Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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The Ice Queen's Way


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White Angel The figure, clad in a long brown trench coat, high collar hiding her the side of her cheeks, looked up to the white mobile suit, touching the cool sheen of white armor at the foot. "Mommy will be right back baby." And with that, her hand, holding a hat, moved up to cover the semi-long black hair, and now, her eyes. She seemed to be somewhat a little odd wearing that manly clothing, but it hid her appearance. Hands in pocket - fingering idly her pistols hidden in her pockets, She stood at the door of the guild and knocked gently.

The moment that the woman's knuckles touched the tinted glass doors of the "employment agency", they slid apart to reveal the sparsely-decorated, functionality-oriented Guild inside. There wasn't much going on at the moment, but the second the doors lid open a woman sitting behind a desk suddenly rose to her feet and called out, "Hello there, and welcome to the Mercenary Guild. How can I help you?" she asked.


A figure appeared; a feminine mechanical form, light near the glistening form warped and rippled like the surface of a disturbed pond, eventually dissipating to reveal a powered armor instantly recognizable to all who were familiar with the products of Ketsurui Fleet Yards. A Mindy M2-1E, this one painted with the colors of the Ketsurui Samurai, but with a gold torso and helmet. Her legs were blood red, her arms silver, her helmet gold and silver. This was Ketsueki. A large twin-bladed energy weapon of some sort is attached to the armor's back behind its right shoulder. Not pausing, the power armor approaches the doors to the new guild.

First mechs, and now powered infantry? Apparently somebody forgot to mention to NeiFirst that today was the science fair. Seeing the figure approach the door, she found herself hoping that this wasn't some kind of random shakedown by the five-oh or one of the local thuggeries. Their blood was AWFULLY hard to get out of the rugs, after all. Sitting up in her chair, NeiFirst finally recognized the armor as belonging to one of their more...prominent...customers. Her hackles settled again, and she found herself wondering what kind of bounty the Yamatai had brought today.

White Angel Standing literally right by the open doors, the Trench coat clad woman, wearing a hate stood looking to the power armor. She didn't feel threatened by it, and she stared at it unmovingly. Her hands, in her pockets both holding pistols, she stepped from the entrance of the door, allowing the armor into the guild. Her trench coat open, revealing the Navy-like Uniform of her army. She observed the armor, it's weaponry and the making of the model. She recognized the colors, the muscles in her neck tensed. Noticing though that Nei relaxed, she too, to a degree relaxed. She stood quietly away from any of them.

Wes: The almond-shaped helmet peered about the guild's foyer after, in a smooth, graceful movement, ducking inside. Light reflected off of the polished gold helmet like it was jewelry, and the "glitter girl's" transparent scanner lens embedded in the top of the helmet could have passed for a diamond. The power armor appeared in extremely well-kept form and glided around on its high-heeled feet like a swan on a lake. Clearly, the pilot was searching for something or someone.

NeiFirst's desk was right in the middle of everything, directly forward of the main doors. It placed her in a precarious position should somebody start shooting through the windows, but typically one wouldn't have the Guildmaster working the front desk. She looked to the powered armor advancing through the door, and asked, "Can I help you?"

Pulling down on her hat to hide more of her eyes, she began to button up her coat, it was rather cold in here with the door open and all. And with a gentle sigh she knew where this suit came from, she just never thought she'd run into one so soon. Especially now. She took out the pistol that lay hidden in her pocket, and spun it around her finger. Her eyes closed she leant against the wall, foot resting upon it, holding her form up with one leg, the foot tapped upon the wall gently. Humming a gentle soothing war tune.

"You," the armor addressed NeiFirst in an arrogant, imperialistic tone, "will assist me." Gloved black hands pressed down on the desk as the armored figure leaned forward, her metal-covered bosom at Nei's eye level and the helmet's rounded "nose" pointing down at Nei's head.

