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RP The Hare and the Fox, the Bonding of Their Evolutions

Mileena nodded understandingly as Nikicon explained the background behind her family's concerns. She empathized with the fact that not everyone on the generational ship had been as kind to the rabbet folk. "I can understand why they would worry then," she said with a sympathetic look.

As Nikicon expressed appreciation for her offer to protect her, Mileena's own smile widened. "I hope we never have to face such danger either, but rest assured, if the need arises, I'll be there for you," she said sincerely.

The two continued their walk, their conversation flowing as they approached the clothing stores. The topic of attraction lingered in Mileena's mind, but the fox clone opted to keep it to herself for now, focusing instead on getting to know Nikicon better as their bond continued to grow on their journey together. She decided to show off her built in weapons later, just incase it worried Nikicon.
Nikicon and Mileena spoke off and on about random things till they approached the clothing store she smiled "Ah here we are, the first of many places to buy clothing. "

Walking into the store Nikicon looks around also looking for something that she might like and maybe a gift for Lenna! "I'm going to be looking for some clothing for me also." Nikicon smiles and begins to look around at some random clothing racks and then stops looking back toward Mileena.
Mileena followed Nikicon into the clothing store, her eyes scanning the racks of clothing. She noticed Nikicon looking back at her and tilted her head curiously. "Is there something specific you're looking for?" she asked, genuinely interested in helping her find what she needed.
As they perused the racks together, Mileena couldn't help but admire Nikicon's sense of style. She found herself drawn to the soft fabrics and vibrant colors that seemed to suit the snowshoe hare's gentle personality.

Mileena soon turned to the clothing store's owner as they approached the two anthro. "hello, as you can see, I'm in need of clothing" said Mileena the Fox Anthro Clone, who was unclothed. "do you have anything for a fox anthro like me? I need something that would fit on a armed cargo transport starship."

The store owner, a friendly and attentive anthropomorphic cat, smiled at Mileena and Nikicon. "Of course, we have a variety of options that would suit a fox anthro like yourself, especially considering the practicality needed for a starship environment," the owner replied.

They led Mileena to a section with durable yet comfortable clothing suitable for various activities. "Here, we have some lightweight, breathable outfits that should work well on a starship. These are designed to accommodate fur and tails, ensuring both comfort and functionality."
Mileena began browsing through the options, feeling the different fabrics with her hands.
Nikicon was looking at some random clothing and as she was asked what she was looking for sure she just shrugged some and then said "Oh I don't know Some of the items I have are too small, getting too old, and some are just falling apart.

Moved back and forth as she grabbed a few here and there before Mileena found the store owner she looked over and then followed as she smiled and looked at a few items here and there as he said " Ohhh that would be good, Oh that would be great for so and so.

Then there was an OHH and Nikicon offered a dark-colored engineering-like suit that matched Mileena's fur colorations " try this on I think you might like this if we need your help in engineering." she smiled warmly as she looked over at her new crewmember and developing new friend.
Mileena's tail wagged with excitement as she examined the engineering-like suit Nikicon had picked out for her. The dark color and sleek design appealed to her, and she could already imagine herself wearing it while working in the ship's engineering section.

"Thank you, Nikicon," Mileena said gratefully, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "This suit looks perfect for my duties on the ship. I'll definitely try it on."

She handed the suit to the store owner, who, with a nod of understanding, directed Mileena towards the fitting rooms. As she disappeared into one, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Nikicon for her thoughtful gesture.

After changing into the suit, Mileena stepped out of the fitting room, her attire now perfectly suited for her role on the starship. She flashed a confident smile at Nikicon as she strutted back towards her, the suit fitting her body like a second skin.

