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RP: Space Pirates [The Last Star] EP1 (To Steal a Mockingbird)


Inactive Member
((As posted by Chigusa and I in the General RP section. now consolidated and moved to the pirate section.))

The shopping districts of Kyoto seemed alive teeming with people from all walks of life among the stars. This was a good place to be lost in a crowd thought the fugitive Neko, it had been months now that she had left the employ of her last ship. And now her spoils and purse felt light it was time to take to the shipping lanes once more. "It's never quite enough is it?..." she muttered to herself looking thru one of the shop windows passing time until she could meet her contact. There was a new plan brewing in her mind, as a hired gun the profits were too slim it was time for a little more initiate. Determined to be leaving this port in a vessel of her own this time and this guy Barrett was the one to tell her just where to find the best score.

Finally reaching the agreed upon spot Millia quickly spotted Barrett and picked up a light stride over to him. Pushing past a young man (apparently talking to himself) Millia had found her contact. Exchanging a quick embrace and pleasantries with the tall Nepleslian man with short sand colored hair. She gave a cautious glance over her shoulder to take a quick look at the man she brushed by then turned her attention back to Barrett, Casually pawing at him to give the impression that they were old acquaintances. "You have the information I'm looking for?" Her words nearly purred forth finally looking back up at the tall Nepleslian's face.

"I might." He remarked candidly "You know lass, meeting in person like this, is a little anachronistic there's so many other ways to..." With a devils smile and a thrust of her body he Small Neko presses Barret and herself against the wall of the building. "All of which can be tracked, recorded and compromised..." Millia whispered her movements were deliberately sensual in nature relaxing herself a bit trying not to arouse suspicion. "This isn't your routine smash and grab here, I am paying you to help me steal a very big ship right under planetary security's noses. So I'll choose how we have our little get together hmm.." Millia eased back a little more glancing back down the little alley. "Come on, let's head back to your place, and show me what you've got.."

Kimiko walked by a street vendor, and swiped an apple for herself in passing. Having been completely unnoticed, she brought it up to her mouth and took a massive bite out of the fruit, before plopping herself on a rail. This was when she noticed something that caught her eye - a woman pinning a man against a wall. Now, normally this wouldn't have been too interesting - what made it so was the fact that the woman was motioning to an alleyway. Kimiko crept through the crowd of bustling people and set herself against the side of a building's pillar that seperated her from the two of them. Hoping to relieve some of her pent-up boredom, she peeked out from behind the wall and prepared to follow them if they were to move.

After some time spent walking thru the streets and alleys of Kyoto the pair walked nearly hand in hand to keep up appearances. The two headed inside a large apartment building. Millia leaned against the smooth faux marble walls of the lobby waiting for the lift. Barrett gave the Neko a quick once over look paying more attention to her waistline with a smile he remarked. "So how what's your plan if you encounter trouble. Without a weapon what are you going to use, harsh language?" The tone of the lift bell sounded as the double doors hissed open allowing an elderly couple out into the lobby before Barrett stepped in soon followed by a scornful looking Millia muttering under her breath. "What are you going to use, harsh language... Smart ass...â€
Millia reached over to the button console selecting the next floor. "I belive this is your stop" she said bitterly. As the door opened she have the young Kimiko a little shove out of the elevator watching the elevator close before proceeding back up to Barrett's room. She shook her head for a moment loking back at her contact. I have a bad feeling about that girl.

(Sorry to have to make a post like that but without Chi to run Kimiko she will have tl leave the sceene for now. Although i expect her to show up agian later.)
Barrett's apartment was a cluttered economy style residence. Every desk dresser and tabletop was littered with haphazard items from work or clothing. The two moved tword Barret's computer and were soon looking over a few files. "So the first step, we need to find a crew to do this. Who have you got that's local." Millia said leaning over the older man's shoulder. The screen flashed thru contact information of a few hundred individuals simple bio's on the specialties of each. "Wait a minuet, go back did I just see that..." Millia pointed to one of the contacts, one in particular caught her attention. "Another NH-17? she might be usefull."
Trance music permeated the club, nekos and yamatians dancing to the rhythmic beats. One inparticular danced, Remi found this form of music to her liking, along with most other forms of music. The place was nice in its own right, and she even found the name "The Sweet Spot" slightly tasteful. The place located in Kyoto was an addition to the one found in Central Uesureya.