Though NeiFirst wasn't a terribly large woman, she did have a feral appearance - and when her hackles stood on end, one was reminded of the way a cat's fur stood up when provoked. She knew the reputation of the Yamatai powered armor in combat, and that was why she had always preferred that the representatives of Yamatai come to her unarmed rather than with missile launchers and the like. "I'll help you if the price is right," she countered. "Now what brings you barging into my Guild dressed for nuclear warfare?"

She raised an eyebrow at the armor's direction voice, and her hand moved down into the other pocket, drawing out the other pistol. She now began to spin both of the pistols in her hands. She stared at the armor carefully, checking its armor... Seeing how the light reflects of curtain areas, trying to find a disturbance - a week point... Just incase. Can never be to cautious around people these days. She flicked her short blonde hair from her eyesight with the barrel of the gun. She smirked at NeiFirst's comment. "More like dressed for taking on an intergalactic war by itself."

"Contacts," the armor said simply, as if the word could explain everything to someone. The pilot almost seemed to sneer, and a slight movement of her head just might have been a glance over her shoulder. Of course, the Mindy wasn't by any means blind to her surroundings. "My price is set by me alone and it is always right. I am Ketsueki, and I have returned for more...exploration in this universe."

The Guildmaster leaned back in her chair, her hackles still on end, but showing no sign of being intimidated by the armor. "I don't know, I can think of a few other organizations that don't always agree with your prices, but they're obviously in no position to stop you right now. You can stop trying to intimidate me, because nothing you can do will force the services of this Guild out of me. However, I value let's keep this civil. What kind of contacts are you looking for?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

White Angel 'Contacts?' That word screamed at her like as if it were a job she wanted. She then, gripped both butts of the guns aiming them to the ground. She listened in on the conversation more, she wanting a job, and well anything that sounded like a possible paycheck, to fuel and keep Angel in perfect working order, then well she would try anything. She stared at them both intently, her hands, idly playing with the guns. Pushing off the wall she wandered close to NeiFirst, standing a little distance behind her, the high collar of her coat hiding her smirk.

"Intimidate?" The armor cackled. "I want to be connected with the guild. There are missions that need a strong, brutal blade like mine. I desire the option of keeping track of them, in case I feel the urge." One of the black-gloved hands clenched into a fist with a rubbery noise and the index finger, one of three (this armor had no pinky, apparently), pointed at Nei's neck from two inches away. "Don't try to preserve your dignity at the expense of your well-being."

NeiFirst looked at the finger for a moment, then right back up at the head of the armor. It took a great deal of willpower to hold the rage of her bestial aspects in check and not try (vainly) to rip the armor's finger off. "If you want connections to the guild..." she said, struggling not to clench her teeth, "...then you're going to have to pay for the affiliation, just like everybody else. I offer the same service to anybody who wants it, provided that they can foot the bill. This isn't a philanthropy, you know."

White Angel Twirling both pistols once more she then spun them into her pockets. "I think he need's manners." She then turned to look at the man, placing her hands into her pockets, she then sighed and watched the situation before her. She then laughed allowed to herself as she moved to stare out of the window, looking at her Mobile suit, towering over the HQ. 75ft of pure armor. Sighing she smiled, it's glowing red eye moving down to look back at her. She mouthed to him 'I'll be right there.'

"The price," Ketsueki demanded, sure to add a "cheat me and be dissolved into ash" undertone. There was no courtesy with her, only business. It was the exception to the rule in the case of the Ketsurui Samurai, if this pilot even could be considered one. All that was really known about the pilot was that she was sponsored by Ketsurui Fleet Yards directly, and would do almost any mission, so long as the clan supporting her wasn't involved. That, and she had an impressive body count. Rumor also had it she may have been the neko that helped Yui and Jonathan Miller defeat the psychotic terrorist Eve after Eve contaminated Ayenee Capital City with large amounts of biological and chemical weapons.

NeiFirst reached over and tapped a few keys on her computer, and ran a short analysis of the company compared to the Guild's financial status. Obviously, there had to be some price differential given the financial umph of organizations versus individuals. It wasn't much, though. After receiving the results, she looked up to the powered armor and said, "One thousand standard credits per job listing, full-and-final. No guarantees, no refunds. Given the amount of money at your group's disposal, I don't think that's unreasonable," she stated.

