Star Army

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RP: YSS Destiny The Launch

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Inactive Member
In the captain's office, the holographic clock's hand's hit the 15 minute mark.

Arild opened another ship-wide message

"The ship is about to depart. It's unlikely you will feel anything, but in case of malfunction, brace yourselves. We will arrive at Nepleslia in a few hours. Captain out."

He opened another message, this one targeted at the engineers.

"Prepare for CCD transport, I'm sending you the destination now. Good luck people, I'm confident you will be able to take care of anything that goes wrong. Not that it will."

Opening a can of soft drink he found in his desk, he opened up a third and final transmission to the few ships that had not boarded the Destiny.

"Times up. We're leaving now, catch us up if you can. If not we might come back."
Taeli looked up from the holopad she was reading, lounging across the arms of one of the small, squishy seats in zephyr house's dormitory. "Hmm... sounds like it's time to work guys." she said, soft voice carrying across the quiet chatter of the others. "Everyone know their assigned locations? If not, check up there", she pointed at the large holoposter on the back wall, "and double time it!" So saying, she skillfully backflipped off the chair and walked to her locker, dragging out her work overalls and slipping the heavy material over her casual clothes. "Come on, you have under fifteen minutes to get where you're supposed to be!" she yelled, grabbing her tool belt and jogging out the doorway.

Puffing and red in the face, Karin and Sem reached their posts and sagged against the wall. "Woah... that was... a long run..." huffed Sem, checking her tool belt to make sure she hadn't dropped anything. "Think... anything will go wrong...?"
"Of course... not! It's a good... ship!" grinned Karin, also checking her belt. "This should be... fine..."
On the captian's desk another holographic screen flicked into existance, and Koji's visage appeared, the docking bay in the background. He was frowning slightly, but he was composed and serious.

"Sir! We do not have a full crew compliment; If we have any problems I don't know if engineering can handle them. Shouldn't we wait for the full crew before taking off?"
"What full crew? Everyone of importance is here, whether they're at their posts are not is insignificant. There are not going to be any major problems, and if there are, are engineers are extremely good at their job. And are you questioning my orders?" Arild was begining to get a little anoyed at Koji's attempt to keep a tab on the entire ship, that was his job.
Taeli felt the ship shudder beneath her feet, vast engines beginning to move them into open space. "This is where it could all go wrong guys" she said into her radio headset, "Stay sharp!".

"Sem, Roger."
"Karin, Roger."
"Tarly, Roger... but missing one crewman. She won't answer any pings."
"Confirm. Who's she closest to and what's her ping channel and name?"
"Uuhm... closest to you Tae, frequency two-delta-niner, named Yemi"
"Okay. I'll go check up."

Taeli frowned. A problem this early was not good. "Radio set two-dee-nine" she muttered, then "Yemi, do you copy? This is Taeli. Respond."

no answer.

"Radio set one-ay-one. Tarly, confirmed on that missing crewman. Hopefully equipment failure. I'm on my way." she said breathily, breaking into a run down the corridor. "Radio locate Yemi Marr."

A red dot appeared on her eyepiece. Four blocks down and to the right.

"Gotcha!" grinned Taeli. Bursting around the corner she yelled "What are you do- ... oh DAMN. Radio set priority one channel one-zee-one. Any medical officers in the area of uh... corridor theta-gamma-fourty three? Casualty."

She knelt next to the prone yamataian murmuring "Yemi...? Can you hear me..?" and gently rolling her onto her back.

"Medical, NOW! Serious injury here!" she yelled. There was a chunk of hull metal on the floor covered in sticky red blood and a huge gash across Yemi's face. A wall panel had, apparently, exploded and the unfortunate engineer had been posted right next to it.
"No Sir, Merely warning you that--" but the video screen flickered and Koji's form tottered for a moment or so. Sparks could be seen in the background as the Sub-Lieutenant turned, but he apparently said nothing and merely watched.

Though the transmission was occasionally interrupted by static, it could plainly be seen that when Koji turned back to the communication screen he was looking at multiple readouts. After a few moments of this, he finally spoke. His voice transmitted the urgency of the situation, and he wore an aggressive, determined look.

"Sir, The sectors near the engines have sustained damage, and I have a report that there are injuries all over the ship, with possible casualties. I am sending out medical teams immediately. When you get a report from engineering, I would like to see a copy to ascess the damage and relocate the manpower to compensate."

With that, the holographic screen winked out of existance and immediately orders began poaring out to the medical personnel to both aid the reported cases and look for new ones as was nessesary. The co-ordinates were freely given for those injured, and they totaled about a hundred or so, but that didn't count the cases not reported...
Taeli swore and jumped up as the damaged wall panel started to belch smoke. "Sem. pinpoint on me and double time to my location." she muttered, dropping a TSP and sighing as the smoke and sparks were held back, at least for the moment.

Sem rushed up, red in the face. "How...?" she asked, shocked by the sight of her bleeding comrade on the floor. Taeli wasn't listening. "-on't care! Get the engines off now! we have minor internal problems, but they could easily get scaled up if this continues!" she paused, "Sem, can you do something with that wall panel? No sir, not you. Yes sir. No! Just get them offline!"
She pulled off her headset as a medical team, three enlisted SA, came along the corridor from the other end. "Aight girls. This the injured one?" the leader gestured at Yemi. "No. She only has a potentially fatal wound to the head"" yelled Taeli, muttering "Idiots..." under her breath.

Sem was making headway with the wall. She had disabled the TSP and set up a small GAP, allowing her to work but still preventing smoke from moving out into the corridor. She slapped a small patch over some fizzing electronics and ignited it with her multi-tool's welder. It burned white hot for a moment and the circuitry was no more. "Aight. All done... just need replacements for what burned out." she said. "Doesn't look like the engines caused it though. maybe a power fluctuation when they were turned on?"

"Probably..." said Taeli absently, watching the inept medical team fuss over the fallen engineer, then said more loudly, impatience creeping into her tone, "Just take her to the med bays you idiots."
"Uh... yes ma'am" said the one she supposed to be the leader of the group as they carefully lifted Yemi onto a stretcher before hurrying off the way they had come. "Radio set... Radio locate channel Kojiro Kagawa. Radio set three-dee-ay-two." She paused for a moment, then said "Commander Kojiro? This is the head of one of the engineerin groups, Taeli Marr. Could you alert the crew that power fluctuations should end very soon, and the engineers will be around to clean up. Sorry about the mess."
Koji's voice crackled over the intercom.

"Can do," the voice said easily. Not much later, a shipwide message informed the crew of the very same - that the power was fluctuating currently but would end soon.
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