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The introduction of a old player...

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🎨 Media Gallery
Inactive Member
There really should be like... A standardized way of doing this... Regardless of that, here goes.

As many of the older players already know, I've been lying, and as I promised to some of those I've already talked to, I want to come clean. My name is Mike.

For those of you that are newer, I am the player of Jo Midori, who was previously posing as a woman named Tiffany. Honestly, it's embarrassing having done it, and I feel bad for all those years of lying, and I won't make excuses as to why I lied, but I did.

I'm also sorry for the way I exited the community, what I did was wrong and I know for a few people, there was a bit of a lingering doubt of whether Tiffany was real or not (or at least I believe there was from what I've heard.) For how I left, for not coming out then and there and explaining what was going on, who I really was, I'm sorry again.

For everyone I lied to, I'm sorry for having done so, and wish I could change it, but obviously that means diddly shit to those who it matters to.

I wanted to come clean, to answer any questions anyone has, and maybe see about coming back... That being said, please don't go blowing this up anywhere else, I'd like to keep it just to the board please...

I would love to star writing again with everyone, if they can look past my lie. I love this board, by far my most favorite board I've ever written on, but I have things I need to make sure fall in line before I can fully commit. I'd love to start hanging around the IRC more at the least, but again, only if you will have me. I understand if everyone is to upset with me to say yes in this instance...

Thanks for at least reading this.


Edit: Added something in, and fixed spelling.
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