For a moment, the power armor, and its threatening and somewhat vulgar tones and undertones were irritating the mobile suit pilot. Oh she wondered if this being was cocky upon the battlefield. And even if that armor had the counts, it could lead to mistakes. In warfare, you always expected the worst. She stood next to the armor now, observing the making of it. She made a gentle 'hmmm' as she prodded the shoulder. Smiling she took a step back and then brought out a handheld computer, looking for potential jobs.

Noting the transaction of the armor going through, the woman handed the armor a business card with an email address listed on it, her hackles having settled quite nicely. "Everything appears to be in order, so you can submit your jobs to that address. They'll be posted within twenty-four hours, though it may take longer for a mercenary to come forward to do the job," she explained.

White Angel then looked to the card and then with a smirk her hands moved out of her pockets, and her arms crossed slowly. Bliss moved slowly around the suit, observing it more closely from every angle. It was impressive, but the smaller they are the less punch it has. She did always like big things - no pun - her smirk widened. "And what is that job?" She said aloud, her eyes locked on the armor. "I am very interested in you, Armor... And if there is a job you want done then well I am your woman, and Angel is your Suit to do it."

The Mindy's extended hand took away the card, but then banged on the desk loudly, twice. "I am not the one offering," she corrected Nei in that same tone that abusive types used to their captives, children, and slave. "I'm not a group, either." Of course, now that the mecha pilot had spoken up, she too would be getting a dose of Ketsueki's harsh attention. "Your suit," she said, "has little to offer me." It wasn't meant as an insult, but rather a raw statement.

White Angel's eyes narrowed, she felt her hands clench in her pockets. "Excuse me?" She said rather harshly, she felt her hand clench tighter. "If you don't mind, I think you misjudging my suit." She moved her hands into her pockets, "And if you think your tone is going to anger me you have another thing coming. Now how do you know if my suit is not? Good enough unless you try me." She then narrowed her stare, "It's not the suit's power, and it's the suit abilities and the pilot's abilities working together that wins a battle."

NeiFirst had finally taken about all she was going to stand at that point. Slowly, but surely, the rage welling up inside of her was gaining more and more dominion as the dualistic nature of her being battled for control. Suddenly on her feet, with her fingers digging into the metal desk, she glared right into the armor's head. "LISTEN, YOU! I will NOT be talked down to and treated like just another tool for you to toss about as you please! Now either level out and conduct your goddamned business, or get the fuck out of my Guild and don't come back!" By this time NeiFirst's already-plentiful hair had puffed itself out to quite an interesting proportion, and feral muscles were standing out from beneath the CF bodysuit she wore. She was pissed, to say the least.

NeiFirst found herself being outright laughed at by the mercenary. "Touchy, touchy," Ketseuki grinned behind the cover of her helmet. "Tools are all any of us are," the power armor's pilot said, tapping her helmet's rock-solid nose against Nei's forehead with just enough force to give her the "Grow up little girl. Look around you. We're all wading through a system of imperfection and suffering, each a slave to the whim of those who care not about her. The only way any of us gets what we want is to know when to submit, and when to assert. Now is your time to submit. If you're too sensitive to employ a real mercenary here, I'll be on my way.

NeiFirst never really heard anything that the armor said, or at least the words were lost in the jumble of instincts and emotional storms running through her head at that moment. The biomonster within her genetics had all but completely dominated the woman. Gone was the Palman of the hybrid picture, and before the armor stood a person who was little more than a wild animal. Fear, anger...these were the only things running through her "mind". She was threatened. Not even considering her weapon, NeiFirst was automatically pushed into fight or flight response. Growling low, the Numan backed away from the armor, teeth bared and hands cupped in a clawing fashion.

Again, Ketsueki laughed at NeiFirst. Even without her armor, it would've been difficult to get Ketsueki to see something feral to be a significant threat. This was, however, delaying the registration with the guild. "Come here," the armor taunted, gesturing with one hand. Maybe after a few blows, the creature-girl would come to her senses.

