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The Kante Military border monitoring station


Inactive Member
No-H1-1a Kante

Price: 60,000 ks

1. About the Kante

The Kante is a new ship from the NovaCorp, made to lie along the borders and to sense and to deter potential hazards crossing the border. The Kante is a mix between advanced technology (for NovaCorp) and the need for them to be mass produced. It apears to be a large black disk, covered with small black modules, and small protuding sensors (although the vast majority of them are inside for protection).

2. History and Background

The Directors of NovaCorp where already considering designg a craft to patrol the edges of the Fenyar Cloud, when they got the idea from several of their sources that the Star Army might want a similar craft. A such they quickly set their temas to work, including resorting to Ephesus while he was still on the Destiny, and so the design was soon made, and the first few dozen where created.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Type: Military border monitoring station
Class: Kante No-H1-1a
NovaCorp research and production teams
Production: Being prepared for mass production

Crew: None, it is completely automated
Maximum Capacity: None
Appearance: A large black disk, with protuding modules and retractable plates protecting the missile salvos.

Length: 200m
Width: 200m
Height: 100m
Decks: There aren't any floors

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.3c using its gravitic drive with gradual acceleration, but with high manoeuvrability.
Speed (FTL): The Kante does not go FTL.
Speed (Aerial): The Kante is not designed to go into a planets atmosphere.
Speed (Water): The Kante is not designed to go into a planets sea, or any fluid.

Range (Distance): The Kante is not designed to travel any distance from where it is deployed.
Range (Support): Since it is fully automated, it requires not supplies.
Lifespan: The Kante has self repairing features, and so has a lifespan of fifty years or more.
Refit Cycle: The Kante does not need to be refitted, although additional models will be released with more specific purposes.

5. Inside the Kante

The Kante is not made to go inside, it is a complex highly compact design, with heavily protected systems, and with a central computer core. It is not made to be gone into.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: The Sakai's hull is made of perfect Iron instead of the stronger materials due to its need to be mass produced quickly. The Hull is 1.5 metres thick. The interior of the Kante is also a made from perfect Iron, and has considerable EMI shielding using a variety of techniques, including refined lead, and advanced composites. There are retractable perfect Iron plates cover the missile salvos.

Sensor and Computer Systems: The computer and sensor systems are particularly advanced in the Sakai, due to the need to detect ships crossing the border. The computer is an advanced AI.

AI: Ephesus spent a long time on these batch of AI's. Each one is unique in its personality, but tends to have a innate innocence combined with a deep pragmatic nature, they are extremely patient, and spend their time scanning their space and conversing with other Kante's. They utilise a hyper-dense, partially quantum and trinary system to achieve extreme computing capabilities.


Unidirectional sensors: These include variable wide-band imaging clusters, long-range gravimetric and magnetic resonance, distortion sensors and spectrometers, These sensors sweep the area around the ship, but constant monitor the direction facing the border. They have a range of up to 7 light years.

Omnidirectional sensors: Subspace mass sensors are used, with a range of 20 light years. Aetheric/quintessential field/differential/particle/wave sensors have a range of 20 light years.

Bubble Shield: The Kante has a powerful shield, capable of protecting it from light and medium strength weapons. It is reinforced by intelligent shield generators that greatly increase the strength of the shields where the AI predicts it will be needed, or where the shields are weakening.

Gravitic Shield: This is not a powerful shield compared to that of other NovaCorp ships, due to the little used gravitic drive. It has the capability to significantly lessen the power of kinetic weapons, and to make the approach of small craft troublesome, swirling gravitic effects makes navigation of such craft hard.


High Energy Xaser (HEX) Weapons (30): These weapon modules are spaced over the ship, and serve to both take down incoming missiles, and to deter ships from crossing the border. The beams are targeted by the AI with surgical accuracy, and are used to a devastating effect beyond that which would be normally considered by their power. The Kante often rotates itself so it can use the largest possible number of HEX's.

Location: Placed over the rim of the Kante
Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-starfighter, Anti-missiles
Damage: Medium - High.
Range: 20,000 km
Rate of Fire: Three second bursts, with ½ rests between shots.
Payload: Effectively unlimited as long as the power source is functioning.

Hyper Spatial Torpedoes: These torpedoes are designed to travel through hyper space to get to their target, and if possible matterialise inside the ships shields. When it materialises it drags a large quantity of energy of hyper space with it, dealing extra damage combined with its 20 megaton yield anti-matter warhead. The Torpedo is fitted with its own shield and guidance systems, and travels in a way to make it harder to detect, and to shoot down. It is often directed by the Kante's AI, or by its own systems. There are five pods on the Kante.

Warhead: Hyper Spatial Fold Anti-matter torpedo.
Purpose: To destroy enemy vessels, at long range
Damage: Extreme. 20 Megaton nuclear explosion, and a large amount of energy pulled in from Hyper Space.
Range: 30 Light Years
Rate of Fire: Individually, or in volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 from each pod.
Payload: 200 Missiles each.
In order for the Star Army to use this, there'll need to be a few changes. First, the name will have to be changed. Sakai is a name best suited for fighters or small combat craft in the Star Army's view. Secondly, the range of the sensors and the size and range of the weaponry must be increased, preferably to twenty five light years if possible. Hyperspace torpedoes or CDD torpedoes are suggested.
Agreed. Changes are underway.

Name changed.

Hyper Spatial Fold Anti-matter Torpedoes added.
Added to the Starships and Mecha section of the site. Your people can start making 'em right away.
Can I get an update on the production of these? Yamatai wants tons of them for securing its borders.
Assuming the NC construction facilities work at maximum capacity (and they will, because I don't think we've got anything else to build right now), we can produce 20 per facility every 12 hours (fully stocked), or 400 per day. New construction areas are currently in varying stages of completion, and will be added to the list ASAP (and at some point I'll make a list of production rates for everything else too).

edit: Current novacorp production capabilities have increased to meet demand for this product. Production per day is now at 2800.
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