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The House Occhesta, and the Occhestan Connate Government

Karma Mechanic

Inactive Member
The House Occhesta, and the Occhestan Connate Government

A Supplemental Resource for Occhestans, and other Lorath.

The House Occhesta, and the Occhestan Connate Government.

While technically separate entities it is common for many to think of them as a single unit, especially among outsiders; this is not helped by the fact that even Occhestans often refer to the House Occhesta, the Occhestan Connate Government (OCG), and Occhestans in general, as if they were all a single unit.

A hereditary leader who is given the title of Zvevda heads the House Occhesta, the current leader is Zvevda'Esajt 'Truth' Occhesta. In theory the Zvevda has nearly unlimited power over Occhestan matters, and to some extent the Zvevda does exercise this power when it is needed. However in practice much of the Zvevda's power is normally invested into the Occhestan Connate Government. The House Occhesta has been predominately male ruled, with a notable exception being the Zvevda prior to the current one, Zvevda'Xrelywv Occhesta.

The Occhestan Connate Government is one of the most influential organizations in Occhestan Society (and to some extents Lorath society). Nobody exists on Lor without feeling its influence directly or indirectly. The OCG serves directly as the governmental body for all Occhestans. For the other houses (and as far as anyone else concerned) the OCG is a private organization of Occhestans, which often wields much of the power of the Zvevda and the House Occhesta (with thier approval, and on thier behalf).

The OCG derives its power from both the official endorsement of the Zvevda, and the endorsement of the Occhestans themselves through a somewhat democratic system, in this way the Zvevda, and the House Occhesta, with the Occhestan Connate Government form something similar to a constitutional monarchy, though limited in scope to Occhestans. This system has its roots in antiquity, before the unification of the Lorath people.

The Organization of the Occhestan Connate Government.

Office of the President

-Advisory Board
-Occhestan Senate
--Occhestan Judicial Department

Cabinet of Diplomatic Relations
-LSDF Liaison Office
-Inter-house Relations Office
-Helashio Relations Office (Recently Created)
-External Relations Office

Department of Communications

Special Research Bureau *(1)
-Special Reaserch Division
--Kathra Station Project *(2)
--FTL Research Project
-OCG Internal Affairs Office
-Special Security Force
-Occhestan Shipyards *(10)
--The former QIS Shipyards

Cabinet of Agriculture*(3)
-Office of Food and Drugs *(9)

Cabinet of Science and Technology[ (COSI)
-Biological Research Division
--Division of Medical Research*
---Office of Food and Drugs *(9)
-Physical Sciences Division
-Mathematics, Physics, and Theoretical Physics Division
-Engineering Science Division
-Kathra Station Project *(2)
-Occhestan Shipyards *(10)
--The former QIS Shipyards

Cabinet of Medicine

-Division of Medical Research *(11)
-Office of Food and Drugs *(9)

Cabinet of Education
-Academic Standards Division *(4)

Department of Transportation

-Aviation and Space Division
--Kathra Station Project *(2)
-Subterranean Division
-Terrestrial Division

Cabinet of Standards and Measures

-Academic Standards Division *(4)
-Scientific Standards Division
-Construction and Industrial Standards Division
-Office of Food and Drugs *(9)

Occhestan Security Forces

Cabinet of Records
-Lorath Central Archives *(5)
-OCG Records Division
-House Occhesta Records Division *(6)
-LSDF Records Division *(7)
-House Lmanel Records Department *(8)
-House Tur'lista Records Department *(8)
-House Fynneun Records Department *(8)

The Organization of the House Occhesta


-The Zvevda's family
-Council of Distinguished Occhestans
--Occhestan Historical Preservation Society
-House Occhesta Records Division *(6)
-All Occhestans


(1), While independent of other departments the Special Research Bureau works closely with all other departments (though the reverse is not often true), and draws many of its resources from them.
(2), Kathra Station is operated jointly between the Special Research Bureau, and the LSDF, with participation from the Department of Transportation (Aviation and Space Division), and the Cabinet of Science and Technology.
(3), The Cabinet of Agriculture is run jointly between the OCG (On the behalf of the House Occhesta) and the House Lmanel
(4), The Academic Standards Division is run jointly between the Cabinet of Standards and Measures, and the Cabinet of Education.
(5), Operated by the OCG Cabinet of Records (On behalf of the House Occhesta), with the cooperation of the Lmanel, Fynneun, and Tur'lista Records Departments.
(6), Operated jointly between the OCG Cabinet of Records and the House Occhesta.
(7), Operated jointly between the OCG Cabinet of Records and the LSDF.
(8), Operated jointly between the OCG Cabinet of Records (On behalf of the House Occhesta) and each house.
(9), Operated jointly between the Cabinet of Science and Technology, the Department of Medicine, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Standards and Measures.
(10), The Occhestan Shipyards(along with its division the former QIS Shipyards) is jointly run by the Cabinet of Science and Technology, and the Special Research Bureau, with cooperation from the Department of Transportation, and the LSDF.
(11), The Division of Medical Research is jointly run by the Cabinet of Science and Technology, and the Department of Medicine.