Enemy doesn't attack. Confusion...? Run away or defend the nest? Escape? There. Escape route found. Leap forward, fake the attack...between the, to the left. Out and around. Need space. Open space by tables and chairs. There. Go there. The thoughts were simplistic, each driven only by emotion - but the creature executed the maneuver to the best of her ability, feigning an attack only to spring away to put room between herself and this metal monstrosity.

The Mindy pilot was growing tired of this. Turning to face Nei and raising her left arm in one smooth motion, she fired her scalar weapon (set on stun level). The weapon would create a spontaneous surge of energy all throughout the woman's nervous system, effectively shorting the bestial girl out for a few hours to a few days. This hadn't gone well at all.

When the Numan saw the weapon pointed at her, she had spent that last instant shrinking back, rather than dodging to one of the sides. The weapon fired, and for a moment she froze up before falling over like a sack of potatoes, her nervous system suddenly overloaded with electrical charge. Though somehow she was still conscious, NeiFirst could only lie on the ground and seize gently, her face locked in abject horror. So that was what getting hit with a stun weapon felt like.

The Mindy moved to Nei's desk, rummaged around in the drawers until finding a black permanent marker, and uncapped it as she approached the still-spastic Numan. At this point, the armor's hand wrapped around the top of Nei's skill and held her head while Ketsueki wrote in backwards letters, "Try not to take everything so personally, and try to control your temper." After a moment, she added a generic smiley face for effect. Releasing the quivering girl, the armor returned to the desk and replaced the marker, then headed for the exit, commenting "I hope you've learned something today," as she sauntered out the doorway.
NeiFirst: You need a job done? You drop it off here, and a mercenary does it. Or, you can join the Guild and take said jobs on while accumulating perks. Not much to say about it.

Kitten walks in with long red hair and pure white cat ears with black tips and a long white tail with a black tip. She wears black baggy pants and a tight black halter-top and a big black and red top hat. She has a scar on her shoulder bade on has bandages on her wrist. She looks around and sighs and puts her hands behind her head looks at all the people.

NeiFirst looks over at kitten from behind her desk, sitting down her magazine. Raising an eyebrow at the woman's attire, she gets the feeling that this is yet another person that mistook the Guild for a tavern. "Something I can help you with?" she asks.

Kitten gave Nei a quick answer, "no there is nothing you can help me with."

Ziren was dressed rather elegantly for this day - usually he didn't go out in public while in uniform. The navy blue vest he wore sported a rather intricate design on its front: a phoenix wreathed in fire. It was always good to make a nice first impression, hence the rich-looking attire. Stepping through the door, which still presumably slides open, the first thing he noticed was kitten, which was just leaving. ".... Slut. Anyway... you can help me, Miss Secretary." He turned to NeiFirst, and approached, assuming she was the clerk for the Guild.

NeiFirst: She had just been about to draw her weapon from beneath her robes and deal with the catgirl, when that of Ziren Rhizae replaced her presence. She stood from behind her desk, and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not the secretary, I'm the Guild master. So what is it exactly that I can help you with?" she asked.

Ziren Rhizae: -He scratched his head, and looked her up and down. Not very... intimidating for a guild master. This place was... very... different than what he was used to, "I'd like to... uh... what lingo to kids use in this era? Oh! I'd like to place a hit on someone."

NeiFirst: You could almost see the woman's eyes turn into dollar signs when he said that, and the corner of her lips twisted upwards into a fine smirk. "Excellent. So, tell me about this individual you need to disappear. The more details, the better," she explained. "Also, I'll need to know how much you're willing to put down on the contract."

Tetsuya walked slowly to the door of the " Guild" He smiled softly as he pushed some raven locks from his face. He pushed his light weight cloak off to the side as he stretched, a tight leather gloved hand, pushing open the door he approached the desk, sending a small look to the man next to him with his brown eyes. Tetsuya was dressed in all leather, black used for sneaking around at night. His weapons simple, Double wakizashi, used in the Kunochi style of fighting.

