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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.
A pretty young Yamataian woman with dark brown eyes and glossy raven black hair wearing a modest dark blue dress sat behind the news anchors desk. She waited for the cue and began to speak in practiced unaccented Trade. “There has been a great deal of speculation of how the beloved Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu was finally recovered from her death over Ralfaris on board the 2nd Standard Flagship, the GSS Ketsurui Chiharu during the 4th Elysian War in YE 25. Especially after she returned from the great beyond long enough to negotiate peace between the Grand Star Army and the Elysian Celestial Navy and brought the 4th and final Heavenly war to an end before she disappeared from this life again.

Many Shinto worshipers of the Kami have sworn that they have seen or felt her presence in the past 15 years since she passed through the veil but now she has truly returned! We have many questions for the reborn Ketsurui but the focus has been on the current bid for Premier!

On the eve of the new year, Premier Ketsurui Yuumi gave the astonishing announcement that she was going to run once more for Premier with, the living Kami, Ketsurui Chiharu acting as her second, in a newly created Vice Premier seat!

Campaign support for the Ketsurui ticket has been pouring in and the campaign office has stated that while the thought of monetary campaign contributions is greatly appreciated, they implore that the money is instead, redirected to a legitimate charitable organization. They ask instead, for well wishers to contact their System representatives.

In a surprising public address to the members of the Star Army earlier today the Kami had this to say:

The video feed switched to a familiar location to many, the Ketsurui Chiharu Temple in Kyoto. The large spire and the golden statue of the Taisho were unmistakable. Snow frosted the gardens but the kami, dressed in a black kimono stood before the entrance to the tomb where her memorial and those of the 2nd Fleet where enshrined.

“I know many of you are far from home and your time is precious so I will be brief. I have been restored to myself but many of my brothers and sisters that have fallen in the countless wars of our nation have not been so blessed. We have lost hundreds of millions of soldiers, citizens, mothers, fathers, sisters, brother to war. We have bled for this nation so that others may live, even if we do die. You have taken the oath of enlistment to the Star Army of Yamatai and have pledged your lives for the sake of this nation. For that, I thank you all for your service.” Chiharu bowed deeply to the camera, her long dark brown hair spilled forward onto her shoulders with the movement.

She rose again and her crimson eyes returned to the crowd, restrained emotion filled her voice. “I don’t think we thank you enough for your service and what you have done, what you have suffered in the name of Yamatai. Today, I honor the lives and sacrifices of my Second Fleet personnel that are enshrined here, it is the smallest thing that I can do for them, I live while they remain silent. But they are not the only who have sacrificed for Yamatai.

I wish I could quickly, personally thank each and every one of you but I will not delay you from your missions further. I have read the reports and I wanted to right now also honor the crews of the YSS Aeon, YSS Eucharis, YSS Imperator, YSS Kaiyo II, YSS Miharu, YSS Sakura II, YSS Sakishima, YSS Ryujo, and the efforts of Task Force Inquisition and the Fifth Fleet’s Unluckies.

I understand the hardships, loves, and lives you endure but I wanted to let you know that I see you, hear you and love you. I pray for missions’ success and your safe return home.

If you wish to message me privately, I will do my best to answer you. Thank you for your time.” The Kami bowed deeply once more before disappearing into the tomb below.