervousness she was feeling before. She found a comfortable place to sit, as she now knew it would be an hour and a half until Nikicon could get there. The unclad Fox Cyborg looked around silently, taking notes of everything and pondering where they should go first.
A few minutes before that hour and a half was up a hovercar pulled up and Nikicon opened the door even before the driver got out to open it for her, then even moved to talk to her As they talked for a while and then Nikicon yelled at the driver " I don't care if it is your job I don't want you to treat me like that!!!!!" huffs some as she turns and rushes away from the confused man as he srugs and gets back into the hovercar and drives away. Walking up to where Mileena was sitting and smiled some.

"Hey there sorry if I kept you waiting ! " she smiles and then looks around very animated and happy. "Are you ready to go?" Nikicon was wearing a pair of simple denim jeans and a nice t-shirt of blue matching the denim color. Nikicon's foot paws are bare and a small handbag is over her right shoulder, and around the denim waist is a utility belt of random things, a small fox a way spray, E2c stun-pistol batteries, and a taser in its holder.
Mileena looked up as she heard the arriving hovercar, and recognized Nikicon’s appearance immediately. Her eyes blinked as she heard her yell, at the driver, which made her wonder what that was about. Deciding not to ask, she instead got up, to greet Nikicon properly. As she did so, her tail swayed behind her once more, displaying how happy she was as did her ears. “Hiya! It wasn’t too long, no worries!” The cyborg said as her eyes couldn’t help but take in Nikicon’s outfit. as well as her utility belt. The small fox away spray caught her attention but as she didn’t know what it was, she didn’t think anything of it.

By contrast to Nikicon, Mileena was as bare as she was at the Hanami festival. She didn’t have a belt and clearly didn’t seem to be armed with a weapon. But she did have a purse, which likely contained money. “Yup, ready when you are, I have to admit, I was a little excited about this, you are technically my first friend I have made, since I left home,” Mileena admitted.
Nikicon walks over to the fox cyborg and smiles some, "Ah that is Good!!" Nikicon smiles some and then blinks seeing her look down at her belt and remembering the fox away and blushes some quickly turning to hide it with her body as she says " Sooooo Mileena Were to first? We can't have you walking around all fur all the time so maybe we can go to a clothing store first?"
Mileena blinked as she saw Nikicon try to hide the fox away, which made her think it was some kind of NSFW bedroom-type item, which only confused her about why she had it out openly like that. “I have no idea where to go first, to be honest,” she said before she processed Nikicon’s next set of words. “Oh yeah, that’s true, while it might have been fine in Yamatai, it’s not in other places, right? And I am guessing the captain may not like it while onboard?’ She asked for confirmation's sake. “I admit, I did used to wear an outfit, but because of my dream and worry that it was a military uniform, I had removed it before I left my hometown. “ Mileena explained as they turned, and she allowed Nikicon to lead the way.
Nods some as Mileena says that she has no idea where to go first and then talks about being all fur elsewhere and even on the ship. "Captain does not mind it, but if working you might want protection if you are working. I do go all fur in my quarters when resting. "Nikicon's ears and cheeks turn a shade of red as she blushes a little bit. Hearing that she had a dream then looks back toward her and asks "Wait what do you mean your dream?" Nikicon took the lead looking over at Mileena as she moved away from where she met Mileena and headed toward the shopping district.
Mileena nodded as Nikicon spoke to her, and she learned that Nikicon was all fur while in her quarters resting. She couldn’t help but smile as she noted the blush on her cheek, having found it adorable. “true, I mean if more people are needed to carry the cargo in, I’ll need to help, and if the containers weren’t manufactured correctly something horrible could spill out, now that I think of it, though likely not to happen.” she said before her eyes blinked at Nikicon’s question as she followed Nikicon.

“Oh, just being on a vessel like our Sobek, that’s my dream. See when I was “young” I wanted to serve onboard a cargo vessel, rather than a military one. So being on the Sobek, though it is an armed cargo transport, is like a dream ccome true for me.” she said and blushed, which was physically evident more than the colors on her cheeks but her ears too.
Nikicon nods as she hears Mileena talking about helping out with cargo and then says "Well that is true also if I need help in engineering or working elsewhere on the Sobek. " Nikicon missed that Mileena noticed her blush as she spoke about her personal habits in her quarters. Then hearing Mileena talk about how she wanted to be on a non-military ship. Nikicon frows and then says "To be honest the Sobek is an escort ship that we ripped out a large part of the for to make into cargo holds. So in truth, it STILL is a military ship, but it can hold a lot of cargo now. " there was a weak smile as she tries to be honest and all. Then smiles beaming as she says " But you can keep thinking of it as an armored transport if you want to." Smiles as she walks along then says If I remember right there should be some nice clothing places a few blocks from here.
Mileena nodded as she realized Engineering can be messy. “oh true, yeah it can be messy” she said before she added “I also have some Technician skills, so I hope I can be of help to you too” she said before she discovered new information about the ship. She just chuckled deciding that it was too late now anyways. Nikicon tried to cheer her up which made her smile. The topic changed back to clothing stores and she smiled. “Awesome” she said hoping that they had something to fit, but knowing Neko’s with tails she thought there should be something for her.
Nikicon nodded briefly, then glanced around, momentarily disoriented, as she raised a paw to her muzzle. "Um... Wait, where are we again?" She continued to survey her surroundings, sighed, then retrieved her compad, proceeding to input some commands. While typing, she stole a glance at Mileena and affirmed, "Yep, engineering can get quite messy!"