-Ziren was about to speak, but then spared a glance at Tetsuya. "Touch me and the hit goes out on you." With that, he stepped away from the smelly man-animal, and closer to Nei. "Well, there's this silly demon-girl which has been bothering me. She and her minion well," he gestured to a hole in his coat, "Shot m--..." Ziren leaned forward, "Err... what's that...on your forehead?"

NeiFirst: She then turned her head towards Tetsuya, and looked him over. Pretty standard-issue looking killer, nothing she hadn't seen before. Splitting her attention for a moment, she addressed him. "And you? What exactly brings you to the Guild today, hmm?"

Tetsuya looked to her speaking in a soft voice. " To become a mercenary. Ma'am" His attention focusing on her gaze now, he let his cloak fall to cover the rest of his body, now only his head and feet were visible. Quietly he waited for a response showing he was a patient person, His gaze not falling to the room. But solemnly on the person in front of him.

NeiFirst: Leaning back about an inch by reflex as Ziren leaned over, she turned her attention back to him for the moment. "There's nothing there, unless perhaps you meant the tattoo on my cheek. Tell me more about this demon and her minion. Names, physical descriptions...that sort of thing." With her left hand she reached to the clipboard sitting on her desk, and extended it towards Tetsuya. "You'll need to fill out this application (create an account with, and provide the two hundred credit membership fee," she explained to him. "After that, we take a ten percent cut of every bounty you acquire through us for administrative fees."

"Ah... I see. Physical description? That shouldn't be too much of a problem." Ziren reached into one of his pockets, a produced a metallic disk, and set it on NeiFirst's desk. The lens atop the desk glow briefly, and a mini-holographic image appeared hovering just above the disk. A girl with white hair and cruel red eyes, roughly above or near five feet in height, and garbed in a red cloak. "Her name is Celes Shadowblade. Pissy, arrogant, uneducated, and... well, look for yourself," The hologrammed-woman had a very soft face, but was somewhat disturbing, "Icky, huh? As for payment... ... err..." He'd have to think about that for a moment.

She studied the holographic image provided by Ziren for several moments, then nodded and picked up a datapad from her desktop. Using the datapad she copied the image to file, which she would append to the bounty once she posted it. She then entered the woman's name, and took down all the other details provided by Ziren.

Ziren was somewhat poor at the moment, and had no bank account. Not in a viable bank around here, anyway. "Err... well, do you take cash? Check? orders?"

NeiFirst nodded to Ziren. "We'll take cash, but no checks or money orders. Once the target is eliminated, you'll be contacted by the Guild. You'll pay us, and we'll get the mercenary their cut of the money. Still, you're not likely to get many hits on a bounty that doesn't have a reward amount attached."

A fabulously chromed-out power armor with blood-red legs, shining silver arms, and a brilliant gold torso and helmet faded into view distorting the surrounding light and producing a low humming noise that became louder as the armor hovered lazily towards the desk. "Is there any preferred or restricted method of death?"

Ziren paused, and looked towards the armor which just happened to appear, and... he screamed, "AGH, WHAT IN THE NAME OF <name removed for Magus's sake> IS THAT?"

Tetsuya dropped down a bag of credits on the table. Looking to the woman in front of him " Two-hundred credits, as desired. " he shook his head slightly still looking to the woman in front of him" Are you sure the ten percent thing isn't a little much I mean, Killers have to eat too ya' know. "

With an expression cold enough to freeze a campfire, NeiFirst looked at Tetsuya and replied to him. "Don't get greedy. A month ago the cut was nearly twenty percent, so consider my lowering the cut an act of generosity, given that I have to eat as well," she explained. People didn't understand how little money NeiFirst actually brought in through the Guild. Taking the sack of credits, she placed them within the cash box in her desk, and nodded to Tetsuya. "Your membership will be active shortly. Feel free to browse the bounties in the directory," she said.