The Occhestan Connate Government, some important details.

The Office of the Presidentof the Occhestan Connate Government.
The President of the OCG is directly elected by Occhestans with voting status*; the President then must be approved by both the Occhestan Senate, and most importantly the Zvevda (No president can be approved without the explict approval of the Zvevda). The President has authority over the whole of the OCG. An interesting side note is that the current President is also the Zvevda himself, the popular (among Occhestans) Zvevda'Esajt 'Truth' Occhesta; this arrangement is not required, but it isn't prohibited ethier.

*Note; Occhestan voting status is limited to Occhestans in good standing with at least a Level 2 education.

Under the President is his advisory board, a group of Lorath hand picked by the President to advise him on various matters.

Also under the supervision of the President is the Occhestan Senate. Members of the Occhestan Senate are directly elected in the various districts in which Occhestans live. The number of Senators and all aspects of the districts can be determined by the President (though only with the explicit approval of the Zvevda).

Special Research Bureau
The Special Research Bureau is a very diverse department in the OCG serving as an internal affairs department for the government, and in some aspects could also be compared to both SAINT and SARA of Yamatai. It also keeps its own ‘Special Security Force' separate from the rest of the OCG. In addition the Bureau is known to keep its own secret projects, one of which was the original Lorath FTL drive, along with a fair amount of the original design of Kathra station. The Bureau is only under the authority of the President and the Zvevda, and generally has authority over most OCG Departments(including COSI). The Special Research Bureau only employs the most trusted Occhestans, nearly all recruited from inside the OCG.

COSI: Cabinet of Science and Technology

Undeniably the largest cabinet within the Ocheestan Connate Government (OCG), both in terms of persons employed, power, and importance, COSI oversees the fields of scientific research and technological development. Technically, due to the constitution of the OCG, it only has jurisdiction over Ocheestan scientists and engineers but in practice it has a tremendous amount of influence over all aspects of R&D occurring on the planet.

Kappa 3: Security classification at the upper end of the general classification of "Top Secret". This is reserved for items that could have severe detrimental impacts on the government if released. Disclosing any information on a item, project, or matter with a Kappa3 security classification is considered amongst the most serious of capital offenses. Agents charged with resolving a case involving such a breach have access to a vast amount of resources in the pursuance of there duties. Further, erasure of persons involved in the breach is a course of action (with higher-level authorization) open to the agents involved in resolving such a case.
Kappa 2 and Kappa 1 are lower levels of classification respectively.

The Citadel:

The slang name given to the seat of the OCG, specifically to the large pyramid-shaped structure that makes up the heart of the surface portion of the city. The Citadel is located slightly below the equator of Lor in a temperate region of the surface and in the middle of the planets largest freshwater seas. Really a expansion from the underground city of Kaalla, the Citadel and its underground progenitor make up one of the largest cities on the planet and has done so for dozens of centuries.

Starting as a small outposts on the surface in the time before the Loraths' recapture of the surface world, the Citadel (located almost directly above Kaalla) has only been in existence for 46 years but throughout that time its gigantic form (with its peak soaring nearly a kilometer and a half into the sky) has served as a monument to the bright future of the Lorath people. Citadel houses some 13 million permanent residents and Kaalla boasts a further 27 million.

OCG Security Forces
The OCG keeps its own security forces, they can be found at most OCG affiliated locations. Of all the Departments of the OCG, the Security Forces employs the largest number of Lorath from the House Fynneun (Warriors), though there is still a majority of Occhestans.

Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture is jointly run between the OCG (on behalf of the House Occhesta) and the House Lmanel (Shamans). Of all OCG Departments this one employs the most Lorath from another house, with the Lmanel actually holding a modest majority over Occhestans.

The House Occhesta, some important details.

Council of Distinguished Occhestans
The Council is composed of distinguished Occhestans, appointed by the Zvevda at the time. Appointments to the council are life long. The only way to end the term is by removal by the Zvevda or retirement. Being appointed is one of the highest if not the highest honour an Occhestan can hope to achieve. The council offers recommendations to the Zvevda and acts as advisors. They also make recommendations for Occhestans in general. Technically they can make laws that affect Occhestans, with the approval of the Zvevda, though they only rarely exercise this power. One of the Duties of the Council is to oversee the Occhestan Historical Preservation Society, which runs many museums, and conducts historical research; the Occhestan Historical Preservation Society is also affiliated with a number of educational institutions.