"I love it," Mileena exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. "You have a great eye for picking out clothes, Nikicon. Thank you for finding this for me."
Nikicon smiled as her tail wagged in excitement for finding the perfect outfit for her new friend. hearing that the suit would fit Mileena and the tone in her voice made Nikicon happy. She blinked back tears of happiness as Mileena moved over to talk to the store owner then smiled again as she moved off to try the suit on. Nikicon seeing Mileena come out of the fitting room with the suit on made her smile as she moved to cover the tipo of her muzzle with both paws. Her long ears were upright as she smiled in her paws as she looked at her and then said " OH that looks awesome on you Mileena. I am very happy that you like it and thanks. " Nikicon would blush a little more at the kind words from the fox clone.

Nikicon had maybe four or five outfits in her paws as she looked to Mileena and then made her way over tot he fitting rooms she said " I've got a few things to try on. See if you can find some more that you like.
Mileena beamed at Nikicon's compliment, her confidence boosted by the hare's kind words. She watched as Nikicon gathered a few outfits to try on and nodded eagerly when she suggested finding more items she might like. "Absolutely! I'll continue browsing and see if I can find anything else," Mileena replied, excitement evident in her voice. She quickly made her way back to the racks, carefully inspecting each garment she came across.

As she browsed, Mileena's mind wandered, her thoughts filled with gratitude for meeting someone like Nikicon. Never before had she encountered such kindness and genuine friendship. The bond between them was growing stronger, and it filled her heart with warmth. With a renewed energy, Mileena continued to search through the clothes, keeping an eye out for anything that would catch her attention or remind her of Nikicon's vibrant personality. She couldn't wait to show her new friend the items she had selected and see her reaction.
Seeing the change in Mileena as her confidence boost as Nikicon beams with happiness as she moves over to the doors of the fitting booth and then there was a loud thud, the fitting room doo shudders, and a cry of pain then cursing followed by a soft "I'm ok!" It seems the hare was having a fit with an outfit. A few moments later the hare walks out in a new outfit. It was a simple shirt with long jeans and she was bare footpaw and smiled moving to look at the owner and asking " Are you against me wearing an outfit out of the store ?"

Looking over at Mileena and asks "Did you find something else while I was gone?"
Mileena couldn't help but chuckle at the commotion coming from the fitting room, relieved to hear Nikicon's voice assuring she was okay. As the hare emerged in her new outfit, Mileena smiled and shook her head. "Oh, that looks great on you! And I did find a few more things," Mileena replied, holding up a couple of garments she had selected. In Mileena's arms she was holding up a couple of garments she had selected. A few seemed to be perfect for visits to planets were environmental werent required including a style of swimsuits that seemed to be perfect for a Fox Anthro.
The store owner shakes her head and then says " As long as you pay for them I do not mind. " she smiles some and then says " But I would ask for you to take them off so they can be cleaned real fast." Nikicon smiles and looks happy then frowns some but nods as she says " Ah ok sounds fair!" Stepping back into the changing room she gets into another outfit. Stepping out handing over the shirt and jeans, smiling then spins around in a light green dress. " How does this one, look on me Mileena? " After turning around she poses a little.
Mileena nodded her head to the clerk’s words in understanding. ‘I understand ma’am, fortunately, I got some money converted, and had traded some gemstones for Yamataian currency as well.” She said as she removed her outfit so that the clerk could clean it. Leaving the Fox Anthro naked as before, before she turned to watch Nikicon entering the change room.

Mileena's eyes widened in admiration as Nikicon emerged in the light green dress, twirling and posing with a radiant smile. "That dress suits you perfectly, Nikicon! The color complements your fur beautifully," Mileena complimented enthusiastically, genuinely impressed by how lovely the snowshoe hare looked in the outfit.