The imposing armored woman hovered menacingly at the side of the desk, awaiting an answer from Ziren once the man's jaw rose from the floor. What appeared to be a large two-pronged lance/sword/rifle hung on her back, attached by a thick black rubberized power cable. As a side comment, she said through her armor's comm system, "Nei, you may consider a security detail. Places like this are a magnet for Ayenee's anarcho-terrorists and desperados."

Nick had only Left the Omega Compound in ACC a little bit ago but it was a short drive to the Assassins guild, Mercenary guild building . Pulling up outside of the building his Omega Opals engine hardly even louder than that of a purring cat. He glanced around side to side as he slide out the door of the car closing it as he spoke in a hushed tone " Arm System" As he turned towards the doors of the building all the doors of the Opal locked and a high voltage electric charge was sent through the entirety of the skin of the vehicle. Pulling the door open he glanced around the shadowy place and smirked . Even under new management the overall atmosphere of the place never changed. Looking toward the guild masters office he could see a slight line and grumbled to himself . Shuffling his feet he silently got in line wishing he would have just had a phone number to have called the new bigwig on.

Ziren continued to gape for a few moments. The only PAs he had seen before were the Defender series from his homeworld... which were clearly nothing compared to this. Scratching his head, Ziren regained his cool, and provided an answer, "Preferred method of death? Something painful. If you torture and videotape her screaming, I might give something extra."

Dolor Ferox She stepped from shadow and foliage, onyx depths glanced about cautiously as bare feet tread upon the earth with silent speed. Woolen fabric was draped about her 6'2" frame hastily as she moved from safety of the forest towards the Guild Hall, or perhaps twas a tavern. The chaos of her mind never subsiding as she pondered upon these words and the dimly lit establishment that all too suddenly came before her, tanned flesh was glimpsed momentarily as she eased the wooden door from it's massive frame and slipped within the room, scents and sounds momentarily overwhelming as she glanced about before shuffling her way through the crowd and towards a vacant wall.

NeiFirst shook her head. "Most of the anarcho-terrorists are either my best friends or my clients. I'd rather not scare them away by posting the National Guard outside the front door," she explained to the armored one. Looking back to Ziren, she made a note about the extra bounty, and then looked over to Nick DragonsBlood. "So...I was wondering when you would show up," she said, her voice low. The robed woman waved the man over to her desk. "As for you two..." she said towards Ziren and Ketsueki, "...please take discussion out to the lobby. I need to see other clients now."

"Most unfortunate," the power armor said. If there was any indication by the tech level Ketsueki was using, the mercenary would have preferred to simply use military-style brute force for most of her work, probably leveling a building or two in the process. Her deep, somewhat robotized voice added after a moment, "Additional suffering brings additional cost. Follow me," to Ziren.

Ziren frowned, yes, he knew the way it worked... Turning away from NeiFirst with a nod, Ziren left to the lobby, presuming that the armored... monstrosity had something else to say.

Nick DragonsBlood Looking inward to the office he nodded slowly at the hand gesture and followed suit moving into the confines of the office . Licking his lips he turned his neck slightly as if slightly amused that he was expected. Stepping upon the hardened floor he could feel something not quiet normal about the room something he had felt before when he had meet with the former guild master over the posting of Omega Operations box upon the wall . Stepping to the desk he Spoke in a calm tone " Well it seems introductions can be skipped, as you seem to know who I am and I you, so then shall we get down to business ? "

Ketsueki wished she could take off her helmet right now, but her beautiful face was also a well-kept secret. The shining gold helmet stayed on, a slight glow coming from the two eye-like slits and the crystalline cover for the collection of sensors in the middle of her crown. "What is your price range?" Ketsueki asked, strictly business.

The Numan nodded to Nick, and replied to him, "Business is why we're both here. An arrangement between the two of us makes both our lives easier, right? So. Tell me what it is you've come for, and I'll tell you what I can do to help you."

"Well To be as direct as possible I am willing to pay the membership fee, I have no qualms with that however it is the ten percent that seems to bother me and my organization. As I am sure you can guess much like the guild we have overhead as well. So we are willing to pay one hundred times the membership fee to waiver the ten percent from our mission bounties as well as the fee , As well as an extra thousand credits for any additional members that may join our Organization. Atop of that the services that are offered by the guild are already offered to our members so we will have no need of those from the guild its self thus cutting back on overhead caused by our group. " Blinking as if it had been a pre-rehearsed speech although truth be told it pretty much was.