As the song reached its climax, the woman finished her sultry dance, leaving the man speechless for the most part. As she wandered over to the bar, a small grin crossed her face. Hey, even pirates deserved a little R&R everynow and then.

Rapping her knuckles on the bar several times to grab the bartender's attention, she asked her what she wanted to drink. "Something strong with a kick!" Remi had to yell over the next songs loud beat. A glass with sky blue liquid slid her way and she grabbed it. She threw the drink back and placing the empty glass down smacking her lips, and flaged down the female bartender for another.
Millia surveyed the club, it had taken the better part of a day tracking down Remi. The club pulsed with energy as she made her wat thru the croud searching for the other neko. Millia spotted the girl leaving the dance floor and followed her to the bar.

"I'll take one of those." She said nodding to the drink in Remi's hand. Turning around with her back to the bar Millia looked over the other neko raiseing her glass "Your a hard one to find you know..."
Remi pursed her lips at the newcomer, yet eyed her over aswell. Could be undercover security, or the army trying to get her back. Best not to raise suspicions just yet. With a sigh, Miyoshi drained the glass and put it on the bar.

"What can I say? When over 60% of the population are nekos, anyone can be hard to find." Remi replied somberly, waving a hand dismissively at the Yamataian male from before as he cameback over. She didn't have time to play tonight it seemed with this woman around.

"Alright, lets cut to the chase shall we? Evidently, you've been looking for me, so, now that you've found me, what do you want. And do remember, if I don't like the answer, chances are, well, I'll leave that up to your imagination to decide." Replying sweetly, yet, her eyes held a glint that spoke of danger if this woman tried anything.
"You seem nervous, I am not shure how to say this, but i'm looking for a crew. Ive got a job, and you came highly recomended." The words nearly purred off her lips, taking a sip of the blue concaution she grimasced a little. "What do you call this drink any way?" Millia shifted a little closer a feient smile crossing her lips as she waited for the barrage of questions that would follow. "Is there a quiet place in here we can talk?" Millia agian prompted the other neko, her ears twitched and fluttered a bit watching the crowd more than Remi.
Remi saw the woman grimace as she sipped at the drink, and couldn't help but snort a laugh. Lightweight She thought to herself with a small smirk. For a brief moment, Remi silently considered the woman's words.

"Alright, I'll give you a chance, there are some rooms upstairs quiet and private usually used for...other activities, but I'm sure they won't mind if we go up there to talk."

The woman replied pointing to a flight of stairs and a series of doors. "Comeon."
Millia followed the woman upstairs for a brief moment the hair on the back of her neck felt as if it were standing on end. She shruged off the bad feeling and continued on into one of the more secluded areas of the club. Millia finaly realised what was bothering her, such proximity to another neko had her adgitated instinctively her mental blocks came up keeping herself from broadcasting her thoughts.

Waiting untill she was satisfied no one was watching the two directly Millia spoke agian taking another idle sip of her drink. "Ive got a local friend here that keeps a little record of folk who are in our line of work." Millia spoke planely, her body language becoming very animated as she talks. "But I digress, I have a line on a ship comming in from the outer regions that is eing refit at the local spaceport. I need help aquireing said vessel and a crew to fly her." Millia quirked a brow waiting for Remi's responce. "I am shure you dont like being on this rock any more than I..."
Remi meanwhile had found a room, after interupting several couples. As Millia continued speaking she merely listened. Finally finding an empty room, Remi took up a seat on a plushy couch and crossed her legs.

The neko sighed softly, and propped her chin up with a slim hand. Her eyes silently observing Millia.

"A ship and crew...well, I can see why you've come to me."

Remi tilted her head to the side slightly.

"Tell me more." The woman purred a finger tapping her cheek idly.
Millia's ears twitched agian senceing some hope in this girl yet. Sliding into a seat oposite Remi she took a more serious tone for a moment. She smirked to herself before proding the question foreward.

"This is the deal, after we get the ship we head out to the badlands, the trade routes, everyone on the crew gets an equal share of anything taken. I for one am tired of this acursed rock any way, too much attention here. Before this goes any further are you in?"