She cocked her head slightly and looked back at Mileena, saying, "Oh, you do? Mhmm, in that case, I'll definitely seek your assistance when I need it." Nikicon smiled, nodded her head, and returned her focus to the compad. She furrowed her brow and commented, "Mhmm, it seems like the walk will be a bit longer than I initially thought. But that shouldn't be a problem, right?"
Mileena blinked her eyes in concern at Nikicon’s apparent confusion about where they were located. “It’s a street, common for Hotels, I forgot what it is called in Yamataigo, but in trade its simply Hotel Alley, simple name, but behind me was where I was sleeping last night, pretty decent” Mileena said before the topic of work came up and nodded her head. “definitely,” she said to her. The topic of the long walk, hadn't bothered her. “not a problem, a good chance for us to talk and chat, get to know each other, and to become closer, which is what I’d like for us, to where you’d be comfortable in my presence.” she said to Nikicon, as she remembered the Fox spray.
Nikicon shakes her head slightly and then looks over toward Mileena before saying, "Yeah, yeah, I know. But I was thinking of another place that I looked up." She blushes a bit as she sighs softly. "It's okay; I know where we are and where we are going to go." Then, upon hearing that Mileena wouldn't mind helping out around the ship with work and maintenance, the conversation shifts back to them. Nikicon expresses how the fox wants to get to know the snowshoe hare more and make her feel comfortable. Tilted her head slightly, she looks over at Mileena and asks, "What do you mean 'comfortable'? I'm perfectly comfortable around you right now."
Mileena smiled at Nikicon as they proceeded on their walk. “sorry, I think I distracted myself with thinking about that odd gadget you had before.” she said refering to the Fox spray. “But iam happy to hear your comfortable around me, though.” She said to her, as they walked, and placed her hands behind her back as they had. Her tail swished behind her as they made the long journey towards the clothing store, where they could get what Mileena would need.
Nikicon offered a faint smile, her gaze shifting towards Mileena, before she inquired with a gentle tone, "Could you clarify which device you're referring to?" She suspected Mileena was discussing her stun gun rather than the fox spray, as she often forgot about the latter's presence, only remembering it when it was already too late. As she examined Mileena's delightful figure, particularly now that her arms were positioned behind her, Nikicon blinked a few times.
Mileena glanced towards Nikicon, and took note of her gaze, towards her body. She chose not to move her hands, as it didn’t occur to her she could use her hands to try covering up. She wondered if she should clarify which, but she remembered how embarrassed Nikicon seemed to be. “the one you rapidly hid, after I spotted it, but if you don’t want to talk about it, we don’t have to.
Nikicon blinked and looked down at her belt, her cheeks turning crimson as she noticed the fox-off spray. She stammered, "What? Oh no, I forgot it was in there. It's a keepsake from my family when I departed the colony ship a few years ago, sailing off on the Sobek with Lenna."

Nikicon's blush deepened as she shifted her gaze back to her compad. She then gracefully moved to her left, stealing a glance back at Mileena with a smile. She chuckled and remarked, "They're worried some unfriendly fox might harm little old me."
Mileena learned of the Fox Sprayers origins, how it had been a keep sake, given to her by Nikicon’s family, who had been worried that some unfriendly fox might harm Nikicon. The clone had to admit the idea of someone of her species of anthro might be willing to harm her, had been lost to the clone, but she was aware, there were all kinds of bad people in the universe. “I see” she said as her mind processed the words Nikicon had told her. “The only foxes I know were my brothers and sisters, back home. I know they wouldn’t want to hurt you, but if anyone tries to do so and I am around..” she said, before adding. “I’ll protect you, ifyou need me to, I’ll have your back.” she said honestly.

Her mind began to procress another thought as she noticed Nikicon stealing glances at her, and the previous looks she’d done. Before she could push the thought away, she wondered if Nikicon was attracted to her.
Nikicon blushes a little more and then says softly, "It's nothing to worry about I swear it is just my parents being parents. I lived aboard a generational ship that held many many families for many many years. It would take several days to walk its length and more than a month to go floor by floor in height. There were many onboard and some of the fox-kin there were not as kind to the rabbet folk." Hearing that Mileena would protect, and have her back if she asked for it. Nikicon would smile and giggle a little. "Lets hope that we never have to come to that point but yes if I am in danger I would welcome your help Mileena! "