The proposal would have provided a lot of up-front capital for the venture, but given the reputation of the organization, she would lose out in the long run on bounties they collected through the Guild's information network. While the lump-sum sounded interesting, she wanted to at least cover her long-term losses and break even. "I can't give you a waiver on the bounty fee, Mr. DragonsBlood. I will reduce the fee to five percent, and am willing to further negotiate your startup dues," she replied evenly.

Nick DragonsBlood Looking at her slowly his cybernetic eye switching to thermal he looked at her a moment and slowly nodded his agreement to the proposed five percent " Very well the five percent will at least be more manageable for considered looses in my Organization, Now as to the startup dues As the functionality of the percentage has been cut in half, lets say one hundred and fifty thousand as that would seem rather fair, don't you agree ? " Blinking a moment he thought of a child touching the car outside and being fried to a cinder and forced himself to hold back a chuckle.

Weeping Fists Even here, in this place, the smell of urban decay and decadent debauchery filled the nostrils of Timothy's proboscis. "Smells like home." It wasn't far from the truth. He was from Arkhngthand, a city known for it's colossal forges, among other ventures. A long, brown scarf whipped at the air behind his body, tendrils of loose thread wisping about like some willow branch. The smog always made breathing hard, and seeing was reduced to a few feet in front. Wearing protective goggles that shielded eye and ear, he pressed on, till he found a windbreak and a city guide. He was looking for work. He saw many guilds. Most were trade guilds, like the Blacksmith's Guild, or the Banker's Guild. None of that appealed to him, however. With his finger, he pointed out the Merc's guild. It was a few buildings down, near the commercial district. No surprise. Murder for hire was, after all, a business. A few bounding steps later, he passed through the door, and into the guild. " to go about garnering some wages...."

NeiFirst: There wasn't really anything unusual about NeiFirst's thermal signature, even given her unusual physique. Aside from the heat trails representing her rather exaggerated ears, she looked as any Human her size would. "That sounds more than reasonable, Mr. Dragonsblood. If you're willing to put that much forward, then I will accept your offer," she said, unaware that she was being scanned.

NeiFirst: Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a newcomer into the Guild, and turned her head slightly from looking at Nick DragonsBlood to study the newcomer. Certainly an interesting looking fellow. Holding up a hand towards Nick to indicate that she was indeed still listening to him, she said to the newcomer, "Something I can help you with, sir?"

Nick DragonsBlood Nodding slowly he agreed, although from the thermal signature he was looking more for a signature of a lie or slight of hand rather than that of species traits. " Alright if you have an account number for the funds to be transferred to we can conclude our business. " He said reaching into the left hand side pocket and pulled out a pad that looked similar to a calculator. In put the account number and the transaction will be finished.

NeiFirst: Giving the device her attention for the moment, NeiFirst entered the account number into the device, and slid it back towards Nick. "Done," she announced.

Weeping Fists He threw aside the scarf, and undid the clasps to the protective headgear that encircled his head. "I need a...bounty to haul in. Can ya...gimme a freelance contract?" His voice was low, rasped and gritty. Kind of like Clint Eastwood, but the way he spoke went along the lines of The Duke. "Unless this is a...member's only thing. Then I'll take my...skills elsewhere." Shaking out his scarf, a few particles of sand flew out from the cloth, and to the floor. "And uh, if ya can...I need some"

Nick DragonsBlood Nodding he took up the pad from Madam Nei and placed it back into his pocket." Glad we were able to do business " he said slowly as he turned and headed out the doors of both the office and the guild. Standing next to the car he spoke once more " System disarm twenty second window " As he spoke the doors unlocked. Quickly he slid to the door and opened it and sat down into the comfortable seat. Pushing the key into the ignition he headed off back towards the old city of Sanctum.