Millia waited for a relply watching Remi 's reaction to her proposal.
The neko seemed to be silently concidering the others words. Remi rapped a hand on a wall to the side of her, a small section popping out of place. Inside were three bottles, one with a clear liquid, another with amber, and the third green. The woman poured herself a glass of the clear liquid, which was basically just water.

By this time, she still hadn't said anything.

"The badlands and trade routes, ambitous aren't you?" Remi murmured as she drank. This woman was either, a fool, smart, cocky, new, or a combination of the four.

"Alright, I'm in I guess, but your forgetting the inbetweens, if we get the ship, if we get a crew, and if we survive to get out of here in one piece."

The neko held the glass in her hand a finger trailing around the rim.
Millia nods slightly leaning back in her seat for a moment raising a brow to Remi's comment. "If we survive?.. well that's a bit pessimistic comming from you. How long did you serve? Well let me put it this way, do you still have their mark?" She pries with her question as remi fingers her glass.

"The two of us togeather probly know the YSS protocalls around here, I am not worried too much about what happens after were off the ground." Millia spoke with confidence her every demenor seemed excited about the prospect if stealing a starship.

"I have intel on a escort, it's privately owned from some dirt hole security firm out by Darso." She paused to sip at her drink checking the room at a glance. "It's undergoing refit here on Yamatai for a few weeks and the crew is off taking shore leave as it were."
Remi's eyes turned hard at Millia's words. She sighed and composed herself.

"You would be asking yourself those questions to if you faced down about six million Mishhuvurthyar ships and probably triple their numbers in power armors."

Her words remained eeriely calm despite the situation. "I was in the Battle of Nepleslia, and was a power armor pilot. My squad was destroyed leaving me alone facing a hoarde of SMX attack pods. My Mindy Armor was heavily damaged, but I was saved by a Star Army gunship, they managed to destroy the pods.

The AIES system induced stasis to keep me alive, however, communications were down, and even the homing beacon, I drifted for over a year without rescue. Finally a Nepleslian pirate ship picked me up. And here I am today. So the next time you say that I'm being pessimistic after facing those odds, and coming out alive and surviving all this time, remember what I told you."

She got up and turned her back on Millia lifting her shirt enough to show the genetic tattoo still mostly covered on her right shoulderblade.

"I still bear their mark yes, but I bear it to remember the friends I lost in that battle and to be a constant reminder that even given the odds of what I was put through, I survived."

Remi pulled her shirt back down, and sat again. "Alright, then that gives us a little bit of time to find a crew."

She'd already shifted from the previous subject to this one.
"The name is Millia by the way, Millia Rai." She spoke softly finaly introducing herself properly.

The emrald haired neko gal shruged off her sleave showing the dark black ink covering her mark then sat back agian. "Mine faded a ling time ago." Millia thought it best to move onto business, the tone of Remi's story diddent strike her well at all. Noticing her empty glass she looked up at the bottles the other neko had picked out.

"The team needs to be small, If you know anyone local make shure you can trust them."
"Remi Miyoshi, and the answer is no, I don't know anyone locally."

She merely shrugged and waved a hand at the bottles behind her, noticing the woman eyeing them. "Help yourself." Saying finally as she satback on the couch. She drained the remains of her glass, and held it in her hand. "So, now that you have me, what else are you looking for?"
Millia reaches across grabbing one of he bottles at random to refill her glass as she speaks. "Well what we need is a someone who knows the engineering section and good computer expert. The rest is just muscle really."
"Neither fall within my range of expertise."

Remi relented proping her chin up with a hand once again. "An engineer and a computer expert." She pondered aloud trying to think of anyone inparticular. Grimacing she shook her head.

"No one comes to mind."
Millia drained her glass in a single draught, she always prefered it streight, mixed drinks always left a bad taste to her. she nodded at Remi's reply sliding a slip of paper across the table with her contact info.

"Ive got a friend here that might be able to locate some people.. keep in touch ok?" she said with a little smile before standing to leave.
Remi took the paper and placed it into a pocket.

"Yeah, sure." She sighed as she leaned back, watching the other neko leave. Millia had given her a fair ammount to think on it seemed. With Millia gone, Remi just stared up at the ceiling. She heard the click of the doorknob being turned, and saw a couple peering inside. The neko casually arched an eyebrow as they entered, maybe tonight would be fun after all.
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