As Nikicon posed, Mileena couldn't help but feel a surge of joy at the sight of her newfound friend's confidence shining through. The bond between them seemed to strengthen with each moment they spent together. "I think we've found some great additions to our wardrobes today," Mileena added with a grin, feeling grateful for their friendship and the fun they were having together. She glanced at the store owner, ready to finalize their purchases before moving on to explore more of the shopping district with Nikicon.
Nikicon smiles at the reaction of her new friend to her pose. She giggles again with a smile and then moves about gathering up the outfits that she was thinking about getting sitting down and going through them. Picking two more outfits and putting the others away. " there are other places to get clothing no sense getting too many from here!" She smiles standing up to place the outfits she is going to pass on the returns cart. Spinning around some the dress twirls upward a little and then Nikicon looks at the store owner as they return with the cleaned clothing. " Oh that didn't take too long." she smiles taking the outfit and heads for the changing room to change back into the shirt and jeans. Gathering her clothing and bagging them for the trip home, before walking back out with the bag of her clothing and the dress. Moving over to the cashier as she pulls out her credit stick. "Ready Mileena?"
As Nikicon gathered her selected outfits and prepared to finalize their purchases, Mileena followed suit in deciding on her own chosen items. She nodded in agreement when the snowshoe hare mentioned finding clothes at other stores, acknowledging the variety available in the shopping district. While Nikicon went to change back into her original outfit, Mileena took the opportunity to look around the store once more, admiring the diverse styles and designs on display. She found herself drawn to a sleek jacket that caught her eye, adding it to her selection before joining Nikicon at the cashier.

"I'm ready," Mileena confirmed with a smile, excitement twinkling in her eyes. As Nikicon paid for their purchases, Mileena felt grateful for their shared adventure and the camaraderie that was blossoming between them. With their newfound clothing treasures in tow, the Fox turned to leave left the store, looking forward to more bonding experiences and explorations ahead in the Yamatai Star Empire.
Seeing Mileena getting a jacket and moving back over she pays for the clothing and smiles feeling grateful that she was able to help the new crewmate and her newest friend! Stepping out of the store Nikicon askes warmly, " So where too next, there are so many different places that we can go to, want to go someplace fancy, or go get some skimpy clothing, or go to a place that specializes in bathing wear. OR maybe " blushes a little " go to a place that tends to those that like to wear as little as possible but still keep their skin and fur protected?"
As Nikicon and Mileena stepped out of the store, the snowshoe hare's enthusiastic question about their next destination filled the air with anticipation. Mileena chuckled at the range of options presented by her new friend, appreciating the variety of experiences they could choose from.

"Hmm, how about we explore a place that specializes in bathing wear first? It might be fun to see the latest trends and perhaps find some stylish swimwear for when we have downtime on the ship," Mileena suggested with a grin. The idea of browsing through different designs and options for beachwear excited her, envisioning the possibility of relaxing by the water in fashionable attire. As they walked along the bustling streets of the Yamatai Star Empire, Mileena felt grateful for the company of Nikicon, "But i am intrigued about the place you mentioned, so we could do that if you'd like." Mileena said.
Nods as she hears about the one for the swimwear and then the question about the place that she mentioned and says "Um it's a little bit away, near the shady parts. But we can go there if you want to. The swimwear one is closer to where we are now, as with the fancier store." Nikicon slows some as she looks around and then pulls out her Compad as she moves to look through the list of places that she had already picked out as possible destinations for the day. Seeing that there was a nearby swimwear store only a few blocks away she says "There is a swimwear place over this way and that does sound like a great plan As I do LOVE to swim when possible. "

Gently taking Mileena's paw she pulls at her some as she walks off toward the new destination and smiles that little puff of her tail wagging back and forth showing how happy she was at the moment.
As Nikicon mentioned the closer swimwear store and the distant but intriguing location, Mileena took a moment to consider their options. The idea of exploring the swimwear store nearby appealed to her, and she nodded in agreement with a smile. "The swimwear store sounds perfect for now. I'm excited to see what they have to offer," Mileena replied warmly.

Feeling a sense of adventure and camaraderie with Nikicon, Mileena allowed herself to be led by the snowshoe hare towards their next destination, her tail swaying gently in sync with her friend's. The anticipation of discovering new styles and designs for beachwear added to the excitement of their shopping outing. As they navigated the bustling streets of the Kyoto, Mileena appreciated the bond that was forming between them, grateful for the companionship and shared experiences they were enjoying.
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